eating disorder recovery | closet clean out! + how to process weight gain

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Thought I'd take you along on this challenging, but refreshing journey. You guys are the best! All of your support and love never goes unnoticed 🥰 Let me know in the comments if you made it to the end of the vlog by commenting: 💃🏻 Give this video a thumbs up if you want to see more vlogs like this!

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I have a policy of getting rid of any clothes that make me feel shame, no matter if they technically fit or how much I paid for them. You did amazing!


I just feel like we are witnessing PURE COURAGE.


This was great. Even though I’m a guy, my eating disorder is valid and these feelings are real. Thank you for sharing your experience. You’re incredibly strong.


when you reached your first problem piece, your out-loud mental process really resonated with me. thats how my brain works too. spiraling and making excuses and “maybes” etc. you so much for sharing this, it is so personal and so hard.


What started with me watching you for some pretty epic singing videos has become me being so freaking proud to watch you on your journey. You look incredible. Thank you for sharing your story, and giving hope and advice to all those who are going through similar struggles.


I also struggled with an eating disorder for many years and I wanted to say: I AM PROUD OF <3


I was anorexic through high school and so I didn't really need to do a closet clean out because most of my clothes that didn't fit were kiddie clothes anyways -- but this was my experience in rebuilding my closet --
After weight redistribution, I felt a lot better and a lot more settled. And I have fluctuated some, but I have never needed past clothes. Buying clothes with grace (elasticine qualities, that aren't super snug where I am uncomfortable with it) has been a recurring theme in my fav clothes. I do enjoy some more fitting stuff and some looser stuff - sometimes I've bought something that ended up being uncomfortable, and it gives me good feedback for what to look for next time. I personally need wide waistbands, and shorts need to be one size up than I "fit" in. (I do a lot of bending and squatting in my job, and that changes the fit! 😜)

Here are some things to look forward to in recovery that not many people talk about!:
- better immune system
- more open space in your mind
- positive dialogue with yourself that spills over to positive dialogue with others
- healthy hair
- encouraging others to have a healthy relationship with food when they mention something
- food rules no longer applying

Some of these took years, but I am always so glad when I realize that my mental battle broke through and I don't have that same worry I use to have. Be strong. 💪 We are rooting for your health! 💕

Edit: my dog chewed a hole in a pair of discontinued shorts, and I searched for them and found them on ThredUp (and bought them through Walmart Marketplace since I find ThredUp a bit awkward to use). If you search the style or the basics (I searched "Per Se Linen Shorts" and found them) you may be able to replace them. But yes! You'll find other stuff you love!! 💕


This is exactly what I needed. To anyone going through it a year later as well: we're in this together and we're stunning. Clothes were made to fit us nkt the other way around so if something doesn't fit get rid of that negativity. You're beautiful, you're loved, and you're perfect exactly how God made you🩷🩷


You look great Bailey. Thanks for sharing your journey and keeping it real. You've learned how to take care of yourself mentally. That shows tremendous growth. Great job!


It's good. It's healthy to declutter. It helps me mentally and emotionally. Now that I watch you clearing out stuff, I feel like I need to go into my closet and drawers and get rid of a lot of junk. It's best to start over and start fresh. I feel like I want to constantly renew and refresh and evolve. That is like the circle of life. But if I really like the item or it has sentimental value, then I keep it.


This is SO relatable and validating. Thank you for sharing your journey and process. It is super helpful as I am about to embark on a similar project!


I just discovered your channel yesterday and from someone who has (mentally still does) struggled with multiple eating disorders from a very early age, your vulnerability and honesty is incredible. Hearing someone say the same exact thoughts I have out loud is enough to make me feel less alone. I’m from the United States and like you was fortunate enough to receive inpatient care. In one of your videos you said the real work starts when you leave treatment. It’s so so true! Unfortunately that’s where I feel a lot of support systems fail the individual suffering with an eating disorder at least in my personal experience. People like you are so motivating even when showing your struggles. I love your videos talking about your eating disorder journey and hope one day to be able to talk about it as well as you do.
Your an incredibly strong, talented, and genuine person! I look forward to more videos!
💕 from California☺️


💃🏻 You're marvelous, Bailey. I have never had a strong connection to my body size, and I still can't bring myself to throw out clothes when they're a size or two too small; I can only imagine the sheer emotional processing that must have taken place between the cuts here. You're doing well, and you're becoming better all the time. So glad to be on this journey with you.


After all, we aren't meant to fit on clothes. Clothes are made to fit us.

Glad to know you're getting well. Sending love&support from the Philippines.


Thanks for another honest look at working through this. I know these videos are going to find people at just the right time in their life and you may never even know how much you have helped them.


I am so proud of you. Thank you for allowing us to be part of your journey!


You're strong! Great job going through this publicly and putting it out there to help other people!


This has been the hardest thing for me. Clothes fit one day and not the next. Recovery is so challenging:(


Somewhere in the Twentieth Century we went from the practical position of buying clothes to fit us to the culturally imposed position of us trying to fit the clothes. I just found your music today and your channel. You're clearly sensitive, intelligent and talented wear whatever you want and be you because "you" is quite wonderful.


going through this right now. i’m feeling so upset but this helps me feel like i’m not alone
