STOP Believing You're ANONYMOUS Online (even with a VPN!)

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YES, your data is being logged, even if you're using a VPN. Here's why they've lied to you and the two most important questions you need to ask about a VPN service before you believe the whole "WE DON'T LOG" marketing. Protect your PRIVACY!

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Video Timestamps
0:00 - Online Privacy Trend Explained
1:56 - Why Zero Logging is Impossible
3:04 - Interpreting "Zero-Logging"
3:36 - Two Important Questions
4:56 - What About Independent Audits?
5:55 - What is a VPN?

Your VPN service is likely logging more of your personal data than you expected. In this video, I'll share the many different ways that VPNs are tracking and storing your private data and the two important questions you need to ask.

Don't take a VPN's word whenever you see the words "zero log" or "no log policy". You need to read the privacy policy for yourself to see what's really going on with your data behind the scenes.

#privacy #dataprivacy #vpn
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I've always assumed the VPN knows everything I'm doing - I'm just trying to make sure my ISP doesn't.


Expecting privacy on the internet is like expecting invisibility walking down a busy street. Sad but true.


Let's be honest here. Almost everyone who uses a VPN does it because they want to get past region locked content.


First impression of this channel . I like your voice. You're not yelling, desperately trying to convince the viewer, " That I got answers to your problem."


Man, im not tech savvy in the slightest, but the way you present the infomation is amazing. Understood something i thought was extremly difficult to fathom.
Thank's for the time & effort you put in to your content.


I usually leave my VPN in an area I can't speak the language. It makes the ads I see less effective if I can't understand them


I've never thought that a Vpn provides any privacy or anonymity in any real sense. It's is only a way to access servers from the vpn in different global locations. Honestly I think the vpn craze is just another version of "let's get peoples money on vague promises and misunderstood tech."


This video's title should be 'The reality of VPN'. Good job.


Easy: Just quit the Internet and let's live with squirrel friends.


A very well put together argument that doesn't just boil down to "it's useless to use, " or something like that. A VPN service _can_ have its uses, but not in the way all the random sponsored YouTubers are claiming it to be.


Man can we go back to when a VPN was used to access your LAN from the internet without exposing your entire local network infrastructure to the entire internet? Now when I tell people I have a VPN they think I'm talking about something entirely different...


Thank you Josh for being a superman, helping a senior citizen know what to do and not do, what to watch for. Thank you.


"Independent" audits are like "independent" fact-checkers. Someone paying them to do so, and if the company don't get "expected" results then, that was your last "independent" job.


I have a bunch of people I need to send this video to. I've tried explaining this to them so many times. They're adamant that they need a VPN service to protect their privacy from all the tracking companies out there and prevent financial information from being stolen. One was absolutely convinced she needed a VPN to prevent credit card and bank account data from being stolen. Trying to explain that the data for her compromised credit card was stolen from a vendor with a data breach and NOT her internet connection was like bashing my head against the wall.


Excellent video. I've been contacted by VPN Sponsor multiple times... However, I can never promote or review VPNs knowing the truth... My biggest gripe is the advertising of "hide your IP or identity" promo. Other youtubers advertise this as if it's 100% true that no logs are recorded; which is a bit irresponsible. Anyway, great job on making this video.


That kills me when people use google and are logged into it. Yet use a VPN. As if companies don't realize who you are already and search history lol


Wow finally! Someone actually made a video about false advertising VPNs.
I was cringing the whole time when some youtubers say something like "are you sick of your ISP knowing all about your network traffic?". Yeah... I'm sick of it so I need to make a 3rd party VPN know all about my traffic 🙃


The only true "No Log" VPN is the one you built and setup yourself and specify it to do so. Can be easily done with something as small as any single-board computer, like a Raspberry Pi or any un-used desktop laying around. Only reason to use a VPN service provider is if you live in a very restrictive country like C H I N A, or simply want to be able to view geo-locked content. Also, any VPN, one that you built and setup or a service provider you use will not magically make you anonymous especially if you don't change anything with your browsing habits and use one browser for everything you do related to the internet. It's merely a layer that needs to be used with several other layers for it to be any effective at all.


Plus, it's foolish to think, even without the VPN disclosing logs, that you're anonymous.
Sure, your IP can't be traced directly back to you, but there are many other ways companies track your online behavior. Unless you're only browsing a single site at a time, and clearing cookies before you open a new site, your cookies are betraying you. And that's just to start.


Apparently authorities investigating a murder of a ambassador broke through TOR and traced their suspect to a expressvpn server. The authorities seized the server, but it did them no good because there were no logs.
