INDUCING LABOR NATURALLY | How to Start Labor With Castor Oil

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REAL STATS for Castor Oil Induction | PROS & CONS FOR CASTOR OIL INDUCTION - How to start labor? Does it work? How much should you take?

So you're naturally inducing labor? Many women think about inducing labor towards the end of their pregnancy. If you're considering inducing labor at home with Castor Oil, this video will tell you everything you need to know!

Many women who choose to induce labor using castor oil put it in a MIDWIVES BREW:
1 cup of Apricot Juice
1.5 cups of Pure Lemon Verbena Tea
2 tbsp of Castor Oil
2 tbsp of Almond Butter

Should you be inducing labor? That's up to you to decide... What are your thoughts on inducing labor naturally with Castor Oil? Comment below!



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I find it extremely contradictory that some people complain about castor oil induction being so “dangerous” but don’t bat an eye at pitocin and other medical inducing interventions. Thank you so much for sharing this more natural and helpful solution for mommas who can benefit from it ❤️🙏🏿!


I swear by the midwives brew! I took it with my last 3 babies and it sent me into labor every single time.


Wonderful information! I've done castor oil with two pregnancies. I was unfortunately on a timeline, regardless of how much I had learned to advocate for myself, due to me being a VBAC patient. I went into labour with 4hrs and 2hrs of taking it, and I was also past 40+3 weeks of pregnancy each time. I thankfully never experienced effects from it, and had two vaginal deliveries following it. But every person and pregnancy is different. Your research and health matter more than you simply feeling "done" with your pregnancy.


I used this method with no negative side effects. Not for everyone but I had my baby girl within 12 hours


This works! I took 4 tbs for my second pregnancy at around 10pm and he was born at 4am the following morning. I also did this for my third baby. Although it does work wonders, there are consequences.

About an hour after I took the oil I had diarrhea. It was bad. Soon after my water broke at around 11. Got to the hospital at around 3:30am and he was born a half hour later. I've read that the oil can cause diarrhea which can trigger contractions. Either way, I say....IT WORKS! (third baby was also a super fast labor)


I’d like to share my experience with castor oil. I took 2 tablespoons with orange juice at 10pm and contractions started at around 2 am and continued on through that night and the next morning but weren’t really strong, they died down at around 12pm. Contractions started again at around 6pm and were becoming stronger and more intense. My baby girl was born at 11pm with 10 mins of pushing. My Labour was really smooth and it wasn’t as painful as I thought, i almost didn’t make it to the hospital!

I used castor oil because my baby girl was measuring big (>97centile) and I was due to get induced in two days which I didn’t want because I had a previous c-section and really wanted a natural VBAC. I would say don’t take it if you don’t have a reason, just let things happen naturally ❤


It doesn't work for everyone. Sometimes waiting for it to happen naturally is better


If I can avoid medical intervention, I will.


I used it with my 4th as my 41+3 ultrasound showed low amniotic fluid and they wanted to induce me. This was my attempt to avoid a hospital birth and it worked!


Not in any case you will be able to induce labour by swallowing castor oil, for you will have to distinguish:
- In the case that your liver will be without any toxins your gall will be without any toxins too. So, moving the bowels by taking a good dose castor oil will be experienced always as harmless and short lasting, for the PGE2-synthesis will not happen and so you will not be able to induce labor.
- In the other case that after having swallowed a good dose castor oil a lot of toxins will be liberated in the liver and excreted with the gall in the duodenum the PGE2-synthesis will occur with cramps of the bowels and the womb, and this one may be experienced as harmful and long lasting and so you will be able to induce labor.


Why didnt you include the links to the meta analysis you talked about? I would’ve loved to see them


My doctor is recommended me to get induced due to me have low blood platelets. I’m currently 41 weeks and my blood platelets have dropped to 97, 000 which is mild thrombocytopenia. It just dropped this week. He’s really pushing induction and I too feel like baby will come when he’s ready. Baby is doing well and so am I besides the fact that I have low blood platelets. According to my doctor I need to give birth right away because baby could be still birth (which he said the percentage is low but not 0) and it’s possible I could hemorrhage. I could hemorrhage with Pitocin too. I want to do what’s best for my baby and if I can give him/her a natural birth I’d like to wait but they put so much “fear” in you to make you think that this is something that needs to be done now. I’m so unsure. Either way I’d prefer a natural birth but if having low platelets is truly a dire risk factor where our baby could die and I could bleed out I want to do what’s best for our baby. Though baby seems to be doing fine. All evidence for me is pointing to just wait but I could be wrong.


I took it it with both of my babies and went in to labor very soon after. But I ended up in c section both times but apparently that was because I have a to small pelvis for my babies to pass through they say 🤷‍♀️


I used castor oil for the first time with my daughter when I was 37 weeks pregnant. I went for a walk and my water broke… I walked to the hospital and they said I was 4cm .. I was in labor for 28mins… by me only being 37 weeks she was 6 lb 0 oz and they almost didn’t let me take her home, but did. The only reason I did that was so I could go back to work because I was having to pay rent and bills. I had to sell items from home, not a good time for me 😅 so I asked myself can I really afford unpaid maternity leave? Plus I walked everywhere and had to pee every 10 minutes lol. Not a good look 👀


Im 39 weeks and its said that my baby might be a big baby so I am really considering taking castor oil but I am so scared what if something happens to my baby😥


I use castor oil with my third birth I was induced with both to previous birth without using anything to try and induce labor. I had been using the casserole the week before I went into labor and the night of and it was a 3-hour natural


They said i have to induce in two days because of my age. I don't want to be induced again.


Really disappointed to see this advice coming from you.


I just want to share my experience with castor oil for anyone reading this. It worked amazing for me and was super safe, a gentle and wonderful way to induce labor naturally. I developed mild preeclampsia with my fourth baby at 38+6. After being induced with pitocin three times with my other three children, I couldn’t bear to be induced this way again it was just too rough for my body so I did what I had been planning to do all along if I had to and that was I took the midwives brew that day when I went home because the plan was to have to go to the hospital and get induced the next day. I got a little nauseous for an hour, but I didn’t throw up and it was totally fine and then I went into labor within three hours. I had the most gentle, wonderful natural experience my first birth with no epidural no Pitocin nothing. It was my third VBAC, my first birth having been a cesarean five years earlier. Baby tolerated labor wonderfully and was born awake and alert. It was the best postpartum experience I’ve had to date too!


Hi mummies, I'd like to share my story. So after watching several videos, I ended up drinking castor oil at 39 weeks as my cervix was just not dialating and quiet frankly I was drained! I drank 3 tablespoons, after 4 hours, I started feeling naseous, I threw up and went to empty my bowels twice, after which I started feeling contractions. They were very intense. My husband took me the hospital and indeed I was in labour for about 12 hours and now Im holding this precious bundle of joy.🥰🥰🥰
