Dyslexics think differently

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People with dyslexia, but also with dyscalculia, AD(H)D, autism and high giftedness, think in a different manner. Their right hemisphere is dominant, while most people have a dominant left hemisphere. The consequences of this are huge.
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Same story for most of us over the age of 50. Schools didn't pick up on Dyslexia / ADHD or any artistic spectrum. You was classed as "Thick and stupid then put in the "Dunce Class" and people would describe you as "A problem child or slow Lerner or he is just a active child"
So you grow up thinking you are and not till you are a lot older do you find out, that you are not these things. In my 30s I found out I had dyslexia, 40s diagnosed with Depression and 50s confirmed I have ADHD in 2022. Taken almost 2 years to get on to medication for the ADHD and now starting to address my Dyslexia. When you tell others you have these, they are shocked, because your spelling, gramma and comprehension is so good. They have no idea how long it took me to get it right and if they saw the first attempt, they would never guess it was from me. I have always been good at sports, art, photography, seeing things others don't, visualisation, imagination and creative in finding new ideas, but I cant put them down on paper, yes I know we use a laptop now lol, but to document them is too much for me to cope with. My children, I have 4, only the youngest female has Dyslexia, ADHD and Aspergers. All others have no signs of anything. How do I know, because both my younger daughter and I left school with no qualifications but all the other children, all went to college then University and all have Degrees, 1 child even has a PHD in ADHD in adults and lectures at Cambridge and Oxford.
It is still hard to do most things, like comprehension and we have great avoidance skills to get out of them.


I am 47 I had suffered dyslexia on my whole life the thing that changed my life is a smartphone and a little button speech-to-text thank you


Love how its a book for dyslexics, can’t we get a video? Is it available in audiobooks? 😂


I have heard more talk about Dyslexia in the last couple months than my whole 79 years. I am Dyslexic and Aphantasic from birth. Although I knew few in the U.S. with Dyslexia, I have 4 friends in Ecuador, all professional people. When I was growing up no one knew about Dyslexia, so I ended up with glasses. I do not agree with most of what I hear and I am so amazed at so many interpretations of Dyslexia. But every Dyslexic I know is different. My letters moved and faded in and out. And I still reverse numbers. At 18 I started to train my eyes. Each Friday night I would stop at the book store and pick a book off the New York Time Ten Best Seller list. I made my self read at lease one book a week. I was actually memorizing the English and like you mentioned, words became pictures to me. Although to it took lots of training, I needed to read to get a good college education. I have a degree in psychology and law and two minors in accounting and computer science. AT 79, I still take college classes on line, which is a habit. To keep my licenses and certifications while working I needed 22 learning credits every other year. I am addicted to learning. I do read backward and I can ready upside down. About 6 months ago was the first I needed glasses for distance and still read without the use of glasses. I believe that without Dyslexia and Aphantasia I would not have had such a successful life and traveled the world. I created and ran two companies to help elderly who had been exploited, abused and/or neglected. After being oncall 24/7 for 20 years straight, at 68 I moved to South America and have a great townhouse in a tourist town on the side of a volcano. I hate phones and rarely carry one, but still keep 3 computers active. Never in my 79 years did I look at Dyslexia or Aphantasia as a handicap. More as rewards.


😢😢😮Thank you Mam..My Problem Solved...😢😊A Bit 😂😂❤


Love what you have put together its important that we educate our selves[the other creative thinkers dyslexic people ]thank you for that


Klinkt interessant, helaas kan ik niet alles begrijpen ivm dat het Engels gesproken is .


Waarom noem je voetbal "soccer", terwijl enkel 4 landen (United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand) het zo noemen?

FIFA: Fédération Internationale de *Football* Association


I don't understand pronountion of Name pls write
