Julie’s SEVERE ME/CFS Full Recovery - What Saved Her

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Julie shares her recovery story from months of being bedbound to fully recovering from severe chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), and what led her to co-found the Envol app supporting the 7 pillars of health.

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00:00 Meet Julie Morin
02:11 Julie’s first few years with symptoms & being told it was all in her head
06:51 Julie’s rapid decline from 30% to 1% functionality
09:23 The pivotal moment that caused Julie to take charge of her recovery
12:33 What got Julie through her months of being bed-bound
14:27 How Julie finally started to recover. First step - sleep
19:00 The diet that helped Julie
20:57 How Julie supported the body’s natural ability to heal itself with what she had around her
26:05 How meditation took Julie’s pain from an 8/10 down to a 3/10
28:50 How our body is protecting us from exercise - & how brain training helped Julie with this
32:21 How to deal with people who are unsupportive
34:16 How it felt to be well after being sick for so long - cultivating gratitude
37:21 A brain training exercise that helped Julie with her recovery
39:51 Why Julie’s not worried about her illness coming back
41:51 What caused Julie to get sick in the first place (and what might be the cause for some others)
47:38 What led Julie to co-found the Envol app supporting the 7 pillars of health
57:37 How to reach Julie, try Envol for free and learn more

NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links to products I enjoy using myself. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Should you choose to use these links, this channel may earn affiliate commissions at no additional cost to you. I appreciate your support!

REMINDER: This is for information purposes only and nothing I share should be considered medical advice. Please make your own assessment, do your own further research, and consult your trusted healthcare professionals before deciding if anything I talk about here might be right for you.

#chronicfatiguesyndrome #cfs #chronicfatigue
Рекомендации по теме

Oh wow, I'm suffering from CFS triggered by Fluoroquinolone Toxicity. I was VERY ill for months just from 2 pills of Cipro, thought I was dying, tons of symptoms, and now 19 months on those symptoms have mostly gone but it's triggered CFS so I'm still stuck in my room, spent most of the last year bedbound. It's been a long hard road. I've been watching all these recovery stories for some hope, but haven't come across anyone else who has recovered from CFS triggered by Fluoroquinolone Toxicity. This is amazing to see, I'm so glad I stumbled upon this one, as it wasn't tagged with Fluoroquinolone Toxicity or anything. I'd even requested that Raelan make a video on it, I didn't realise she already had. Please could you add the Fluoroquinolone Toxicity tag Raelan? This could help so many more people.


What an amazing story! So inspiring! My CFS/ME was triggered by a virus but I am well aware of fluoroquinolone toxicity. A few years after getting ill I was given Levaquin (Levofloxacin) for an upper respiratory infection. I only took two days of the ten day course because I ended up in the hospital and stopped taking it. I was having tachycardia, chest pain, shortness of breath, diaphoresis. I thought I was dying and it was awful. I went home a few days later and those symptoms were a lot better, however the Levaquin caused another problem; severe tendonitis. These types of antibiotics are known for this and Levaquin even has a black box warning for achilles tendon rupture!! I had severe tendonitis pain for many years and it still flares up now and then. I wish everyone knew about the potential side effects of these antibiotics because doctors are still prescribing them. A few months ago a doctor tried to prescribe Levaquin to me for a persistent sinus infection. I have it listed as an allergy because I will not ever take those type of antibiotics again. Thank you for spreading the word!


This interview is incredible. Love her insights and how clearly she explains each element of healing. Huge inspiration. Thankyou!


Downloaded the app it’s amazing I am bawling crying and only did two short meditations. I love it! - recovering from long covid and burnout and prolonged grief


It's still so comforting to hear others have had the same symptoms as I have, if that doesn't sound too insensitive. It makes me feel less of a freak and more convinced I'll be okay. The foot thing happened to me as well...
*Along with the other multiple problems.


This interview was a delight. Half way through, I took off my socks and walked out into the garden with my feet on the ground!


*_Julie is so beautiful inside and out!_* ❤ What a beautiful soul she has to want to help others, and her app is so beautifully done, and the music is so calming and blissful to listen to! 🎶✨ I look forward to using it, and I will be getting more sunshine and grounding with the earth too! Thank you so much for this wonderful interview! 🌎💚☀️


My big drop in health was after several courses of antibiotics and even some steroids. I knew they were the trigger, this video gave me the name of it. Thank you


So inspiring... so much wisdom!! Thank you... I feel I'm already half way through and ongoing, but messages and vibes like these are always so welcome. Thank you Raelan for presenting so many beautiful role models to me. It makes everything so much easier and enjoyable.


Thank you both so so much! That talk gives me hope and inspieres me!!! By the way: I took Ciprofloxacin 8 times and developed CFS


Her story reminds me of my own the most out of any interviews here. Only, I am not better yet. But her list of things that she did to get better, I even have a list that’s almost identical with the first item being sleep. So this is super encouraging.


Same, symptoms started shortly after Cipro. Many years later and only made aware of a connection a few weeks ago so to hear this video too is something!


I took antibiotics from my UTI and went downhill also. But not all people get sick from antibiotics. So there are more factors to play. In the end it are triggers that dysregulate the ANS


This is so interesting and inspiring. I've been on my on my recovery journey now for a while but in the last few months I have seen really encouraging changes and one of the things I've started craving is walking around in my bare feet. I knew it was to do with grounding and becoming more present in my body but so interesting to learn about the ions. Love this interview, thanks Julie and Raelan!


This is one of the BEST interviews! It really breaks down the fundamentals of healing that people so often dismiss. I will take notes and re-watch this many times. This contains a few of the keys I've been missing. Thank you both!


What an awesome interview. All your interviews are amazing and inspiring but the things that Julie enumerated sounds attainable and not so daunting for someone who is already struggling. Thank you to you both!


So inspriing. I've been working on a lot of what Julie describes since crashing terribly 5 weeks ago and in the last week I went from crawling to the bathroom to now able to walk a bit and do stairs a few times a day. She's spot on. It's not necessarily fast, but it is possible for many. This is such a good watch to keep us on track and inspired to keep going, and stay patient with the process. Thank you Julie and Raelan!


2 beautiful souls. One great interview. Congrats!


I had an allergic reaction to IV Ciprofloxin years before I got severely sick. But I did get a lot of tendinitis in my joints over the years after Ciprofloxin. What got me severely sick and mostly bedridden and housebound was I had a kidney stone that was slightly too large to pass and Dr put a Stent in and I caught a hospital super bug. Then it turned into sepsis and I had to have IV antibiotics/ antibiotics for months. I had to take carbapenems, which are known to cause mitochondrial dysfunction. Been very ill for 6 years.. Trying to get a better baseline and this video is inspiring.


Amazing interview Raelan! She gave so many great recommendations of little things to do that actually help. The sunlight part is so true and I was not aware the importance of it. Thank you so much to you and Julie! 🙂
