Tabletop Time Is Going Bankrupt - My Thoughts

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Tabletop time have come out to talk about their financial issues. So lets see what happened.

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DISCLAIMER : Majorkill PTY LTD is in no way associated or affiliated with Games workshop. The Warhammer IP and it's respective trademarks are the property of GW.

Artwork in this video is used for commentary and educational purposes. Artwork belongs to GW and other respective owners.
If you see artwork you have created in this video and would like to be credited, message me on discord at MajorKill9058 with a screenshot and credit link.
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Hey Majorkill,
First up thankyou for shouting out the Patreon and the channel. Rest assured we are making a dramatic shift in strategy, we are cutting costs, and we are doing what we can to survive. We've made plenty of mistakes, but we are always trying to learn from them.
There were a few assumptions in the video that weren't correct, such as the idea that the channel had 5 full time employees (it did not) - we would have happily cleared up those details if you'd asked.
We have products in development, but physical miniatures is an interesting avenue we haven't explored. We definitely should!
We do have a rather inconsistent channel facing right now, and this is due to our attempts to find some different avenues of content, such as talking, or reaction, but going forward we will be less scattershot in our approach.
There is no doubt or question that Tabletop Time was built on optimism and enthusiasm, and while they may not be the most solid foundations for a wildly successful business, we would hope we live in a world where being optimistic or aspirational is not seen as laughable, even if it is perhaps a little naive.
Its clear from the outpouring of love we have received that our videos have impacted many, and shared the love of what we do with many more - And we only hope to continue doing so in the future - It is not hopeless, the goals are not as far away as it feels in this video - The communities support has already gotten us a giant leap towards where we need to be, and from here we can hopefully survive long enough to solidify those other aspects of the business you discuss, products, other avenues of reach, shorts etc.

EDIT - We've tried to reply to your reply multiple times, don't know what is going on - So we just wanted to add it in here -
Absolutely fair - We got lost reading the comments and conflated multiple points people were saying with what you said, and it isnt accurate (and what was said in the comments was not the same as what you said, so we got mixed up there) - No need to discuss it further, we appreciate the spotlight and thats it - Thanks!


I can't stress enough how you guys should NEVER tie your success to the success of game and social media companies. YouTube can Thanos snap your career away at ANY TIME THEY WANT. So can Games Workshop. Try to cut away as many "middle men" as you possibly can.


"If your business only works when the sun is shining, then you're one storm away from getting turbo fucked." should be the first line on every bank loan application.


It's a channel that has never been recommended to me by YouTube.


"Where was Tabletop Time when the Westfold fell?" - King Theoden probably


One thing about Miniwargaming is that they also have a physical location where you can meet the team and play with them. Not only that, they all have branching channels that feeds into the main one. That and more engagement with the community with narrative wargaming, giveaways and other things and it's little wonder why miniwargaming is so successful. I remember when they first started and the guy to beat was Jawaballs. Also, never rely on youtube for revenue, always have several other things going on.


People don’t understand its hard to get a business going and having staying power especially with youtube being so unpredictable. One month the algo is good to you and others its like a barren desert.


Honestly didn't read it fully and I thought warhammer as the tabletop game itself was going bankrupt then I realised Primaris Intercessors are £40 😅


This is honestly one the real reasons I like your channel. You're a business mixed with a hobby and you're very up front about how things are. You take the time to help us understand your pov and the ins/outs of what you deal with instead of just arbitrarily blaming stuff.


This is genuinely a great video. Very strong "Listen mate, you know I love you, but you need to sort your life out" vibes


I do not think the algorithm is down for Warhammer content. I think the market is MASSIVELY over saturated. So many Warhammer YT channels all doing the same content over and over. I have un subbed to several and often just skip a video because I have already seen that and learned this and heard about the thing 3 or 4 times already. I mean my god how many videos about a Primarch or Vraks or the fall of Cadia does a person need? can watch?


I feel like a smaller channel like them would be crazy not to try to collab with Major Minis on a limited run of models, given that you are local and have systems for production and fulfilment. It would also be a way for you to potentially offset some of your own production costs.


Thanks for the shoutout! ;)

I do agree though, running a YouTube business is tough, and you 110% need several alternative revenue sources. It has been an interesting ride these last 17 years, with many ups and downs.

I hope TTT figures it out, as it's always hard to see other content creators go.



Warhammer and SCP channels went downhill after the pandemic.


Asking Majorkill to do a Battle / Fall of Cadia video the same way he did for Vraks. Would be amazing !


Majorkill is stealing all their subscribers with his sexy calendars and hot art!


Luetin is just a buddhist monk who sometimes throws down his scrolls for us worms


Sometimes I forget my favourite lore channel also has a successful business and a successful YouTube channel, best way to do it really.


A YouTube channel and a YouTube business are completely different beasts. Overall the average YouTube channel has minimal outgoings when it comes to costs. Sure you’ll have to purchase quality of life items such as a good camera, mic, maybe even a couple of editing programs and a room set up, but just like Warhammer minis you only theoretically need to purchase them once in every 4-5 years and then your costs will go down. it can be as low risk as possible and just time and effort editing and can always remain as a passion project if anything else.

A YouTube business is like being a modern day farmer it isn’t enough anymore to just be what you are. Farmers have to diversify. They have to open a shop, sell to shops and sell every single resources they can just to stay afloat to do it again the next year except with inflation on top. So do YouTubers in some respect. This is why every other YouTuber turning YouTube business sells a shirt, has a Patreon, Onlyfans, a side hustle and always have to ramp up to the next merchandise in order to gain growth or at least maintain. This is why we had a week of Raven Ravens and Corvus love from Majorkill.

It’s like when a Warhammer gamer wants to open up a shop so all they can do is play tabletop all day. What are your margins? Loss leaders? Logistics costs? Marketing costs? You have to put business before passion when you want to make money.
I’ve spoken to my local shop the other day and he said that “Warhammer makes little to no money and each model sold makes him 50p.” The only thing keeping him afloat is Pokemon and Magic the Gathering. The point is when he advertises to the local discord it’s mostly Pokemon and card games, as he should to make money. Many in the local WH community don’t like it but he has to put all of his eggs in TCG because he has to make money so them whiny neckbeards can go in the shop corner and still have a place to complain.


TTT is an example of why YouTubers need to be busy savvy at the very least, merch isn’t just something that YouTubers just kinda have extra, it’s a business model, lives, shorts, merch, it’s all part of what content creators have to do, your not on easy street doing YouTube, it’s why I’d never do it unless I had someone like Majorkill there to give his experienced two cents. It’s important they hear this
