The REAL Source of Gravity Might SHOCK You

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Could our understanding of gravity be wrong?

Considered to be one of the most complex and mystifying things in the universe, gravity has been a source of fascination and debate for years ever since it was first discovered.

Today we're going to take a look at a groundbreaking study that claims to have uncovered the real source of gravity, which if true could fundamentally change everything we know about the universe around us and how it actually functions.

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🤔 If you had to describe gravity in 5 words or less, what would you say?


Gravity is a viscous liquid that you put on roast sorry, I mean Gravy...


Consider: relativity ceases to matter inside the event horizon, space-time becomes too compressed to provide any difference of viewpoint, all light moves in the same direction (inward) toward the singularity, at a uniform velocity. Infinite gravity does not equate to infinite acceleration -- light speed is a universal constant . Space is compressed until time stops. At this point Einstein's theories fail because the environment is no longer "space-time" as his math defines it.


This should be called 101 history on gravity.


Gravity is not a force at all.
Rather it is an effect, like centrifugal force (an effect also)which is caused by angular momentum.
Understanding time is the secret.
Matter interacts with surrounding space/time absorbing time to create mass.
Matter according to Einstein can increase it's mass via accelerating though space/time.
Einstein also said that matter and energy are the same thing in different forms.
Light absorbs time to produce it's velocity.
When light passes though a medium like water, it slows down. When it passes out, it speeds back up.
This is because the water is taking away time from the surrounding space that the photons need for speed.
Got to get away from time just being a tick tock, it is more than that.
So why do two objects get drawn together?
When an object is by itself, it is resting in it space/time. We call this inertia.
Inertia is caused by an even amount of time absorbtion on all sides.
But when two objects are present, this is not the case, the time between them breaks this inertia and the two coalesce together, unless they are in orbit.
Think of it kind of like capillary action, like an invisible syphon though space/time. That's my view of gravity.
But I think not to throw out newton with the bath water. Peace.


did I miss the part where he talks about gravity's source? seems to me we still don't know what it is. just that we can predict it's effect on matter due to relativity


One of the most amazing thing in physics is the attention most of the people paying to gravity even though nobody understand what it is!


"Kids, just say no to getting high on gravity. It may seem like fun at first, but eventually gravity will just bring you down."
---Albert Einstein


I just remember reading that we have no proof of what gravity is and that it’s actually not a force. It’s more a mathematical solution to an equation. It melts your mind to think that we kind have no idea what it is or why it exists. Kinda how time and space are linked together.
When you go small, real small, everything breaks down. These equations just don’t work anymore. So we have a lot to learn still.


gravity, you mean that super strong force that holds the moon there but can't hold an astronaut down? 😂


The entire thing about Einstein's theory breaking down at the center of a black hole always confused me. Thread a peice of yarn through a tennis ball and hond both ends of th thread out. The thread is space time. The ball is our black hole. Now, watch the thread as you bring the ends over together. The closer together they are the more massive the black hole. But black holes are not stationary, the spin, and they move through the cosmos. So go ahead and twist the ball 90 degtees to simulate rotation. The thread will begin to twist, That can simulate gravitational waves, but if you keep going, keep adding mass the thread will actually twist together. At that point, the point where the two points of thread meet, that is the event horizon, and the point where we have to stop using math. Everything that happens bellow that point is for the most part pointless, but we can make a few observations. If you keep adding mass the ball effects the yarn above the event orizon, not the yarn bellow it, or at least it does not effect the yarn bellow the event horizon that we can see from the outside. Bit imagine we can see the ball. All of the forces that were present before are still there on the ball. We can still.meadure them, and the forces have not changed, but of course I don't k oaw what all.of those forces are, I'd ha e figure them out. The only question of if Einstein theory is correct is not "is it correct" but rather, "do we have all the variables?" We do not, and bellow the event horizon we never will.


Gravity is a side effect of spacetime, therefore not exactly a real force. It's basically mass bending spacetime causing small objects to "fall" into larger ones.


The gyroscopic effect of a spinning object hqs been ignored as to it's interaction with space time and orbits around other massive objects.


