Do we think differently in different languages? | BBC Ideas

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There are more than 7,000 languages in the world so does that mean there are more than 7,000 ways of seeing it? The Whorfian hypothesis is the idea that the language we speak affects the way we think and even how we see and structure the world around us.


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From my personal experience, I can say that the language I use at a given moment does not change how I think, but each language I use is related to specific social situations. For example, at home I speak Polish (my native language), at work I speak English (I live in an English-speaking country), and in the bar I often speak Spanish because my friends speak this language. I have noticed that it is very difficult for me to talk about topics related to my work in a language other than English or to joke in a language other than Spanish, but this is more a matter of certain habits than the language itself


To have another language is to possess a second soul. Charlemagne.


Absolutely! Different attributes and associations are made/given through phrases. I even find myself assigning different emotions to objects depending on the words used to describe them!


I totally agree that with different language I "see" the world differently. I speak English and I see the world more analytical. I speak Spanish and I see the world more emotionally and religiously. I speak Portuguese and I see the world more romantically. I speak some French and I see the world more abstractlly. My perspectives are different depending on the language I am using.


"the structure of a language forces us to attend to certain aspects of reality that are relevant for a langue, at the moment of using that language."


Congratulation for this interesting documentary. Learning a new language is always good for our brain.


What I notice solely based on the Eurovision song contest, singers tend to sing with more emotions in their own language vs. in English. For example, Tix's song "Fallen Angel" vs. "Ut Av Mørket". Ut Av Mørket has more emotions than Fallen Angel so Languages can affect not just the way of thinking but also feeling. I also prefer saying "I love you" to my boyfriend instead of "Ich liebe dich" (even though I'm also fluent in German), because I feel it more in English.


Like these BBC pieces. Makes me think: If a language is a set of references to material reality or abstract notions (themselves seen in symbols), then if there are two languages, together in a speaker, the set is now much larger. Just by sheer weight, the larger set shapes the resulting thoughts of the smaller set, it would seem. Would really enjoy much more on this from BBC.


I don't disagree that we 'think' differently in different languages. I wonder though, whether that is innate to language or more attributable to the issue that language is imbued with an accompanying culture. Is it the culture that uses the language as a channel, which is actually the reason for the difference in thinking? Just an idea I'm interested in


Totally agree: expressing emotions or any kind of ideas can be very easy in some languages and difficult in others!


It is difficult to think of something when you have no words to describe it.


When you learn a language you do not just learn the language - you also learn a lot of the social etiquette surrounding it.


Great material, such a shame that the background music is in the foreground. Makes it really hard to focus on what the speakers are saying, even with the subtitles on. It would be great if you could make the videos a little bit more inclusive for the neurodivergent viewers just by turning the music down a little.


I think more important than the language itself is how you aquire it. I was an only child who didn't have many friends at school, and I learned English mostly by watching sitcoms every day after doing my homework. And I think because of this, I'm actually more instrospective in my native language and funnier when I speak English.


Hasta cierto punto puede ser cierto, pero creo que es más importante el número de palabras que uno domine de su propio idioma. Pensamos con un lenguaje y cuantas más palabras tengamos para hacerlo más posibilidad de expresar lo que vivimos y entendemos. Generación a generación se pierden palabras en el habla cotidiana, es un proceso rápido, a mí me parece negativo. Yo recuerdo como hablaban mis abuelos y mis padres. Por ejemplo, las palabras vehemente, cautela, esforzarse, discrepar, propósito, se usaban en el lenguaje cotidiano, hoy es muy difícil escucharlas en una conversación común. 💙


I had a Japanese student ask me "What colour is the sun?" He was fasvinated that Westerners described the sun as "yellow" while in Japan it was described as "red".


Illuminating, as always-and excellent.


Conversing in different languages affects the flow of my thoughts. My primary language is Filipino but I find English more expressive and technically more precise when I'm describing abstract concepts. Humor also comes across differently between these two. Something I find hilarious when I hear it in one may not translate as funny in the other.


I completely agree with what has been explained in the video; I think differently when I speak English. My mindset goes in a different direction and I tend to use more descriptive words while speaking English rather than in French ! I believe speaking another language and being able to switch from one to another allows the brain to function in a very interesting way. I might also try to be more technical in English whereas I just go with the flow in French without specifically trying to use synonyms or a wider range of vocabulary


From my experience, my answer is that the way you think expands beyond the line that one language usually can provide. It is simply because additional language provides one more different tool you can use with additional channel that you can get information from like radio channels. So it is not simply because we think differently but because you can have one more power tools on you r belt.
