REVIEW | Legend of Zelda Oracle of Seasons & Ages

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Sorry the ending annotations wouldn't fit! But these games are a must play in the Legend of Zelda series. They LINK up so well. ;D

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* SO EVERYONE KNOWS idk if im gonna do an e3 video. Its a bit late now and i dont have much to add to the conversation. Let me know if it still interest you. I'd really only he talking about Tales of Vesperia, KH3, a bit of Spyro. And how they run the event.

AS ALWAYS, thanks for your support!! Xoxo


Me: Red lipstick for seasons and blue seasons for ages...which do you choose?

Pelvic gaming: *YES!*


Couldnt like this fast enough
You seriously need more credit for your reviews


Probably my favorite Zelda games. I really wish a system akin to the ring system would come back because of how cool and varied it could be.


Why is this the *only* helpful comparison/review video on these games 😂 thank you for making this


I keep coming across your reviews, and they seem really underrated. You're good at this.


Really solid review! I really appreciate how you broke down the differences and their nuances.


You do such an amazing job with your reviews and you go so deep into detail. Your editing, quality etc. is on point. You have a lot of personality and your cheesy puns are entertaining. I don't know you but I got mad hearts for you. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


Good review. Just finished LA DX for the 10th time lol. Never played these. But now I'm going to play both. Just wanted to watch a good review beforehand. :)


You've achieved the "a creator I'm thrilled to see a video by" award when I'm curious about a topic.

Had me questioning if that was two shades of lipstick or a trick of the light.


Superb review as always :3
I actually forgot these games existed, even though I played Ages in the past *wink* *wink*
I'll definitely be picking these up real soon.
As for my favorite Zelda companion, I would have to go with Midna.
I love her attitude and story, and she even helps you fight at times or actively stands against the villain.
And Midna's Lament is one of my favorite Zelda soundtracks.


This is great. You noted a lot of things that I never noticed when I've played these games (I've played them through 3 or 4 times each, all linked). I love Zelda 1, but it was my first Zelda game, so that's probably why. I didn't beat Zelda 2 until I was an adult and it took me a month or so with a lot of grinding and a lot of trial and error (and math) strategizing just to make it to the final boss. Spirit Tracks caused a lot less rage. And I'm a Midna fan. Not a super cool answer, but always loved her.


The Oracle series are really too underappreciated in general. They are both fantastic games

The Goron dancing game can go and die in a fiery pit. I absolutely hated how spot on and frame perfect your timing had to be.

Midna would definitely be my favorite companion. I love her design, her attitude and character and the bond her and Link establish throughout the game


YES! Finally! So glad you did it! And your analysis is great! I played those games so many times and never understood why i couldn't get dimitri or the differences in style (combat or reflexion) of the two games. As for a companion, I really like dimitri, but liked the strong character of Taya.


Favorite companion? Wow, make me pick a favorite child why don't ya

I'm gonna go with Ezlo, though. Minish Cap remains one of my favorite traditional Zeldas, and Ezlo's banter and disposition were so endearing. Also his sound effects are still funny to me.


your really underrated! as a mixraced person, seeing someone else of colour and with the same hair type as me and seeming to love zelda (coincidence) is quite refreshing because you don’t normally see zelda fans that are of darker skin.


I just discovered this channel. Awesome review!! I'm subbed!


your lip colour idea is highly fitting for this video!
My favourite Zelda companion would have to be Midna. While she may be rude to link at first, she becomes kinder later and is intensely mysterious as she is a unique race to the Zelda series.


Listening to the skull dungeon soundtrack makes me realize how bummed out I was from the lack of music in BoTW. Capcom went all out in putting original music tracks for each dungeon. Not like Nintendo with there great overworld themes and singular, grating rather mundane track they layed over every temple in Link to the Past.

My favorite Zelda companion is hard to pick because there are so many great ones. Navi's "Listen!" and "Link!" still give me nostalgia. Midna was also great with a cheeky attitude and a story arc that paid off in the end. But my favorite would have to be The King of Red Lions. He was kind and gave Link advice on his quest, and finding out his true identity was a treat. Overall, his personal story was a sad one - a King who lost his kingdom, but he was a great friend in the end. Plus, he let you navigate the world. It's like if Epona could talk.


I think I’m at the appropriate age(40) and in the appropriate Season(Winter) to start these game on the 3DS for the first time.
