New Study Might Change How We Take Protein For Gains

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Protein intake is undoubtedly one of the most critical factors expressed in fitness, especially for muscle growth and strength. We all know that getting enough protein can make a huge difference in your gains, but something that the scientific research seemed to have bounced back and forth about is "how" we should get our protein. Do we have to spread out our protein intake into different meals throughout the day in order to "maximize" gains and anabolic resposnes like muscle protein synthesis? Or can we just take a huge chunk of protein in one sitting and still see the same results? Well this new study on certain important protein-related mechanisms suggest something different from what we've previously believed.
#muscle #protein #gains
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Alternative title: New gym update just dropped - Protein glitch patched


From a evolutionary point of view, it makes no sense that our bodies wouldn’t utilize the majority - if not all the protein we ingest in a single large protein meal.


*_Me after finishing my protein shake and see the notification:_*
*_Ah sh*_*_ here we go again…*_


Protein, protein? Protein. Protein, protein protein...protein.


We bout to have an even more nastier farts than before


Am I the only one who noticed he fixed the frames per seconds with the figure's mouth whenever he speaks? Looks so much better now!


While it shows you can take more protein in a single meal, it doesn't prove that eating a single large protein dose is better than multiple doses. The study did 1 serving of 25g and should have made 4 doses of 25g versus 1 dose of 100g for a fairer study.


I can speak from personal experience normally. I have a high protein breakfast ranging from around 60 to 70 g of protein daily. And then around the same for my lunch and dinner; I feel my recovery from my workouts was never an issue!


🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

00:00 *🥩 Eating smaller portions of protein throughout the day to maximize muscle growth might not be necessary, according to a new study.*
01:27 *🔄 Consuming a single large serving of protein, such as 100 grams, can lead to prolonged and heightened rates of muscle protein synthesis, challenging the idea of an upper limit to protein utilization.*
02:20 *📊 The study employed advanced methodologies, including intrinsically labeled protein and quadruple stable isotope amino acid infusion, resulting in robust and comprehensive data, setting it apart from previous research.*
03:43 *🏋️‍♂️ While the study's findings suggest one large protein meal may suffice, caution is advised as the research focused on recreationally active young men, and mechanistic outcomes may not directly translate to actual muscle growth.*
04:12 *💡 Regardless of meal frequency, ensuring adequate overall protein intake remains crucial, though advanced individuals may still consider spreading protein intake across multiple meals until further research clarifies the implications.*


I'm training for 11+ years and still made some good gains the last year although my protein intake was split usually in two meals, breakfast and dinner. During dinner time I tried to 'compensate' the hours without food/protein.
I guess, there is some good protein synthesis (and heat production) going on at night and a factor for those gains


Of course the 15-30 gram servings spread through the day is a myth. Humans are not designed to spend the whole day eating. Being able to do that is a luxury of modern world.


lift heavy, eat whole chicken on the way home. bro scientists were right


Personally I’ve always been a fan of, “‘Listen to your body, ”’ when it comes to fitness. Eating 2-3 large meals with tons of protein gives me much more energy throughout the day. I also track my workouts and noticed I get better results vs eating 4-6 smaller meals. The biggest thing for me is it’s much easier to eat 2-3 meals a day vs 4-6 because my job does not allow me to eat while on the clock lol. I don’t like consuming protein bars or shakes. I would rather eat whole, real foods (for those who reply telling me to simply use those alternatives while at work).


Wish they would have had an arm of 50ish grams, I’m guessing it would be a bit better than 25g but about the same findings as the 100g dose.


Casein. The study used milk protein, which contains casein protein which is slower to digest. Consuming more casein means that more protein could be slowly digested through the day. The results are due to speed of digestion. I'd be curious to see this study recreated using only whey protein.


Thank you for covering our research. Loved the vid!


can i drink 1000g protein at once so i'm set for the week?


I always thought that a protein limit was weird, considering protein is used for organs and muscles, and is so vital, that, your body will digest your muscles if you don't get enough.


Triangle man never fails to bring us needed facts. I'm a big fan of his!


I have to say, and this is just subjective bc I can only tell from my perspective so it might not apply to others BUT, I train for like a little over 3 years now. I go to the gym 5-6 times a day and I try to train hard but focus on technik besides liftinf heavy and I go mostly for 3-1 RIR and rarely go to failure. Only when I have a spotter.

So, after 1 year I started to eat my last real meal very late, bc I went to the gym around 8 pm. When I was back at home, like around 9:30 pm, I ate a warm a big meal. 1 hr after that meal I drank a proteinshake made out of milk, 250 g lean curds, two tbs of peanutbuter, 15 g of protein powder (mostly for the taste) and 5 g of creatin (which is routhly around 80 g of protein total and a 1L drink) Every single night. After that I brushed my teeth and went to sleep. After all this, the big meal and only 1 hr after that almost 1 liter of that shake I had around over 110 g of protein in my body ready to digest over night.

I also ate like around 60-80 g of protein during the day.

So I ate almsot 170-200 g of protein a day.

When I started I had like 65 kg bodyweight. After 1 year without this routine in the evening I gaind around 5 kg bodyweight. When I started with said routine and now after 2 years following this, I gained over 15 kg additional body weight. So I am around 85 kg body weight (give or take 1 kg). I got really jaked (in my opinion). I did a bodyscan last week and I have only around 9% bodyfat. I also got very strong (I would say at least).

So, without knowing this study, I did this for over 2 years now and I personally can confirm that eating a lot of protein before sleep changed how I gained muscle.

This is all personal experience and I am just an amateur who "just started lifting" compared to all the other guys with 10+ years of experience and lifting. I also might be in the time where one gains the most amount of muscles. So a lot of things that should be considered. But In my opinion. this routine does work (at least for me).
