AirPods Pro Replacement for Free: Sound Problems and crackling

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The AirPods Pro are the best earbuds you can get right now. Period. With that being said, I do not recommend buying the AirPods Pro right now.

Sounds confusing? Find out why it's better to hold off your purchase in this video.

Just like the 16 inch MacBook Pro finally fixed the sticky butterfly keyboard problem that plagued the (2016-2018) MacBook Pros with the scissors mechanism, the AirPods Pro 2 might solve the crackling and sound issues found with the AirPods Pro. That's why I recommend avoiding all these issues by holding off your purchase for now (or switching to another brand like Samsung's Galaxy Buds). Even with Apple's service program for sound issues, going through the hassle of getting new replacements now and then is just not convenient, in my opinion. To Apple's credit, though, they own their mistakes and will honor the program and replace your AirPods Pro if they are eligible, even if they were out of warranty.

AirPods Pro Service Program for Sound Issues:
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I went to the apple store and after wasting an hour. same sound issue you are talking about. They told me to buy two individual ones at $179 ea.. THe lady had on a thick mask and I had trouble understanding her. Of course I couldn't believe the price. I mentioned that I heard about the replacements but she said mine didn't


A small percentage? Yeah right. I am on my third pair and already need another replacement. I do not believe that anything was ever 'fixed'. These were defective to begin with and Apple probably decided that replacing a few thousand was cheaper than completely remaking a few million. I am so upset by this.


Great video. I think i am facing the same issue, small tick sound while facetimiing a lot


Well … I bumped into this video on 29 January 2023 and it has been godsend for me! I didn’t even know about this Service Quality Program (E1). My AirPod Pro were bought on 3 July 2020 and have had the crackling problem since outside Warranty. I was seriously considering trashing the AirPods! Very expensive trash!

So last night, immediately after watching the video I clicked the link you posted. This got me an appointment with an Apple Genius next day (today). I wasn’t completely optimistic but it was worth a try.

Today I visited the Apple Genius, they checked it was eligible, and it was! A few minutes they came back with two as the right one also failed their diagnostics! I didn’t know it was faulty.

This was a great outcome. I’m now happily using a pair of new AirPods. How long they’ll last is anyone’s guess. But at least I’ve got another chance with them! All thanks to your video. Bravo.


Yeah mine were manufactured September 2021, outside the “service program” and they wouldn’t replace them. So that tells me the problem was never fixed and it doesn’t matter when they were manufactured. The problem is still there with the later manufactured ones. I bought the gen2 pros.


I’m so glad I found this I was gonna just buy another one


Thanks for the information.... Out of six videos. Your video have me the right answers


Crackling problem in left. Took back. Mine were purchased BEFORE the issue started. So. Walked out apple store 😢


Lol, Apple is literally one of the worst companies when it comes to repair. The fact that we have to get these replaced every 6 months is a joke


If this happens to you while watching tiktok/ig reels or when you’re listening to music on a lower volume, just turn off the headphone accommodations


Apple customer care services might be best in the rest of the world.
But not here in India.
I have the issue with my aipods pro but it's not fixed and I'm visiting multiple service centres.


Hello I’m having this sound from 6th July but the warranty of AirPods is over can I able to replace that or I have to buy a new one


Hey there! I have a query.. my left air pro bud didn’t create a vacuum so when i use it it got me a earache within a minute of use. Last year i went to apple support and they change the ear-tip, problem fix but within 8-9 month it agains create a problem i tried other tip… won’t work.. i read about ‘AirPods Pro Service Program for Sound Issues’ can you please tell me that, with such situation, can the replace my left bud or they just gave me another ear-tip.


After 2 years i had this issue. In my country (Chile) they didn't applied this service process and told me that I have to had them replaced, which was more expensive than buying new Airpods. If this isn't BS, tell me what it is.
I'm never going to buy anything from apple again.


do you get a brand new set of airpods pro or is it just a left or right replacment


Same thing with me one pair I replace now again I’m getting same cracking sound 😬😬😬


Same issue is on 2021 april AirPod pro too, but till now Apple haven’t addressed that issue yet


Thankfully I came across this video, been having the issue for around a month and haven’t sorted it and I wasn’t aware of the service program, currently have a repair request logged and should get a new/repaired pair in the next week.

Thanks bud


I'm having the same issue with my airpod pro and they are refusing to fix it unless I pay for it, SMH.


I am three time call in Apple and 2 time visiting here in my city Apple Store but they are not replace my AirPod and not Repaire
