How D-Day Medics Saved Friends and Enemies

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0:00 - D-Day, June 6th, 1944
0:44 - Kenneth Moore and Robert Wright
02:15 - Kenneth Moore comes to the rescue
04:09 - German soldier attacks the church and No weapons rule
04:56 - Kenneth Moore and Robert Wright refuse to leave
05:33 - Day Two: Alliance with the Germans
08:13 - Moore’s and Right’s achievements
08:22 - Angoville-au-Plain Church: Present Day

In this gripping episode, we dive into the remarkable story of two brave medics assigned to the 101st Airborne, Ken Moore and Robert Wright, who risked their lives during the fierce battles of Normandy in World War II. Amidst the chaos, they set up a makeshift aid station in a church displaying a prominent red cross, treating wounded soldiers from both sides of the conflict.

As the battle intensified and house-to-house combat erupted in the village, Moore and Wright found themselves with limited medical supplies, relying on their medic bags and the soldiers' pocket first aid kits. Despite the dire situation, their dedication to their duty remained unwavering. Venturing into the heart of the battleground, Ken Moore would put his life on the line, protected only by the red cross on his helmet and armband, to save the lives of those in need.

Witness the incredible acts of courage and humanity by these two medics who transcended the boundaries of war to save both friends and enemies alike. Through this awe-inspiring tale, we'll explore the power of compassion and the extraordinary lengths these men went to preserve life amidst the horrors of war. Don't miss this emotional journey into the past, as we honor the brave actions of Ken Moore and Robert Wright, the unsung heroes of Normandy.
Thanks to Paul Woodadge who helped us with an earlier version of this film. We recommend his book Angels of Mercy: Two Screaming Eagle Medics.

Yarnhub uses the Unreal® Engine. Unreal® is a trademark or registered trademark of Epic Games, Inc. in the United States of America and elsewhere. Unreal® Engine, Copyright 1998 – 2023, Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved.
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7:11 Said it once, I´ll say it again. Medics rule of "no weapons" was so strong that even mortar round chose not to detonate.


'By some incredible miracle...'

They are medics doing Gods work in a church. I think they deserve a miracle


It's always good to see older videos being remade.
Even more of a tear jerker now than it was then.


I love how the German officer allowed him to stay in the church helping people and even offered them supplies. There was also the solider earlier hat burst in armed but left because he saw German soldiers inside. I'm convinced that choosing to heal both sides is what kept these men alive


"Professionals have standards. Be polite, be efficient, and have plans to save every friends and foe you meet"


I love how both sides stop shooting whenever they saw a medic running threw


The mixing of showing the real life location among the animations was astounding.

Even in war, there can be humanity on both sides.


War is hell. Medics are angels. Every church, house, tent, or anything else with a Red Cross should be respected and supplied by both sides. Equally, no one in need should be turned away.

“With the world so set on tearing itself apart, it don’t seem like such a bad thing to me to want to put a little bit of it back together” - Desmond Doss


That unexploded mortar had to be an act of divine intervention. God really sent his own EOD team to defuse the mortar before it even landed.


6:44 i love it when he said “HALT” just to let the medic pass without being shot, what a wonderful soldier❤️


"They were young men, just like us. They were just wearing different uniforms."


Man, even the Nazis had more honor than some modern day combatants. Really shows you how far the world has come. Props to those medics.


My father served as a medic. He is the nice, calmest, and most level headed person you will ever meet. One of the few times I saw him lose and needed to be held back started with an argument over helping wounded combatants. The other person who never served in any armed forces advocated killing all wounded opponents. My father stated every injured soldier he encounters will receive care no matter what uniform is worn. If anyone tried to interferes with his duty to help the wounded, even if it's a friendly, would not survive the battle. The other person walked away with a bloody nose and my father treated his bruised knuckles. I will be sending him this video


The German Solder who kicked open the doors, lowered his weapon and made the sign off the cross before leaving was killed later on in the battle. :(


you forgot to mention the two german snipers who had hidden in the tower before hand, who finally came down realising it was safe.


Well done to those two brave medics, and to Yarnhub for bringing this story to light again.


Those guys earned the ultimate medal.
To be a true HUMAN BEING.


How those two men were able to run around everywhere, save friends and foe, and not be shot while dragging around such huge balls is amazing….


The church still stands, the pews are still stained and the tile is still cracked.

I really want to visit this place, but I fear I wouldn't see much through the tears.

Absolutely splendid job, Yarnhub! Top marks for mixing real footage with your brilliantly detailed animation. Now we can even see the bolts fly back on the firearms!

You guys are fast becoming legends in this field.


how moms expects us to pause an online game: 6:40
