Everything You Need To Know About CLOVER Food Plots | Deer Season 24

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On this episode of Deer Season 24 we are breaking down which food plot is the best year round, and how you can acquire it. Mark Drury kicks things off and dives in depth on the benefits of food plots and how he utilizes them on his farms. Next, we join Forrest Bonin as he goes through the importance of taking a soil sample and then the best ways to use different fertilizers. Following this, Perry Battin shares some of the best ways to reduce weeds when spraying grasses in your plot and what products you should be using. Lastly Wade Robinson is down in Missouri mowing some clover giving tips and tricks along the way. As always we appreciate the continued support and thank you for watching another episode of Deer Season 24.

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Music provided by Epidemic Sound

00:00 - what is the best food plot?
00:55 - How to establish a clover plot
02:25 - Soil Test/Fertilizer
04:27 - Tenzing Packs
04:38 - Why we love Tracker Off Road
05:25 - how to kill broadleaf weeds/grasses in clover
07:00 - Mowing clover
10:04 - Food plot architecture

#clover #foodplot #whitetaildeer
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Great tip
On timed mowing late summer during drought.


Great advice! I love using host crops with clover in the fall. Works every time even in marginal soil and it’s once and done! Just clip it occasionally to control the weeds.


love clover! if you don't have access to an aerator, another way to break up soil compaction is to broadcast some radishes and rye in your clover just before mowing. i try to do this around labor day weekend every year before a rain. i'm in zone 5 btw


Sometimes my high elevation spots seem to drought out in the summer. I have been top dressing them with brassicas in August to take advantage of the nitrogen. Seems to work.


How low can the temps get overnight before you loose palatability of the clover? Alot of us hunt way up northern lattitudes than you.


Love that sprayer setup. Can you tell me where to buy or how to set it up on the side by side?


Awesome video very helpful, typically in a normal moisture year how many times are you mowing? Thanks


Great video as always. Question about spraying, do you spray the IMOX, Section Three, and WayPoint all together at the same time? Or separate? Hoping to establish a nice clover plot this fall, so this was extremely helpful.


Hey great tip on mowing just before season. Im in ohio i dono if i can mow that late in the season tho. And i like mowing my clover tall to. I only mowed it once earlier this yr cause its just to dry to mow now. Mite have to wait till late august


You guys mention using Butyrac, Section Three. Is there a go to herbicide? I’ve used Clethodim or arrest with very little success. Also, I have deer grazing my clover the same day after spraying. Is this safe? That stuff smells horrible. Not sure how they tolerate eating after that.


Where do you find 0-20-40 fertilizer? None of our coop or agg centers have that.


I live in Tn and have clover growing every were in my hay fields my yard would it be suitable to plant clover in my food plot.


Just found your channel, love the topics. When you spray clover in fall, what do you mean by "fall" and are you spraying Imox then as well?

Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge. I greatly appreciate it!


Screw the surfactant, USE DISH-DETERGENT! ITS CHEAPER!
