Explaining chronic pain: The role that stress plays and the creation of learned nerve pathways

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Dr. Howard Schubiner discusses the how chronic pain can be devastating, but that it is often not what it seems. Pain can be caused by tissue damage, however many people with chronic pain have no tissue damage. Their pain is caused by learned nerve pathways which are explained in this video. Stress and emotional reactions to stressful life events can produce nerve pathways of pain, fatigue, insomnia, anxiety and depression. Learned nerve pathways can be reversed as described in this video.
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Howard's book 'Unlearn your pain' saved my life. I have a history of anxiety, pelvic pain, back pain and most recently, chronic burning facial pain (like acid shooting down my face) which showed up during an extremely stressful period. Doctors told me it was permanent neuralgia which only created more panic and fear in my body. Only once I fully believed that I was healthy and that my own brain was creating this pain, was I able to reverse it. Took a lot of self talk and compassionate reassurance but it worked. Seriously, my pain was so intense that I didn't want to live any more... I am living proof that this theory is true. Our minds are so incredibly powerful- we can heal ourselves.


As a Practioner supporting people with Fibromyalgia, this information is the cornerstone to resolving symptoms.


When I was finally able to get to a doctor for my back pain, it was so amazing to be validated and told my pain is real. I have a clear MRI, and because of that I get no understanding from most of the people in my life. Chronic Pain is the invisible disease that people suffer alone, unless they have an amazing support system. Something SO important to have!


Thank you. I am a hypnotherapist and I tell my clients with stress/anxiety issues about the very exact thing. This video clearly explains the details.


I hope more people see this. I was fortunate enough to have seen a doctor that knew about this. I went to him for the pain in my arm, and after having run several tests and verified that it was healthy, he explained to me some of what the doctor in this video is explaining. This took the fear away and gave me confidence as he told me that I can carry on normally and do all the things I usually do. Long story short I overcame that pain and it's one of the most enlightening things I've learnt. I still have the tendency to worry and stress and I make sure to stay aware of pesky pains that stem from stress and tame them immediately. I'm now also working on managing stress and after learning all these habits I hope to completely overcome this.


Thanks for writing, Nicholas.
It is easy to misunderstand my work. Not all pain is caused by the brain. As a physician, I am well aware that pain can be due to pinched nerves, tumors, and other structural problems. It sounds like you had a pinched nerve that will get better over time, as is the usual course for these situations.
However, it is well established that some pain is actually caused by the brain. When we don't understand that fact, many people can be misled into incorrect diagnoses and ineffective treatment.
Best wishes, Howard Schubiner, MD


Omg this was so interesting! I grew up in an abusive household and I have chronic pain from 8 years in my pelvic floor


One of the best vidoes about mind with body reaction in pain management.Thanks lot doctor


Thank you for this, I have been clean for a little over 2 years from many different drugs.. I suffer from chronic pain and refuse to go to a doctor because I feel that not all doctors are as educated in this as they should be. I have been practicing yoga for about a year and it has helped tremendously, but I feel after gaining more knowledge from this video it will help me continue in the right direction.. I am so grateful for the people who made this video


Thank You Dr Howard Schubiner. Boy, do I have one heck of a snowball story. I thought for a moment you were using me as a case study! Thank you for your encouragement. You words at the end made me choke up with added hope. Bless You.


I really believe Dr. Schubiner explanation of pain and nerve pathways does make sense. Pain is real both physical and emotional but what we do and how we deal with them can help or make things worse. Often times, as Dr. Schubiner explained in this video that when we have either acute or chronic pain, we tend to fear which leads to more pain and so and so forth. The brain does make this distinction whether the pain is bad or not and if the brain tells us this pain is bad then we tend to panic which and make things much worse than actually is. Fear is often false appearing real. We tend to create more pain by panicking and thus doing mindless medical treatment which often makes the symptoms worse like it did for me. Had I not gone to the hospitals and other health professionals for my injuries, I would have been fine but the fear and anxiety that I had made on my own, made the whole situation worse than actually is. SO PLZ DO NOT PANIC, have faith and confidence that you will be fine and let the time pass and you be be fine.


Staying away from my stressors is key here, since you are the only one I have looking out for me right now.


Someone whose spine is crumbling is not subject to early stress trauma. They are suffering stress from doctors who are pulling the rug out from beneath them.


All so very true Doctor, but my spine is so damaged I cannot shut that off.


This is an excellent introduction on how pain that is felt in the body is processed in the brain, and what you can do to gain control over this process, and possibly relieve it completely. My personal experience with physical pain and anxiety/depression definitely confirms this. (Keep in mind, Dr. Schubiner states that he is talking about pain caused by neural pathways, not tissue damage.)


Love you Dr!!! Thank god for you and the work you and others do


Great video you just described my wife she is in chronological pain since she was 13


I have a physical tissue damage condition in my hips and back that cause chronic pain, but I totally believe that the stress on top of that, that I emotionally Deal with makes my pain so much worse! I didn’t have an awful childhood, but I have had over 25 years of chronic pain from this hip disease and back issues that have lead to other emotion stressful events throughout my life which I’m sure made new pathways that are now leading to my depression and anxiety on top of the increasing pain... it’s like a vicious cycle that I don’t know how to break! The physical damage I have will never go away, but I’d love to learn more about how to cope and maybe eliminate it subside some of the pain caused by the emotional stress on these pathways that may be causing the increase in pain. Pain meds just aren’t enough anymore to help and I refuse to take seriously strong narcotics... I love your explanation but so wish I could find a dr who understands this way of thinking that was willing to help me walk through these steps and get my life back! I feel like there’s no “worth” to my life... I live every day trying to fake it but many times feel like I can’t even do enough to fake it. Or days I do try to be “normal” I’ll overdo it and then I’m down again for a week or so recovering .... it’s also so hard to get people to understand what you’re going through when they can’t physically see what’s wrong. I envy those who don’t have chronic pain. I’ve been dealing with this hip pain since I was 10 and now at 35 and three hip replacements and back surgeries to try and help, and metal poisoning from the first hip replacement that left me with terrible nerve damage... I just feel like there’s no hope. I’m thankful just to be walking and know I’m lucky and that things could always be worse... but I’m just tired of fighting... I want to feel better .


I have much gratitude for the work you have done.


I do not even talk about my Pain anymore, cause its just what my life is a ball of pain, and im in bed mostly all day.
