Responding to Trent Horn on Sola Scriptura | #diocesan #christianchurch #solascriptura #TrentHorn

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Roman Catholic Apologist Trent Horn tries to debunk Sola Scriptura by reinterpreting 2 Timothy 3:16 but fails to answer the question of authority and uses quotes from the Church Fathers that prove that Scripture Alone is the final authority for the Church.
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Way to cut the context and then fill in to make it seem like misdirection.
The whole video refutes this exact clip.


Sola Scriptura is a man-made doctrine from the 16th century.


Wait a sec, Trent actually refutes this in the video as a whole 🤷🏻‍♂️


You’re also avoiding the question he asks. What makes scripture an infallible rule of faith?


Before you can apply sola scriptura you need to know which books and how many of them belong to Scripture. The problem is Scripture itself is NOT self-defined. There is no single verse that tells us the number and names of books of Scripture - the so-called canon of Scripture must be defined by authority outside Scripture.


Where did the Bible come from? Who decided what books would make up Scripture?


To answer your question: the Catholic Church. And a simple proof of that is that the Church was the entity that collected and canonized the Scripture. If scripture is infallible (which Catholics also believe), it would have had be collected by an entity which is also at least sometimes infallible. Otherwise you're left with, at best, a fallible collection of infallible books.


The Holy Sprit which guided the Roman Catholic Church into all truth. So there is no division between scripture and Tradition. Both the same source being the Holy Spirit.


The Sacred Tradition does!

Jesus literally breathed on his Apostles his Holy Spirit and told them whoever *hears* you hears me.

It is illogical to think that what the Apostles passed down in writing is somehow superior to what they passed down orally.

That is just an anachronistic Protestant assumption.


You misunderstand the entire argument trent was making. He was refuting the premise that the phrase "god breathed" carries the weight protestants say it does


Sola Scriptura isn't even Biblical. The Bible is infallible but the Church is also infallible because said Church can decide what is and isn't Scripture and also because of the authority given to St Peter (Matthew 16:18)


Peter the rock and sole key holder, stood up and put an end to all the debating at the council of Jerusalem Regarding circumcision, since SCRIPTURE ALONE COULD NOT, as Peter authoritatively ruled that circumcision of the Flesh was no longer necessary, even though Holy Scripture said that it WAS, as the manifold wisdom of God is revealed through the CHURCH! The same Church authority that existed way before the new testament was ever written and that later determined the Canon!
Why then listen to fallible Protestant Pastors, when we have the infallible Holy Scriptures?🤔
Martin Luther and John Calvin disagreed with each other on what Jesus Christ meant by "this IS MY BODY ". Which Fallible Protestant Pastor do we listen to?🤔 Peace always in Jesus Christ our Great and Kind God and Savior, He whose Flesh is true food and Blood true drink


The church existed for almost 400 years before the Bible was compiled and guided souls to salvation. The Church would still exist and lead souls to salvation if every Bible disappeared. The Lord created a Church not singular book.


Sola scriptura fails to meet own test. As the Protestant pastor R.C. Sproul said, "what we have is a fallible list of infallible books." That's all a Protestant can really say that the Bible is. The Bible never gives a list or even hints at what books should be considered in the canon. It was the Catholic church that gave you the Bible in the first place. Bishops, priests and monks were the ones who were copying the scriptures and passing them down from generation to generation. Praise God for the deposit of faith which is found both in scripture and apostolic tradition.


Apostolic Authority as seen when the Pharisees taught from the Chair of Moses. This is the authority side of the scriptures that can make some things binding.


Sola Scriptura fails because it misinterprets scripture. Scripture was not intended to be the completion of the apostles’ ministry, but rather the revelation of God up until the 1st century A.D. If it was the completion of their ministry, they wouldn’t have needed to write the Didache or declare spoken tradition to be important as we learn in 2 Thessalonians 2:15. Everything would’ve been written down in the Bible, and they wouldn’t have needed these extra Biblical commands.


nice outfit, stole it from catholics?


Scripture & Tradition
John 21:25 - Not everything is in the Bible.
2 Thess 2:15, 2 Tim 2:2, 1Cor 11:2. 1Thess 2:13 - St. Paul speaks of ORAL TRADITION.


Sacred tradition is equal with sacred scripture, and what that church father said could just as easily refer to the teachings from the apostles handed down orally in addition to those handed down by writing (scripture)


The Church came before the Bible 🤣
What are you wearing? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
