The Supernatural Case of Paige Roark

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Avery discusses the incredible supernatural case of Paige Roark


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Hello, I’ve had several visits. The first was my maternal Grandma who had passed away a few days before. She opened my bedroom door and she was illuminated by a bright glowing light. She smiled at me and told me she was doing well now.. She looked so radiant and happy! The second was my Mom in a dream, she was sitting in a beautiful field surrounded by bright beautiful wild flowers with a big smile on her face. She didn’t say anything but, seeing her looking so happy brought me so much comfort and peace. The last was a month ago, I was watching TV and both of my dogs were in the next room which was the kitchen which I had a direct view to. My little dog started growling so, I looked over and saw my cat who w-sassed away a few years ago walk across the kitchen to the corner of the room. I no longer have a cat. I got up and ran to the room. Both dogs ran over, looking for it and sniffing around with very confused looks on their faces but, she had vanished. She was a loving, beautiful cat who just wanted me to know she is okay too. All the visits brought me so much peace.


My grandmother visited my mom the night she passed. My mom said it was vivid and absolutely her moms spirit😢


My grandpa passed away after battling cancer for many years. About a week after he passed, I had my one and only “waking dream”: I was at my grandparents house 3, 000 miles away. He was in his infamous lay-z-boy chair but he looked healthy and happy. I sobbed and ran to hug him. He embraced me and said he was okay and loved me. Only this wasn’t a dream: I could feel his skin, I could smell him and felt his big warm bear like hug. I never experienced anything like it. The next morning I woke up with tears in my eyes. My husband then fiancé rolled over to hug me then said “weird you don’t smell like yourself”. I know my grandpa was there and hugged me, it was crazy and comforting all at once! Even my non believer husband had to admit it was “weird”. I’m lucky to be a part of the 50% that has gotten a visit. Great video thanks Avery ❤


I saw my dear sweet fun mother-in-law years after she passed. She walked into a family reunion with my sister in law and her husband! She looked wonderful, joyous and so happy to be there. She vanished shortly afterwards, but I know what I saw.💖💖


Avery? Where have you been? I miss your stories!


When I was an OTR truck driver, I had many times that my mother, and my mother in law, would pop in and ride with me for a while. They were very comforting, and it was nice to have them visit!


Have you ever experienced a visit from a loved one? I think it's AMAZING!


Hi there. I love this video you posted about Paige. I'm a huge fan of the original Unsolved Mysteries Show with Host Robert Stack in it. I really do believe that it was Paige Roark visiting her Mom and Grandma from God's Heaven 🙏. It's definitely real. I have something I need to share with you. 11 years ago I got very sad and heartbroken 💔 1 night after hearing the sad news about my cousin Andrea that she got diagnosed with a very bad sickness and I almost broke down but thankfully I fell asleep in my bedroom to sleep the sadness off. I ended up having a very nice dream about my cousin Andrea. I dreamed that I saw her in her parents kitchen and we went up and hugged each other and she knew I was very sad and she was like Corey don't be sad I'm going to pray 🙏 for you. I felt a lot better. She's alive and but is having more bad health issues and more strong 💪🙏 🙏 are needed for her. I'm very thankful to have her with us. I believe that she will get by all of this mess. I definitely believe that God sends very nice dreams to us all.


The light is exactly as described. It was my grandma the day after. As a man of science, I would normally say it was a hallucination, BUT my dog was growling at the orange light. So there was definitely something there.


The day my step mom died and my father and I where in the hospital with her when she died within hours of getting home from that sad day i got a call from my step mom’s number and i have a iPhone so I can read the voicemail it said “this isn’t always goodbye” i cried at that


I don't think it's Hallucinations, I know it happens as a vision when they sleep, but to see her while they awake, she must be special to god of course.


I believe... and yes, my GMA visited me.


I've never had an experience like that, however i do believe they happen .
