Cozy Vanlife Gaming Van Tour (WHAT'S NEW) | Ram Promaster

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After years of living, traveling, and GAMING out of my van, I’ve made a few updates to my off grid gaming station. So I figured it was time to finally give you all an updated tour!


My affiliate links for all the gear I used in my van build and gaming/filming equipment:

Gaming PC Gear:

Video Production Gear:

Solar Electronics:


Kitchen/Living Area:


#Vanlife #travelvlog #VanlifeGaming
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Whats your favorite part about my van build? What would you change?


This guy is living the life every nomad gamer dreamed of.


I've entered my 40s with a wife and child, so this kind of lifestyle isn't possible for me, but I absolutely love this channel, Trent! Thank you for allowing us to live vicariously through you on this incredible journey!!!


I entered my mid 30s getting divorced after 10 years, owning a home, etc. Which I'm in the process of wrapping up amicably and thankfully no kids.

Sold the house, selling the stuff in storage, bought the Promaster, bought all my solar and batteries today (perfectly timed black friday this year haha).

Basically, I'm well on my way to living the van life. Staying on a friends couch until I get it operational.

I'm very lucky, I get to work entirely from home. Which lead me down this path that's now becoming a reality. I need this radical change in my life and I can't wait. As far as in concerned the more uncomfortable and feeling like I dont belong anywhere the better! It all goes towards my motivation.


Found this dude by complete accident. Not even remotely looking at van videos or gaming. Top notch quality and entertainment. From someone who lives 180 degrees different than you, congratulations! Really cool vibe!


I've watched many van videos and none of them have felt "lived-in" like yours. You mention things people need every day that are often overlooked in these videos, like a cozy corner where you chill and have breakfast. Things like that make me feel like I might have a blast as well living in a van like you.


The most beautiful part about this entire video is when you featured and showed your appreciation for your dog! I will never understand how people dump their animals like they are garbage!!!


Fave bit is Millie’s bedroom. I love the internet for being able to watch somebody so much younger than me, who I have nothing in common with, share these sweet parts of their life. I’ve really enjoyed your videos. My 6 year old still asks to see the haunted overnight stay where the mannequin scares you. He loves it!


Mannn I love your channel so much, so inspiring and cool to see ❤❤


This dude is living the dream every single gamer nomad wants. I wanna travel the world, go outside and touch grass while gaming whenever I want. I don't care about being dirty, I don't mind being single. Id take this lifestyle in a heart beat. I pay 1800 for a condo in California, and that's a steal for my area. I would save money living like this and enjoy my life more! Im convinced this is what I need in my life!



I just stumbled on your videos, and I must say... you're very talented, a minimalist, and a free spirit. You have an inspiring creative drive. I'm also a "boho"/Flower Child and a PC gamer who loves to travel. I was in the U.S. Air Force, and now I'm a registered nurse. Your story about going thru a breakup and then wanting to travel and be on the move is transformative. Thank you!


I can truly relate to your relationship with Milly. I lost my Boxer just before Christmas, and it was a magical friendship which I will never forget. You and Milly bring a smile to my face. Thank you 😃👍


if i had a van this is the exact build i would want. i love everything about this van


Your gaming van is probably the coolest conversion build I've ever seen! The kitchen and computer setup are amazing! The most important thing, though, is having space for your pup. My barking furbaby goes with me everywhere, and my life would be so dull without her, so I totally get it!


Gaming while having different breathtaking and Spectacular views of Nature, every time as your Backdrop!

Hell, you could open your van door and do Gaming next to a Waterfall!


I love everything about your van build man! I stumbled upon your page like 3-4 days ago and I've been binge watching every single one of your videos! I'm a combat veteran and have been looking for a way to find peace in life. Watching your video's gives me hope and peace to know that no matter the struggle, living minimal and living and loving nature is something truly amazing! I'm a single father and in hopes soon, my son and I can live this way but differently as having a kid it's different. He loves traveling and nature as well but having consistency in his life is of importance for him or any kid. I just want you to know man, you are an inspiration to others and I hope some time I can meet you in person on the road!! I would absolutely LOVE being apart of your videos and your life as a really good friend. I've NEVER thought I could say that about someone within the youtube or creative world like this. I've been gaming most of my life and I have built my own set-up. To see you do literally everything I enjoy in life, is truly a blessing I came across your channel.


Best part of the video 3:16

Love to see humans admitting how important these little angels are in our lives!


You're are great example of not giving into society's expectations of what's "normal " or expected out of you and doing what you love and figuring out how to make a living while you do it.


*All that I'll say to this is that I just love you as the person that you're, so charismatic, full of life, always positive with jolly good vibes, very well mannered and disciplined even, such an awesome guy with a wholesome heart hehe, plus the fact that you always deliver appropriateness as contents for your channel. Meaning your contents are just so very entertaining and addictive even to hook onto, your channel is one of few which I really like and into, in this whole of YouTube tbh.. Your content brings me so much joy, through you I get to see the lifestyle that's the dream life of many, through your journeys i get to see and learn new places, new adventures and feel so chill whenever you just sit back and do some gaming at em SPOOKY PLACES hehe, it's just so unique and original as contents to watch and be entertained, plus also you are always so very educative, we get to learn a lot from you, sometimes get to learn some very valuable life lessons and morals.. So if now you make a living off of YouTube through us your fans watching your vids, supporting you all the way and that it's through us and this that you get to do and live off the lifestyle that you're currently into then rest assured for I'll keep on be your fan, I'll always be one of the first to click and like your vids the very moment you post em, in short you have a lifelong subscriber in me hehe. I won't ever stop watching and liking your contents, even if those would be hours and hours worth of lengthy videos hehe. I'd just watch em all and even watch each and every second of em vids till thee end hehe and lastly, I come from a country where my currency is a lot more cheap than the U.S, meaning 1 Dollar turns into 4 times the amount of money when converted into my currency so I won't be able to support you financially, like send money as a gesture of appreciation and love as a fan just like how em U.S citizens do to em peeps whom they love and support, like getting into some Patreon stuffs to support and get exclusive contents and all, but I'd still be this lifelong supporter and big time fan of yours by liking and watching each and every single vids of yours hehe. Matter of fact, literally the very moment that I see a fresh new vid of yours, I just instantly click into it to start watching it, without even reading em captions/titles, about what the vid actually is all about lmao. Istg, I'd watch just any content that you'd ever post, cuz like I said, whatever that comes from you, is a must watch for me hehe.. 🤗😁 I'm gonna end on this note, keep up with the grind and keep being and doing you cuz we all love and appreciate your contents and whatever that is you do and are into, thanks for bringing up this lifestyle to us, through your eyes and journeys, we are living the life together with you, witnessing your travels as being there and doing it ourselves hehe ❤ Take care and stay safe yeah, toodles bro, cheers..* 🤗😊😇😇


The part about your dog got me man, I lost my boy about a month and a half ago and I feel you! Looking forward to that love and comfort again :) you can tell how much she loves you while you're talking about how much you love her 😂 great video man!! I'll be watching you and Millie regularly :)
