Positive ANA test (antinuclear antibodies) and autoimmune diseases

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What does positive ANA (antinuclear antibodies) test mean and what are the diseases that can have a positive ANA test. Here I explain all these possibilities.
#anatest #antinuclearantibody #autoimmunedisease

0:00 Intro
0:40 What is the ANA test ?
01:50 Why was the ANA test ordered?
02:47 Is the ANA titer important?
03:28 ANA titers -what they mean in healthy people?
04:45 Is the ANA pattern suggestive of a specific disease?
06:21 What are the most frequent causes for a positive ANA?
06:31 ANA and autoimmune diseases
07:32 ANA and infections
08:16 ANA and medications
09:22 ANA and cancers
09:46 ANA in healthy individuals
10:20 ANA helpful tips

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👩🏻‍⚕️ About me:
Dr Diana Girnita is a double board certified physician in rheumatology and internal medicine. She completed a PhD in immunology, a postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard University, immunology fellowship at University of Pittsburgh and rheumatology fellowship at University of Cincinnati. Dr. Girnita graduated from the Nutrition Science course from Stanford University and a Mindfulness course from The University of Massachusetts; She is the founder & CEO of Rheumatologist OnCall, a practice focused on broadening access to rheumatology and offering patients an integrative medicine approach.
Dr. Girnita teaches patients about autoimmune disease, arthritis and also helps them customized their treatment plans to incorporate the proper nutrition, exercise and management of stress: "You have a disease, but YOU are not the disease"

** The information in this video is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only and does not replace a medical consultation. Any comments and/or recommendations made in the comment section by anyone other than Rheumatologist OnCall does not reflect our opinion or recommendation.**
Рекомендации по теме

I am a RA (negative RA factors) patient
ANA 1:80 speckled
Your video is helpful to the public


This was an excellent video! It was very informative and very easy to understand!


I am so happy I found you. I am enjoying your videos. Thank you so much for this info. I have Sjogrens and I am struggling with mobility issues, severe back snd knee pain, terrible neuropathy. Your videos give me hope.


I have seen many videos, but I really enjoyed yours. It was very easy to understand. Thank you.


I got ANA positive just yesterday only an the doctor send me to test it an the result will b out soon but after I go through your video I really feel myself great an now am not worry at all thankyou so much Dr. it really help me


You are very informative. I have 1:640 titer and hair loss and weightloss.i see a rhuma next month


I just got a ana test of 1.100 saying weak positive . And they wrote :
POSSIBLEANTIBODIESAnti NOR-90 (AC-10) POSSIBLECONDITIONSProgressive systemic sclerosis.
Don't have any symptoms ( only some q he's here and there and I'm 7 months postpartum) thank you in advance


at what titer usually is lupus "definitive"? Meaning, at what dilution level will i say "this patient for sure has lupus, these are not healthy autoantibody levels"?


Dr Diana Girnita, I want to ask smoe suggestion for my case, my ANA IF result is 'reactive' with cytoplasmic fine speckled (AC-20) titer 1:320. Anti synthetase syndrome, polymyositis/Dermatomyositis, systemic sclerosis limited form.
And ANA profile euro-3 result is negative.
My ESR is high (41, my age 47 yo, woman), CRP 5.99
Leukocyte in sedimentation (urine) 105, blood in urine 0.75 mg/dL, leukocyte esterase 25.
My doctor diagnose me 'susp syndrome sjogren'.
Pain in joint and muscle, dryness in my eyes and mouth,
Would you pls give me suggestion?
Thank you so much in advance..


I just got some bloodwork and the ANA was 1:40 , the Dr said no need to worry . It said Homogenous and lupus or RA, I guess as posibilites, I do have Hashimotos, and goiter, but my thyroid levels are normal. But Im always tired, and I lose alot of hair. I think they have given up .


Hello, Thank you for the comprehensive explanation! Could I ask, is a borderline result for ANA, e.g. 1:160 a reason to test the whole panel, when the diagnosis is not definitive for arthritis. I have also constant low grade fevers and massive hair loss


Ty for that video! Question..
What if, the ANA screening was positive.. 1:400 - humogen.
But the ELISA Screening was negative? ( the following test they do after a positive ANA)
Because None of the tested specific antibodys could be tracked. But still 1:400 Ana positive. Is that a common case?


I am having joint pains, muscle pains from 3 years onwards and heavy hair fall is happening from the past 6 months recently I have tested with Aso titre it came positive after that I have consulted a rheumatologist he wrote Ana test and it came Positive with 1:80
I am having severe pains in my joints and underneath feet please doctor tell me with which auto immune disease I am suffering with? Please do reply to my comment ma'am.


My results were 1:1280 speckled. That's usually high right?


1:640 Ana my c3 and c4 slightly elevated


Can speckled pattern shows in
Drug induced lupus?
Drug induced lupus SLE?
Also in Drug-induced leukocytoclastic vasculitis?


My tests all came back negative. But I have all the symptoms of Sjögren’s. Is it possible to have Sjögren’s and get a negative test?


Hello my ana tests 1:100 4 times negative 2 times pozitive 1:100 and 1 times weak pozitive 1:100 2 times nucleolar and homogenous patern 1 time speckled patern and my hands have redness and itching puffy sometimes and sometime my foot ankle swelling sometime my foot heel swelling plantar fasciit and when my swelling is always 1 day after going another side of my body when swelling is gone a patch stay there what you prefer to me thank you


I have an negative ANA and a positive dsDNA ….dr says I have RA with a negative RF . Originally she said I have RA another time she says I have Lupus and sometimes MCTD . I am confused ….5 years ago I had stage 4 kidney failure, now I have stage 2


Is it possible to have a 15 anti dsDNA level but IFA came back negative and AC-0
