Why did Jesus turn water to wine?

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The favorite understanding God gave me was about Jesus first miracle in Cana of Galilee...turning water to wine.

What grabbed me was Jesus response to his mother’s statement given the environment Wedding and Statement ...why are you bothering me my hour has not yet come. Such an odd response she was just telling him they are out of wine.

Then the guy saying most people bring out the best stuff first and after the guests have well drunk and don’t know any better bring out the bad...but you saved the best for last.

God showed me...That’s how Jesus ministry started turning water to wine...water to spirit...thats how it ended with his death on the cross..taking us from the law to salvation via our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by faith.

The story God said that’s me...I gave you life, my word, the prophets...I saved the best for last..my son Jesus Christ.

God is so good

That’s what makes God’s Word so exciting for me...I never know what he is going to anoint me with next. It really is the living word of God.

God Bless you brother


Only Mary can tell Jesus what to do, not even his older "brothers", these brothers were not there because they didn't believe. They met Jesus later that night.


Jesus turned the water into wine because His mother asked Him to. Honor thy mother and and father a commandment even God has to adhere to. Mary the mother of Jesus asks her Son to do something for her. Plus this is where she released Jesus from His vow. Just think back. The first time we hear of Jesus is back when He was twelve. His parents were frantic. When they found Him what was He doing? What did they say to Him with all emotions going their bodies? Did they say something like don't do that again? So for 18 years no word is said of Him. He kept some vow until Mary released Him of it.
