Blastoise Sprite Looks So Cool #pokemon #shorts

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I really wish they kept making more sprites

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Guess we'll never know what empoleon's primary color is.


Damn Rogue's really trying to hold back from shouting again 😭💀


People really forget about stadium when fighting about sprites vs 3D, which is the only place where he actually shoots out of his cannons


I feel like mewtwos 3D model is great it’s intimidating and doesn’t seem cocky at all which is a nice touch considering that mewtwo is so powerful it’s not really cocky to know it can beat nearly everything


I always felt gen 5 mewtwo sprite was mewtwo in a pose ready to attack or set up a wall move its always just seemed to be ready for an attack or to attack


To be fair for Typlosion. He does still use it’s flames. Similarly to how in Stadium 2 they appear when he attacks. Blastoise also did this with his blaster cannons. They aren’t there when idle but pop up and appear when he is. (Ex. Hydro Pump.)

It makes sense since they don’t want to use all of their energy while just standing still.


blastoice is the chubby boy in your school that looks like if you pushed him over he cant get up lol


I agree with the last empoleon statement


The smile of blastoise is still in its 3d design if I look at it


"I genuinely cannot name a Pokémon who got an improvement on the transition to 3D"

I can name 6

1.-Totodile: on 3D it looks like a kid having fun a tiny guy with a lot of stamina who cannot be stopped, better than the weird poses of gen 3 and 5

2.-Aggron: come on... in Gen 5 his head was... Oddly shaped i can't tell exactly what's wrong I just feel the shadows and proportions are off the tail looks smal and looks like a toy

On 3D the new proportions make him look imposing and bigger

3.-Porygon Line: Come on Pokemon that are based around the concepts of 3D obviously look better on 3D... Porygon looks cute and 2 has this movement which makes it look like that toy wich inspired the pokemon as a whole

And the random volatile moves of Porygon Z look great

4.-Mr. Mime... In gen 4 it was ok... but i always thought they never gave him a pose for mimes

In Gen 6 and onwards they gave him The Wall and in leyends Arceus he is so filled with charm like in the Pikachu movie

4.-Mightyena, Gen 5 his sprite is...

I think people embracing sprites didn't really check every single sprite they made just point at the ones everyone does
On 3d it looks ok... but his backsprite look dumb i mean i think the nose is BIG and i fell like it will try to smell my hole face

looks WAY better in 3D more feral and has less big nose and the jaws feel stronger

5.-Every Kyurem Form, in gen 5 regular Kyurem looked CUTE

I'm sorry it just looks cute to me how his head looks big and has small feet i think is due to the proportions of the shadows, they tried to make him look COLOSAL but ended up instead of giving the impression of being tiny

In Gen 6 it looks stronger and the head shows even more details especially the other form with that beautiful decolor on the back and top the waving flames on white look amazing

6.-Samurrot: Oh... Samurrot is a boring creature and is just an Otter 🦦 with shells

MYBOY Samurrot is the main example of Sprites being limited, every single person i asked about Samurott

"It's lame how he just stays on the ground and does nothing interesting"

He was not able to use his sword in 2D... because a complex animation takes a lot of work and more sprites


There are many more examples of 3D improving a pokemon appereance

Also you might hate Pokemon Amie, but there all the Pokemon have personality

Just look at them

Also if you hack a forever mega Pokémon on Pokemon Amie, the game confuses and sometimes it crashes


Even the Pokémon ranch model for typhlosion had the flames 💀


"I wonder how they adapted it into 3D...Why did they peel him--"😭😭


Personally I feel like the flame should always be up in battle, but always down if it's running around (obviously they go up if it's auto-battleing)


This is very much the “water is wet” of Pokemon discourse… 😂


Blastoise is one of those lovable tubby Pokemon anybody can use and have work as a fat tank wallbreaker. My Blastoise, Gush, would somehow survive the dumbest situations, but since the introduction of Miraidon, I worry what will happen to him if I bring him to gen 9.

Like, Mira makes Gush go from this chunky buff sailor type to a meek tortoise that can't run.

For reference, Gush in gen 6 survived a Zekrom's Fusion Bolt with 7 hp due to me using an extremely bulky Mega set and he one shot Zek with his Dragon Pulse and Zek likely being used by a noob.

Mira would chew up his shell and spit him out if she wanted.


I love how we just ignore that blastoise is just a water bowser


“Why did they peel him?” is my favorite


Eelektross used to look so intimidating. Now it just looks like someone taped paper cut-out teeth to a noodle.


I think that they could fix the 3D sprites completely with only a little bit of change by just making them move more lively well idle. IDK though


Rogue Renegade tries to not complain about 3D models (IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE)
