Different ways to open Chrome DevTools #DevToolsTips

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Let's take a guess - how many ways are there to open Chrome DevTools? Tell us your favorite ways in the comments below!
0:00 Intro
0:15 Keyboard shortcuts intro
0:31 Open the Elements panel
1:12 Open the Console
1:37 Open the last panel you used
2:22 UI navigation intro
2:30 Open with the 3-dot menu
2:42 Open with right click - inspect
2:50 Open with the top menu bar (MacOS only)
3:06 Open DevTools in every tab
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#DevToolsTips #Chrome #Developer
0:00 Intro
0:15 Keyboard shortcuts intro
0:31 Open the Elements panel
1:12 Open the Console
1:37 Open the last panel you used
2:22 UI navigation intro
2:30 Open with the 3-dot menu
2:42 Open with right click - inspect
2:50 Open with the top menu bar (MacOS only)
3:06 Open DevTools in every tab
Questions? Tweet to us:
#DevToolsTips #Chrome #Developer
Different ways to open Chrome DevTools #DevToolsTips
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