Tegas Perintah Presiden Jokowi Ke LBP

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Perintah Presiden Jokowi Kepada LBP dan Juga mentri perhubungan sepertinya tidak mungkin diabaikan. Terkait Kereta Cepat yang tidak lama lagi akan segera di resmikan Pak Jokowi memberikan perintah dan arahan kepada LBP dan Mentri Perhubungan.
Apa sih perintahnya, yuk kita bahas sambil ngopi santai.
#kcic #jokowi #luhutbinsarpandjaitan #ridwankamil #keretacepat #keretacepatgratis
President Jokowi's order to LBP and also the Minister of Transportation seems impossible to ignore. Regarding the Fast Train, which will soon be inaugurated, Mr. Jokowi gave orders and directions to LBP and the Minister of Transportation.
What's the order, let's discuss it over a relaxed coffee.
#kcic #jokowi #luhutbinsarpandjaitan #ridwankamil #keretacepat #keretacepatgratis
Apa sih perintahnya, yuk kita bahas sambil ngopi santai.
#kcic #jokowi #luhutbinsarpandjaitan #ridwankamil #keretacepat #keretacepatgratis
President Jokowi's order to LBP and also the Minister of Transportation seems impossible to ignore. Regarding the Fast Train, which will soon be inaugurated, Mr. Jokowi gave orders and directions to LBP and the Minister of Transportation.
What's the order, let's discuss it over a relaxed coffee.
#kcic #jokowi #luhutbinsarpandjaitan #ridwankamil #keretacepat #keretacepatgratis