Black hole theory is based on the misconception that General Relativity predicts singularities. Einstein is known to have repeatedly said that this is not the case. Wherever you have an astronomical quantity of mass "dilation" (sometimes called gamma or y) will occur. Mass that is dilated is smeared through spacetime relative to an outside observer. GR does not predict singularities when you factor in dilation.
In the 1939 journal "Annals of Mathematics" he wrote - "The essential result of this investigation is a clear understanding as to why the "Schwarzchild singularities" (Schwarzchild was the first to raise the issue of GR predicting singularities) do not exist in physical reality. Although the theory given here treats only clusters whose particles move along circular paths it does seem to be subject to reasonable doubt that that more general cases will have analogous results. The "Schwarzchild singularities" do not appear for the reason that matter cannot be concentrated arbitrarily. And this is due to the fact that otherwise the constituting particles would reach the velocity of light."
If you look at a common relativity graph, with velocity on the horizontal line and dilation on the vertical, the phenomenon is clear, even mass that exist at 75% light speed is partially dilated.
There is no place in the universe where mass is more concentrated than at the center of a galaxy. 99.8% of the mass in our solar system is in the sun. 99.9% of the mass in an atom is in the nucleus. If these norms are true for galaxies than we can infer that there is 100's of trillions of solar masses at the center of common spiral galaxies. There is no way to know through observation, there is far too much interference, dilation and gravitational lensing. High mass means high momentum. If we attribute a radius to these numbers than we can calculate that relativistic velocities exist in these regions.
Einstein formulated relativity before the existence of galaxies was confirmed. It's clear the mass is dilated through the galaxy and not the universe as a whole.
The mass at the center of our own galaxy is dilated. In some sublime way that mass is all around us because as the graph shows we are still connected to it.
Black holes were popularized by television in the 1960's and belief in them gradually came to be despite the fact that Einstein said they cannot exist and there was no evidence.
The greatest mystery in science is the abnormally high rotation rates of stars in spiral galaxies (the reason for the theory of dark matter). It was recently discovered that low mass galaxies (like NGC 1052-DF2) have predictable rotation rates, this is what relativity would predict because there is an insufficient quantity of mass to achieve relativistic velocities. This is virtual proof that dilation is the governing phenomenon at galactic centers.
If you pose the question "why cant we see light from the galactic center?" the modern answer would be because gravitational forces there are so strong that not even light can escape (even though the mass of the photon is zero). Einstein's answer would be because the mass there is dilated relative to an Earth bound observer.


I don't understand the problem.
Doesn't matter under immense gravity turn into energy and lose its material dimensions.
Kind of like Bose-Einstein Condensate... but a further progression of this state to just energy, is there a limit to how much energy can be confined to a singular point in space-time?
Is it possible that under immense pressure energy could leak into other fields we don't yet know about?


What's interesting is newtons definition is basically just magnetism.


I am confused by the conflicting claims of the Theory of Relativity - First - E=MCsq. means that energu=mass. Then GR claim that Photons have no mass and on this base Sir Edington "Proved" that gravitational lensing is the result of "Bent Space" because the Sun's Gravity cannot affect the "Massless Photons" After this GR claim that Black Hole Gravity attract the Photons? GR rejects the "Eter" and claims that Space is an empty, and right after that predicts the existence of "Gravitational Waves" despite the claim that Gravity is not a force, but is just Bent Space. GR state that the massive objects emit force which is bending space. So... where that continuous force is coming from and what is its name? If Space is empty, how does this force bend the "Empty Space"? And how this "Empty Space" is forcing massive objects such as Jupiter to circle around the Sun? If Gravity is not a force, how does GR talk and calculate the strength of the Gravitational Field? This is just a fraction of the conflicting claims of General Relativity. Is there someone able to tell me what's going on?


It is amazing that things fall to the ground especially that it took so long for someone to think about that fact, lol


Gravity seems to create energy somehow. Any two objects in space “feel” an attraction, which then generates motion. In other words, those two objects will begin to move toward each other. Newtons law states that in order to have motion there must be a force at work. Scientists know it takes energy to generate a force. So in the case of gravity, where does that energy come from? It seems to come from nowhere. But objects move toward each other just the same; even very massive objects will begin to move toward each other. It’s puzzles me. Where does that energy come from?


In my thought experiment on gravity I look at the substance of particles. We know that the only thing in the Universe is Energy, E=MC^2 and Matter is Dynamic ( C^2). We believe that space is filled with a field (the Higgs Field) and this field sets the speed of light by restricting Dynamic Energy passing through the field tot the C constant speed of light. This implies that with out the field Dynamic Energy could travel much faster, perhaps even have infinite speed. As there is entirely energy the field itself must be energy in a different form, most logically energy in the form of loops, loops which will entangle with Dynamic Energy to form ultimately a rigid barrier to its passage as the local amount of energy increases, to the point where a particle is formed, the Higgs Particle.
In this thought experiment I speculate that the energy in a Quark is quantity of Dynamic Energy entangled within the Higgs field and gyrating at above light speed as within the particle there is no Field Energy, and the intense interaction of the Dynamic Energy with the Loop Energy containment produces a Higgs Field Shell which we have thought of as the Strong Nuclear Force and more recently the Matter Energy Equivalent as the Gluon. The mass of the Proton or the Neutron is the sum of the energy of the quarks plus the energy Gluon/Higgs Field Shell. The Higgs Field Shell is highly energized Higgs Field, the energy level of which dissipates by the square of the distance from the particle, and Gravity is the relative energy difference between the Higgs Energy Field of the particle and the Higgs Field Energy level of Deep Space. In this thought model a particle moving past another particle is deflected off the lower field energy of deep space towards the lower field energy of other matter particles.
So in this thought model Gravity is a “pushing” effect rather than a pulling force, and this entirely consistent with Newton’s Theories, only it integrates the Higgs Field and speculates that the source of the Gravitational effect is from the interaction of matter energy with the Higgs Field.
The Weak Nuclear “Force” is derived from induced energy flows and energy adjustments within the Nucleus that for Protons produce an energy string loop from a proton to which an electron attaches and can cause a Neutron to decay into a Proton. Again these interactions are powered by the Dynamic Energy of the Particle Quarks.
In this thought model I attempt to eliminate “Magical Forces” of attraction and demonstrate how everything in the Universe is a product of the interaction of Dynamic Energy and the Higgs Static Energy Field.
