What Is The GDPR?

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If only in real life it worked like this too but even in 2021, a lot of companies don't even know what GDPR is and will gladly sell your data.


Hi, great video - please could you let me know which software package you used to create the video?


We need this kind of progressive, pro-citizen thinking in the US


Do I have the right to use this video in my company internal site ?


This is very helpful. Good video content. Thanks!


Excellent video but if i could just give a little feeback- Your statement of consent, whilst not wrong, is not the total picture. There are areas where consent is not required, national legislation, contractual requirements etc.and exceptions in which your rights can be overruled i.e safety of subject or others, legislative requirements, prosecutions etc . I appreciate it is a very complex field but i do think an acknowledgement of some exceptions existing would be good within the video.


So basically everything i do on the web will go through the hands of the EU making sure the EU knows exactly what their citizens do on the web.... what if i demand that the EU doesnt collect my personal data? Who protects me against the one that wants to protect me?


The government (and their accomplice banks) allow themselves to violate these human rights without your consent. See comments at video ' Get an overview of the new GDPR regulations from EU '. 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights - endorsed by many nations - and is in many nations the highest authority above constitution and law. Article 12. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his PRIVACY, FAMILY, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the PROTECTION of the law against such interference or attacks. Article 30. Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any STATE, group or person any right TO ENGAGE IN any activity or to perform any act aimed at the DESTRUCTION of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.


The government wrote Article 6 legal basis of GDPR to allow government to violate your privacy human rights without your consent. The government should be allowed to access and store your private data, because you can trust lawyers, police and politicians? and only government should have guns too? because they are the only ones who can be trusted to protect citizens? The answer is no.


totally vague...protect from a real life example
