Top Self-Defense Moves | Karate Lessons

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Today I'm going to do a few different self-defense moves.

Obviously with self-defense the variables are tremendous so the first one will be a simple take down and a submission. The others will be quick strikes. So they're quite different in the approach.

So for the first one if someone grabs you strongly here. If we're of similar size and build then I could certainly use my strength against his. But, even if he's much stronger than me, grabbing his wrists you don't have to reach over and do anything clever you can just grab the wrist here. But the closer you are to having a bit of leverage, the better. Grab this, this one doesn't have to do anything clever either because you're going to just bend at the waist. Bend and take him down and get you knee involved any way you like along this arm. But in the corner of the shoulder is probably better.

And of course, in a situation you'll be in danger you can lean on that and that's probably going to hurt. Okay? So you're just going to submit the partner and control him. Let's say perhaps you expect some one to come and help you.

So just going through that again. And as he's here no fancy turns or anything else. Just grabbing here, you can even grab lower if you want here. It's the body that does the work and then you're here. Be comfortable going down on your knee.

What you don't want to do is, sorry I just want to do that one again. What you don't want to do is bend over, leave your backside in the air. You come over the top even if you slap him in the face, come over the top, go down onto that knee and submit your partner. At the first one, if he comes at a little stronger and you don't have so much ability to turn, let's say with both hands, there is, of course, many things that you can do. But personally, I prefer to strike rather than to be wrestling someone because I'm not a massively built person. So a kick to the shin either one low, high, and then you should probably let go.

So varying your strikes by long distance is very discombobulated to the opponent. So from here...Of course if he gets in really close make sure you're the one to headbutt first and not him. So that depends on height and everything else. But, you know, headbutts you're in danger of hurting yourself as well unless it's so close you feel that happening. So hitting low or hitting high will take him down.

When you hit with the elbow this wrist position is quite important. Make sure your wrist is this way so that your bicep is broad. That will give solidity to the elbow strike. This way it'll bounce back a little bit. You need to hit hard twice and then clear yourself of the situation. Alex and I are both guys so we'll bring Yong in. She's obviously much more petite and she pretty more likes to be grabbed by one arm or both arms. This is a possibility, of course. But let's say that the grab is here, I'm going to be expecting to be dominant of this situation. She's going to reach quickly and kick to the groin. Crack! And then importantly, just get out of there. So turning away this way is very awkward to me. If she were to make a mistake and turn the other way. So let's say she strikes low, crack and turns the other way, she's going to roll into me and then, I mean, really it might be over for her.

So here's the grab, quick reaction, boom! And then quick turn away, and then she's gone. And before I have time to recover it's already too late, she's gone into the crowd.

Those are my self-defense moves. Of course there are many variations you can do off those but that's a very good start.
Рекомендации по теме

this helped me a lot to defense myself from my brother


Can we get a sensei more like Johnny Lawrence? Motivating us by shouting "THERE ARE NO LOSERS IN THIS DOJO" and "THERE ARE NO PUSSIES IN THIS DOJO"


Cobra Kai: strike first, strike hard, no mercy.


I've been in a lot of fights as a kid and later trained mma, and let me tell you, nobody just grabs you by the collar and just stands still. If someone actually puts their hand on you, they are planning to go all the way i.e punching, kicking grappling and takedowns. MMA has shown us, which combat sports are most effective. It has also shown us that no individual combat sport or fighting style will create the complete fighter. You need striking from both hands, knees, elbows and legs (boxing, kickboxing) wrestling for takedowns and bjj for ground game.


Thanks my grandma didn’t stand a chance


What do I do if the person I'm fighting fights back


I think you have nailed it with the comment about remaining 'calm'. No doubt how one reacts when under severe pressure is the great unknown of any form of combat. For me though I worry about Self Defense taught in a tranquil Zen like Temple and how that will translate when noise, aggression, pain & fear are introduced. There's no easy answers.


Like the tittle says, it's the ''self-defense'' part of karate. But in every style of karate and even other defense/fighting sports/arts, you learn this basics.


1:53 the boy falling here should be a meme


This is great! I wish I had someone to try it on xD


3:28 before I have time to recover, she's already in her second year of collage.


Dear Sir,

Victims are generally less trained than their opponents, so blocks or even through would do a better job instead of hitting and kicking.

In my oppinion, the first move can work against smaller, but handling a stronger, taller opponent would need lifting the grabbing hand and sweeping his leg to lay him flat on the floor.

As for the second move a side block of soto uke like will help more thane the elbow. especially against an popponent with longer hands.

My recommendation for the lady is not to just touch the shinbones and then making the evasive movement, and running away, as properly signalled by the women.

All that has been given free and with best wishes.

Paul, retired instructor (age 64)


Kick to the groin or strike to the eyes before doing the technique. My Sensei's teacher, who we refer to as "Shihan, " always said "Shut down the mind." That strike will pull the opponent's focus away from what you're doing and onto his/her damaged eyes or groin.


I already have my yellow belt because of you. thank u so much, now I can take my talent to school against bullies and just be me


gee I hope everyone who attacks me in the future just stands there while I do these moves


you're right, i had some Hap Ki Do in the past and the instructor (which trained local police) said "never try these moves when the attacker is tottaly alert and fully of adrenaline, try to hit him first, distract him with some pain"


Richard are a great I wish to learn more from you.


these will hopefully help me on my first day at karate class on thursday


wristlocks are very difficult to pull off but they definetly have their place in any fighting system, myself after studing 5 years of hapkido i'm able to do some standing jointlcoks while the oponent does the grab and punch think but it's better to block the punch and strike, after the block and the strike you set up the wristlock, they are much more high percentege to work if you mix them with strikes. Wristlocks are very difficult to master you must train a lot !!!


These moves are very helpful for me to defend me against other peoples
