Who is Israel today? — Identity Crisis | Replacement Theology — Jim Staley

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While Israel is at war, we need to know who Israel actually is. Did Yeshua (Jesus) come to start a new religion? Did God replace His chosen people, Israel, with a new group called “The Church?” What did the Messiah mean when He said that He only came for the “lost sheep of the House of Israel”? Pastor Jim Staley addresses these questions and more in this insightful and in-depth teaching on our identity in Christ.
During the reign of Solomon, the Kingdom of Israel was split in two: the Northern Kingdom, represented by Ephraim, and the Southern Kingdom, represented by Judah. Both Kingdoms were exiled into the nations and only one maintained its identity and returned to the land. All throughout scripture prophecy foretells of Ephraim — the prodigal son — returning home at the end of time. When the Messiah returns He will unite the two branches in His hand and they shall become one in the land. Discover how this amazing prophecy relates to you more than you may know in this powerful message from Passion for Truth Ministries!
Published Feb 5, 2015

00:00:00 - A Defining Moment in Faith
00:11:04 - The Identity Theft of God's people
00:21:22 - The Blessings of the Jewish People
00:32:09 - The Origin of the Word "Jew"
00:43:00 - The Split of the Kingdom
01:02:40 - The Scattering of the Sheep
01:04:47 - The Scattered Tribes and the Northern Kingdom
01:15:57 - The Inclusion of the Gentiles
01:26:29 - The Mystery of the Sons of the Living God
01:37:09 - The Knowledge of God's Law
01:48:01 - Understanding the One New Man
01:58:53 - The Prophecy of Caiaphas and the Love Story of Israel
02:09:51 - The Lamb's Sacrifice and the Bride
02:20:56 - The Inclusion of Gentiles in Israel
02:31:47 - Contradictions in the Commandments and Paul's Teachings
02:42:24 - Reuniting the Two Kingdoms
02:53:44 - A Prayer for God's People

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Рекомендации по теме

Jim Staley explores how the split of ancient Israel into two kingdoms and the subsequent loss of the ten tribes impacts modern Christian identity, emphasizing the prophetic significance and the unification brought by Jesus.

- The split of the kingdom of Israel into two}
- The captivity of the northern kingdom of Israel}
- The prophecy of the lost tribes being found among the gentiles}
- The mystery of the lost tribes being revealed in the last days}

- Emphasis on the necessity of believing in Yeshua for salvation}
- Confusion arising from the relationship between Abrahamic promises and salvation}
- Illustration of inheritance based on lineage and promises passed down}
- Distinction between the house of Judah and the house of Israel in tracing lineage to Abraham}

- All 12 tribes governed under one king initially}
- The split of the tribes into ten in the north and two in the south}
- Reason for the division: idolatry and worship of foreign gods}
- The division of the tribes into the House of Israel and the House of Joseph}

- Discussion on the historical event of the return of the ten tribes}
- Debate among Jewish people regarding the identity of Israel}
- Recognition of two houses of Israel by scholars}
- Orthodox prayers for the return of the ten tribes}
- Rabbi Akiva's view on the ten tribes not returning}

- Paul's divine selection on his way to Damascus}
- God's choice of Paul for a unique purpose}
- Paul's commission to prove theological points to Jews and Israelite gentiles}
- Paul's significance in the context of biblical prophecy}
- The transformation of the House of Israel into the Sons of the Living God}

- Gentiles brought near to Israel through Christ's blood}
- Destruction of the wall of separation between Jew and Gentile}
- Abolishment of the hatred and enmity between the two kingdoms}
- Reconciliation of both kingdoms to God through the cross}
- Promised peace and dominion from sea to sea with no more fighting}

- Paul reaching out to the scattered ones in Galatia and Ephesus}
- Inviting the northern house of Israel and Gentiles to reclaim their identity}
- The significance of Jesus breaking the curse for all to come back}
- The symbolism of the marriage supper of the Lamb and the new covenant with Israel}
- The promise of gathering scattered Israel back together as a shepherd does his flock}

- Living according to the flesh versus living by the spirit}
- Carnally minded leads to death, spiritually minded leads to life and peace}
- Being spiritually minded is following the law of God}


7 years ago I found this video. It changed my life❤. I finally found it again and will use it to share with others in prayer that they too will see the TRUTH! All praise and esteem to Abba Yahu’ah ❤❤❤


I'm so glad this video is still available. It has been such a blessing to myself, my family, and every friend I've been able to convince to watch it!


Best teaching I’ve ever heard concerning Israel and Judah. Learned so much from this! Thank you P Jim Staley! God bless you!


Praise Yeshua! Praise His Holy name! I have been praying for God to bring me true men of God that can teach me because I know of no one around me to learn from and God sent me to you, Pastor Jim, among a few others. This is not my first video of yours but each one has brought me closer to God and each one has blessed me. May God bless you and your family and may He continually use you to bring more of God's children back to Him or to Him for the first time! This message has answered so many of my questions and God is answering me daily with new messages like this one that isn't new at all. They are revelations to me and so many others like me who are seeking Yeshua. Seeking the One True Living God! God Bless YOU!!!


I'm amazed at how this has changed my reading of the Bible!


Wow! I saw the original years ago. This one is amazing as well! Thank you!


I’m sorry but just because you are successful does not mean you are blessed by Yahuah, you only receive the blessings if you are in covenant keeping his commandments, that includes Israel. Or else why did he remove the northern tribes from the land when they were led astray. I’m sorry but secular Jews that do not know Yahuah nor Yahusha do not receive any blessing at all. That is clear from the beginning of the book.


Ezekiel‬ ‭39:29‬ ‭ESV‬‬
[29] And I will not hide my face anymore from them, when I pour out my Spirit upon the house of Israel, declares the Lord God.”


John 10:16
I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to My voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.


I have Grown tremendously Thank You PFT


amen, i am glad that this message changed my life


The Mayflower Pilgrims fled England to pursue the “Pure worship of The Lord” unpolluted by the “idolatry” of the Catholic and Anglican Church. They were equally disappointed by Luther’s religion when they arrived in Holland. They referred to their voyage as their “crossing over” as the Israelite through the Red Sea and were determined to build a New Jerusalem. It has long been speculated that they were some of the remnants of Manasseh.


You are such an awesome Pastor. I rewind/pause and look up everything you say. I scrutinize your sermons. I'm so glad I was led to you. I've learned more from you in the last two weeks than I have in my church for the last 10 years. They are so lost. The blind leading the blind.


Praise God for your post. Cannot stop listening to it. 2024


I have listened to a number of ministries' teachings on identity, but none has come anywhere near the depth and clarity of this one. We have been so deceived. I praise Yah every day that He is waking us up and showing us the Truth of His Word, and leading us out of darkness and into His marvelous light.


Mind blown, this teaching was a blessing, Thank You Jim!


8 years ago this message changed my life forever and I thank God everyday for having eyes and heart opened


Hello. I agree with the main message of the lecture, however, there is one point with which I certainly cannot agree. There are physical blessings flowing through the Jewish people, but not everything as you mentioned in the movie. I hope you find these questions rhetorical for you, Jim. Is it a blessing to come up with contraception? Is Hollywood, which mainly promotes an immoral life, a blessing? Is Copperfield, who promotes the occult, a blessing to the nations? Are many of the Jewish actors you mentioned a blessing or a curse?
I salute you, friend


The greatest message that has ever been told, and no one has yet to deliver it better than Jim Staley does here. It is this exact video that I send to Christians first, when I find someone who is open to truth.
