Level Up Faster in theHunter Call of the Wild! | Tips & Tricks!

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Today we take a look at some ways to level up more quickly in theHunter Call of the Wild! From chasing bigger game to taking multiple animals in one herd, you can be much more efficient in reaching higher levels!




► Special thanks to:
RedneckJay - Hamish - Mark - Jesse - Malek - Round Tree Ranch - Jonathan - allstarrider - DasBiel - Killer Kane - Devil Gurr - Derrick - JaxyBeard - Jackson - Joe
who are supporting the channel on Patreon!



► PC Specs:
Dell Alienware Aurora
GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080ti 11GB
CPU: Intel i7 8700k


Рекомендации по теме

For those who are not aware, Humble Bundle has the complete Steam set for $20AU (probably about $15 US). That is the main game with 22 DLC's. Pretty good value I think. Next 10 or 11 days.


To anyone new to the game watching this, keep watching flinter, promise you he’s one of the best players and a top guy too


As someone who just started playing this, I wanted to say thank you for making current versions of the starter game hints. Your videos are informative as well as entertaining.


This games is awesome. I pitched a tent near a small lake and sat in a rain storm. Made a few duck calls and watched them land on the water and just watched them. So chill.


I was helping my Grandpa get a good start on his 2nd PS4 a few months ago, so I saw it as an opportunity to experience some nostalgia on Hirschfelden, I did just that and also in about 2-3 hours got around 30k money (around 40k before buying the Hyperion) and the Hyperion Scope, the whole 2-3 hours I stayed in Rathenfeldt and only used the .357 Hollow-Points, 12GA Buckshot and .243 with Soft-Points and the Ascent Scope. Also found a 9 Legendary Red Fox but didn’t shoot it, got the zone though, I will shoot it next time I go over to his summer-house or he brings the PS4 home with him for the winter! The surrounding area where you begin in Hirschfelden is fantastic for starting out! Also, no, I didn’t hunt Canada Goose.


For the beginner series you definitely need to go over need zones and actually tell people that they won’t find animals as often as it seems in the video. When I used to start this game I always got mad because I could never find any animals because I watched you tubers and they found them all over the place.


The river route on Layton is one of my favorite paths to hunt in the game. many chances at animals in a north south stretch.


I don't really need this series but I love all your videos. I'm also using soft point bullets for protection from wolf attacks now because it brings them down faster


Would be cool to see renewed map guides. I mean, that's probably not for the beginner, but rather for lower-intermediate level players, but when you explore the map, and you have tents&stands DLC, you want to spread resources effectively and have those limited amount of tents and stands put in good and right spots for making the hunting routine more effective. Personally I kinda explored the whole map already on Layton, but I still wouldn't mind a bit of guidance regarding effective ways of hunting for trophees in this area.


The best way to lvl up is to go to hirshfelden set up 3 geese spots you can go online to find the hot spots. Then farm geese as they are unaffected by hunting pressure. It can get a lil boring after awhile but I went from lvl 42 to lvl 54 in around 8hrs play time and lvls from lvl 40 on take quite awhile for new people. If you just farm geese from the start you can get to max lvl In prob less then 30hrs playtime. Idk if this will always stay this way but currently you can blast 4-8 geese per flock with a shotgun and .22 dlc. And you can get a flock to come in around every 2-5 mins and each goose is around 120-180xp so you can lvl up very quick doing this method. This is also a great way to get pistol shotgun and rifle score extremely quickly so you can access the good scopes and the good ammo ASAP. You can also make around 300k every 4hrs doing this too for getting ur tent setups going.


Just started playing this game. I’m terrible. Hoping these videos help me. I’ve been able to take down a bear, some black tails, and finally got my first coyote today. It’s a cool game but challenging!


Watched a few of his videos today (just getting back into playing) and the scope advice was a game changer. Shot 4 deer and 1 bear and the farthest I had to track was 40 yards. 3 dropped in their tracks.


If you could do a beginner series with the dlc's would be nice, i'm an actual big game hunter and the shots are pretty much on target for real life animals, i haven't played the game yet but i'm trying to find the time, your doing a good job with the instructions for non hunters to learn, keep up the good videos


Got a mela grey wolf last night plus a albino prong horn female....while listening to your videos as background noise feels like I'm playing with someone else


Things that are bugging me as a hunter are:
- Why is there no heart? Like that's THE vital organ you want to hit.
- You only want to shoot behind the shoulderblade if you got a PFP (partial fragmentaion projectile) and not a deformation projectile.
- If you'd shoot from this angle, then the bullet would go straight behind the diaphragma and hit the rumen ann/or digestive system, which you would never want to happen, because of contamination and ergo lost of venison, in some cases even the lost of the whole venison.

I just think for such a simulator (which I really enjoy playing) those are some critical points to include.


I can't be the only one that wants bait barrels and deer feeders we could make are own feed zones


One way I like to level up quick is ride my quad till I come across a herd of bison, then I jump off the quad and use the 10g with slugs. Can usually get between 3-7 each attempt.


Great! i've spend like 120 hours and still not max level haha..
I was wondering if you could make a video/guide on how to hunt effeciently in stands and blinds and such. I find it really hard to find some BIIG animals to shoot because m blindly roaming around the maps. Might just be me who don't know how to use them.


Honestly flinter is the guy that made me keep playing this game. Just got my first rare yesterday


adding to head-on shooting of deer/elk/moose. ive been able to drop them all in a single shot of the .270 polymer with a heart shot. about as easy/hard as the neck shot
