What is the difference between a Therapist and Life Coach?🤔

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As a mindset coach I also analyze their past to help the client understand why they’ve developed certain coping mechanisms and paradigms, in order to “reverse engineer” the beliefs.


She's wrong about therapists... so wrong. I say that as a therapist trained and educated on different models of practice.


It appears to me that you are overgeneralizing therapy as a field and lumping them all into the same mindset, which is ridiculous as many therapists are future oriented just as many are past oriented.

The major differences between coaches and therapists is that coaches have no real credentialing, oversight, or regulation. Anyone can call themselves a coach, with or without any certification. Therapists require at least a master's degree, supervised experience, and have to receive a license legally to practice. Additionally, therapists are able to diagnose and treat mental health disorders as well as regular everyday issues. A coach can't ethically (or legally) diagnose or treat mental health issues. Both can give someone a person to talk with about their problems, develop a professional (and ethical) relationship, grow as a person, and overcome challenges in their lives.

Ultimately it is up to the individual to decide what will work best for them, what they can afford, and the type of professional they are most comfortable with. The relationship you develop will be the most important factor. Though I advise being wary of coaches, due to their being no regulations in their training or "credentialing."


What about brief therapy, solution focused therapy, client centred counselling vs life coach?


She is completely wrong and misinformed about therapists. Therapists are not just there to analyze and diagnose. We look at the *whole* picture to better inform solution focused, present oriented treatment goals to help the client move forward in life.


#3 is not accurate
Therapists can and do focus on past, present, and/or future sometimes all in one session.


Basically she salty cause the life coach does the same thing just way cheaper


You’re right on the theory side but in my experience working with a life coach over 12 weeks I’d say we focused half the time on my past and half on my future, specifically in regards to how my past experiences are impacting my ability to function in the present and plan for the future. I’ve worked with 3 therapists over the past 2.5 years and without a doubt I accomplished more personal growth with my life coach within the first 6 sessions than I did with all 3 therapists combined, while at a fraction of the price. I don’t know why this is. Maybe I needed those experiences in therapy to allow for a personal breakthrough with life coaching. Or maybe there’s just something about the life coaching process that resonates more with me personally for whatever reason. Not sure. But I do think there is a place for both therapists AND life coaches as both offer unique strategies to overcome issues.


Love the video! I've just began offering services as a life coach to help pay my way through school while getting my LPC. As a person-centered coach, I've noticed that I do spend quite a lot of time listening about the clients past. Also, one of the first things I did was reach out to local therapists and counselors to establish a referring relationship with them for clients whose issues lie outside of my competencies and coaching scope. Keep these vids coming, please!


Yeah not seeing any difference between the two but nice try…. Wait no there is a difference one seems to be covered by insurance and the other doesn’t seem to be.


And a life coach is completely unregulated.

Therapy does not "just look at the past". I question the training u received to make that statement. From personal experience, therapy is very future-oriented.


You literally have the perfect face. It's so amazing to look at! You're beautiful thanks for the video. Amazing how much I learned in a short time. New subbie❤️


There is no perfect answer.
As a coach with 30 years experience, who now works closely with a highly experienced Therapist out of LA, I can say without hesitation that the differences vary based on the therapist and the coach.
Though not an exact comparison, think of the difference between going to your general physician, vs. them referring you to a specialist, such as a surgeon, OBGYN or a cardiovascular specialist.
The therapist IS a Licensed Medical Professional, whereas, high quality coaches are trained and certified, but they do not require a government regulated license. (There are a wide variety of both licenses and certifications)
The work absolutely overlaps in many instances, but if you are dealing with very intense traumas, addictions or mental health concerns, any good coach would direct you to a therapist to address that level of concern. If you are struggling facing basic daily challenges, not sure which direction to go next in life or can't seem to get momentum on a specific goal you want to achieve, a good coach is a great option.


Hi Dominque,

You answered my question! Wow I’ve been curious about this. Idk how it knew I need this answer. Do you suggest both to be done at the same time or one or the other? I ended up having a therapist help me out. I wanted life coach but my husband said no to it. He thinks life coaches scam.


I’m a therapist and been practicing over 17 years… everything you are saying is different between the two is actually not true… therapists can also be certified in certain methods… therapists also help you work through challenges to manage your day to day success and reach goals for tomorrow… therapists also do not just dwell in the past. Please stop the misinformation.


I don’t think the last one is quite accurate. Some therapies do focus on the past, but others explicitly don’t. Behavioral and cognitive behavioral therapies are very present focused.


Women life coaches and women therapists are hilarious. Horrible advice and useless.


There are also a lot of Coaches out there who struggle to really understand what their work stands for before naming themselves as a coach


Honestly not accurate information. Therapists don't always just focus on the past. Therapists collaborate with clients to address issues that impact clients in the present, and depending on the modality the therapist uses this could include some exploration of how past events or the way a person was raised impacts behavior, emotions and beliefs in the present moment. Therapists work with clients to come up with coping skills, emotional regulation skills, trauma processing, communication skills, and so much more. The difference is that therapists never provide advice; they facilitate a healing space where clients can be the experts in their own lives and experiences while reconnecting to their strengths and goals.


The difference? A helluva lot of school, supervised training, and licensure.
