TOP 10 Reasons why ALBANY, NEW YORK is the WORST city in the US!

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Don’t move to Albany. Seriously. Let us tell you why.. In this series we tell you the WORST places to live in the United States. Our TOP 10 Lists tell you where NOT to move and why we think you should avoid it.

Albany is the capital city of New York State. Downtown’s huge Empire State Plaza has reflecting pools, an art-filled underground shopping concourse and The Egg, a striking performing arts center. The plaza is bookended by the 1800s New York State Capitol and the New York State Museum, focusing on natural and cultural history. The Albany Institute of History and Art is famed for its Hudson River School paintings. ― Google


I don’t know if you need to hear this, but:

These lists are not intended to be used for making life changing decisions. They are just another look at the city. I present both good and bad points of view on this channel. I don’t just make videos that are negative. There are positive videos on the channel too, check them out. They are made from statistical sources made available by government agencies as well as first hand resident experiences. If you are happy living here, I am happy for you. No need to send me death threats or tell my how horrible I sound. Thanks.

Thank you to the following people who made the images of the city available under CC licensing. They in no way endorse or promote my videos in any way.

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Complained that it’s a college town and their are a lot of young people. That’s actually a major plus. Having a healthy mix of young people to fuel the economy and bring in a fresh perspective. This woman still would have complained just as much if there were no colleges around and everyone was older. Like what is she getting out of this?


I used to live in Albany. I agree with the snow and of course being part of NY. However I think she either made up some items or is misinformed. I have lived in many different states and find that I was most comfortable in Albany. I knew where to go for health care and when meeting people I never got the feeling that they did not graduate from high school.


Is every city in the US the worst city in the US?


I'm from albany ny I've lived here all my life, i love it here. Schools & colleges are great here.
There's lots of history here!


When did you come to Albany? You actually gave a bad review cause of snow.Albany med saved my mother's life and gave her great care.Get your information right.


As someone who grew up in Albany there were an immense amount of parents and students who fudged legal documents in order to get into schools outside the city. Whether it be placing your home address as a grandparents in WSL or through other means people do not want to send their children to Albany schools. And frankly there is good reason for that. The school people often opt for instead, Averill Park high school has a huge rate of homeless students. less because students are actually homeless and more so because students from Albany go there regardless of where they live.


Maybe try to come to Albany and see for yourself, it isn’t that horrible of a place as people may think. The title is exaggerated


I have lived in Florida, Massachusetts and Albany I think A.M.C. is one of the best in the northeast I think this woman was the worst thing in new York


I think your review is unfair and part of the things you listed are things you can mentally control. If you overeat that's on you, not the whole town. You personally do not have to be unhealthy. Because it's Albany representatives are not interested in pouring money into Albany thats why everyone is running for congress or to be a rep. The beautiful prewar buildings have been neglected by the landlords who bought them and are not obligated to make them look any nicer so that's not Albany's entire fault. It's the landlords. It is a good college town and Albany University is one of the most beautiful and best campuses to go to. There's crime in every area whether it's New York or not. Albany is a cross between a small city and a farming community which is nice. They could do more but we'll see when elected who fixes Albany. Albany traffic is not as bad as Manhattan so you're wrong there. I have healthcare and it's pretty darn good. All of my needs in healthcare have been met and surpassed and we have amazing doctors here in Albany. You want to see abandoned homes and buildings go to the Bronx. There you will see a ghost town of forgotten people and neighborhoods because unfortunately nobody cares about Latinos or African Americans in that area. Snow is one of the four seasons in New York so if you don't like it then I suggest you move. I personally love snow and can't wait til we get it again. I do agree regarding pay but that's because most of the managers, directors and supervisors receive that money.


Just graduated from Albany High School this year, I will say that yes there are probably better places for education but I learned a lot and it was not that bad. Also the traffic is not a problem at all, I drive downtown all the time and I'm still learning to drive, hardly any traffic going down to the USS Slater where I work, and that's another plus, we have great museums.


It's interesting I think Albany is well positioned to potentially have a great future. It has river AND rail access and is only about 3 hours away from one of the biggest cities in the world. Add to that a fairly good state college and Rensselaer Polytech nearby. Who knows maybe in 20-25 years everyone will be clamoring to be there.


Bad Traffic? I don't think so. I moved here from Columbus, Ohio and that place is a cluster fuck compared to Albany. I would see 4 or 5 accidents a day there. In the 8 months I've been in Albany I've seen This place is so stress free driving sometimes I forget where I'm going because I'm enjoying driving again for the first time in 20 years.


Blaming abandoned houses for crime! and not the perpetrators.... INTERESTING.


While I am from NYC and moved to Albany back in 2018. The snow would be a bother to those that aren't from snowy states, Healthcare is good, there was little to no traffic can compare to the traffic I saw in NYC high as hell. When I used to drive on the highways, I didn't have to pay no tolls, and it's not a raggedy place either. I left in 2019 for other reasons but I definitely was not very patient getting to know Albany but hopefully in the future I can.


This is such a skewed, biased and untrue video about Albany. As someone who lives here, it’s far from perfect but it’s definitely not how you painted it out to be in this video.


Lived in Schenectady, over thirty years ago. Yes, there are problems. But there are also amazing opportunities there now, as GE has restored some of their operations there. Capital District: It's what you make of it.


#2 hits the nail on the head. Upstate NY would be a very different place if it was run by people who actually lived Upstate, and not by out of touch NYC politicians who think all of NY is NYC.


I used to live in Virginia 7 years ago and I moved to Albany, I would say it is an ok town with some potentialites, however, this video is misleading and full of exaggerations. It looks satirical.


As of right now April 2022, Albany Medical Center has a 2.8 star rating on Google Maps, not 1.0 stars.


We need to do something about Downtown, its only full and busy during work hours. Once state workers go home, or falls on weekends its dead
