THE LICH: ALL SCENES || Adventure Time + Fionna & Cake Spoilers [By @R0V1]

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most of these were taken from scattered clips all over the internet so sorry about the major quality changes for some of the clips.

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I like that the Lich talks more as he appears more. It’s like he starts to respect Finn more and more, seeing him as an actual threat closer to his level.


"You are strong, child. But I am beyond strength."
that is my favorite line from him holy SHIT its raw


I love how the Lich makes the exact same sound when the sweater is being plunged through his eyes and when he's being turned into tetris by Golb


He only had less than 2 episodes worth of screen time??? That’s honestly amazing given his impact


I like how most Adventure Time villains are pretty goofy, then you've got the Lich who is basically the literal embodiment of the end of all life


i find it amazing that the litch throughout adventure time is both one singular entity and 3 separate entities


If you're capable of making the heroes fold by saying one word, you know you're one terrifying villain


"you are broke, child. there is only little Caesar's for you, and only tap water for your people."


The Lich was just the perfect villain for this show. The way he so perfectly contrasts against the silly whimsical nature of Adventure Time, it’s usual bright and vibrant kingdoms being replaced by a gritty disheveled corpse of a creature eerily talking down to all he comes across. The way he commands every scene that he’s in, showing himself as a force that just can’t be fucked around with, it’s such a brilliant character that easily stands out from all others.


I don’t know about anyone else but 5:23 when Billy screams and the lich appears is terrifying to me.


Did anyone else notice that Billie’s face is clearly in a constant state of distress/horror(in most shots at least), but when the Lich is without purpose in Prismo’s time room, Billie’s face is smiling and seemingly at ease?

I’d love to think that’s intentional. It’s absolutely horrifying.


God, the "bILLY" jumpscare they do with him still give me the spooks. And Anytime I see him in a corner, just existing, is just so terrifying.


6:35 always gave me chills with just that simple and powerful command. My favorite scene of him


3:17 "i having coffee with the lich, you wouldn't understand"
It's been years and i still don't understand


5:25 the way he screams still unnerves me to this day.


The fact that Golb didn't even kill the Lich, only the Lich from the universe in which he extinguished all life, shows how powerful the Lich is. The guy has so much power that the embodiment of absolute chaos cannot get rid of him permanently, even while it is severely influenced by Betty's psyche. I imagine that before Betty's psyche merged with Golb, there was nothing Golb would have done to the Lich, he would have let him succeed and fail in his task in a billion worlds and would have never rewarded or tried to stop him.


2:03 14:41 I love how they didn't forget that the Lich calls him "Ice Wizard"


It’s genuinely fascinating seeing one of my favorite villains in TV animation in such an emotional state like this. We knew that The Lich wanted to destroy all life in Ooo in the name of Golb, but I don’t think many of us ever truly stopped to think about what would happen if he succeeded in his goal. Unlike regular Lich and Farmworld Lich, this is a version of the Lich who *has* succeeded. He did everything he set out to do for what’s basically his god, and what did this god reward him with, *nothing.* This Lich was left unsatisfied and lost all purpose as a result. After all, why devote your existence to a higher being and even destroy all life in your entire universe in their name when you’ll be given nothing in return. The last we see of him he’s literally yelling to Golb if he did something wrong and if there’s more needed of him, only for Golb to kill him and turn his body into a literal Tetris block. It actually makes you question everything you knew about The Lich up to this point and even makes you feel a bit sympathy for him which you definitely couldn’t say about him in the past. What a great villain. What a great show.


This dude had less than 20 minutes of screen time but is such a HUGELY INTEGRAL VILLAIN!!! Absolutely love that. When he’s on the screen you know a monumental change is about to occur.


7:35 Lich freaking out and flapping his arms like that was unnecessarily funny
