The Fine Tuning Argument

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Four Ways the Earth Is Fine-Tuned for Life

In this clip from J. Warner Wallace’s longer talk on the existence of God from cosmological evidence (based on his book, God’s Crime Scene), J. Warner offers three illustrations that will help you understand the degree to which the universe is fine-tuned for life. If the universe is this finely tuned, what should we infer about the existence of a cosmic “fine-tuner”?
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I've always loved the Fine Tuning argument, because it really is impossible without God.


The figure given for the Cosmic Constant is actually a more conservative estimation (10 to the 90). Many estimations have it figured to 10 to the 120. It is not incredibly relevant though since both figures are higher (and more unlikely) than picking out one atom out of all the atoms in the universe which is 10 to the 81. It is also important to consider that nothing mentioned here even goes into the extremely high odds against the formation of our planet and the development of life here.
While it goes against the grain for many Christians I have found when making this argument a much better strategy is to leave the reason open ended as to why. When you say God did it most of these people will just turn you off and not look further. So much for the follow the science crowd! When people are challenged to figure out their own reason for the incredible stroke of good fortune that we exist options are very limited. The multiverse is the most common retort but there is more actual science to support the tooth fairy than there is for the multiverse!


And, you must add the royal flushes for each constant together. That's when they punt and start creating things like "multiverse" and "maybe the universe has to be this way".


Atheist: “That’s dealer of the gaps argument. Just because we know it’s mathematically impossible to be dealt 28 royal flushes in a row, doesn’t mean there’s not a natural explanation, and it doesn’t mean you can infer that some magic dealer man in the sky is fixing the deck”


Really puts things in perspective with the examples, well done


Thank you for a VERY COMPREHENSIVE and well thought out 8.43 minutes.


I laughed so hard I almost swallowed my face. At the last joke.


I'm not an atheist anymore, but I used to argue that if you have an infinite amount of time, the odds are that something with slim chances would still happen if there's an infinite amount of time. That's why I don't like this particular argument.


Everyone knows the truth. They just don't like it.
Romans 1:19-21
English Standard Version
19 For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. 20 For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, [a] in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. 21 For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened.


Thanks for such a compelling, precise presentation of yet another proof of our Almighty God. It still befuddles me how so many people just blow this off and refuse to believe. But I have to remember some saw the miracles of Christ and still did not believe.


And what are the odds of all of those things happening at the same time in the same place working together…. 🤔🤔


These constants have these values and make life possible and the universe the way it is. If it were not like this, there would be no life. The fact that we are alive comes from the values of the clnstants. There might actually be many many universes where the constants are different but we don't live there because there are no stars, DNA...
Analogously, you are the way you are because of your DNA but not because a god chose you over other versions but because if it had been another version it would not be you and that version would think they're the "chosen"!


They deny God despite the fact that his creative attributes are plainly obvious. It’s very much like Romans 1.


Now multply them all together because they all happened simultaneously. The only answer is God


Michio Kaku believes in a multiverse. Wouldn't the fine tuning argument loose all its strength if we lived in a multiverse?


It's amazing what man WILL believe, just to not believe in God.


Does this prove that the Buddhists or the Zoroastrians are right? 
If so, why? 
If not, why not?
