Rare MINE PICKAXE Gorgeous Restoration ASMR

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Rare MINE PICKAXE Gorgeous Restoration Video ASMR
#amazingworkshop #restoration #rarepickaxe

This pickaxe was owned by my grandfather, who worked as a miner in a coal mine. I found it in an old barn, were it lay forgotten from the year 1963 until now. The pickaxe was handle-less and severely damaged by corrosion.

I started the gorgeous restoration process by brushing off as much of the upper corrosion layer as possible with a soft brass brush.
I then prepared a mixture of water and salt for the electrolysis process.
After this process was finished, I continued with gorgeous restoration by smoothing and sharpening of the pickaxe with a pile. The result was a very sharp pointy edge on one side and a sharp blade on the other edge of the tool.
The next step was heating of pickaxe to 800 °C and oil quenching, which gave the material a nice black color.

I made a new handle from acacia wood, which is more suitable for this purpose because of its hardness. I burnt the handle a bit for a nicer finishing touch and coated it with linseed oil.

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SPECIAL Restoration Accordion HOHNER MORINO IV M 1956s Emblem

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Time stamps:
0:00 Preview of the RARE MINE PICKAXE
0:57 Brushing off as much of the upper corrosion layer
2:50 Electrolysis process.
4:14 Machine removing of corrosion
4:50 Sharping the edges
5:43 Sketching and sharpening of details 😉
7:34 Oil quenching
8:13 Making of handle
10:24 Burnt the handle
10:56 Oiling of handle
11:50 Before Restoration
12:14 After Restoration / Project Finished
12:51 Bonus of video: TEST of restored Pickaxe

Thanks for watching my video, Rare Mine Pickaxe Gorgeous Restoration. ♥️

Music: From YouTube free audio library.
Best regards, Martin
Рекомендации по теме

Great job buddy, and beautiful result 👍


the wood looks like hornbeam. i use it for handles here in the US.


May I suggest next time use baking soda so you don't make chlorine gas. Deadly stuff.


У кирки обратный всад.В остальном всё хорошо.


are you from pakistan or india Rply Must


Sorry to break it to you guy but, pickaxes aren't rare. Good job though.
