Should You Buy a Bad Boy Tractor?

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I have said it before and I will say it the dealer. Do your research. Find a dealer that will truly support you and your tractor. They sell the tractor you really want.


Another plus of buying the BadBoy is they have a tractor parts plant in Batesville AR. They also take care of warranty work better than TYM because bad boy is standing behind the product.


This just might be one of your best comparison videos you have done. Quick clear and full of information. I'll probably never buy a tractor but I appreciate your clear explanation of each one. Thanks


I have a Badboy 4025 and I have over 250hrs. I cleared my 30 acre farm using it with the Badboy brush hog and grapple. It hasn’t let me down. You are correct about dealerships. My dealer is great about answering questions.


Hey Brock, I've had my Badboy 4035 for just over a year with over 100 hrs. It's been a great little tractor thus far. I've done several reviews of my Badboy 4035. Thanks for covering the Badboy. At the time South Florida it was best bang for buck.


Great video, Brock. I just picked up a 2025 TYM T224 last week, and what a great little tractor and cuts grassawesome. There is lots of power, and I believe it's the best sub compact tractor out I will be starting videos on it next week no one iss showing what it is made off and I plan on changing that 😀


Thanks for explaining the difference between the two and the other brands as well.


My neighbor bought a Tym 60 hp tractor and he uses the loader all time and has had a number of front bearings and seals in the front axles. They overload the
Front axles. He’s on is 4 set of bearings.


Thanks for going over the tractor, a lot cheaper than what I paid for my Ventrac which I love and will always keep. But I may be in the market for one of these cab tractors, nothing like eliminating the chance of getting stung by yellow jackets!


I own a bad boy lawnmower. I’m 55 years old and it is by far the best lawnmower I have ever owned! Any dealings I’ve had with bad boy have been positive… They really want to earn your business! They are obviously new in the tractor Market, but I guarantee you if they put bad boy on it they will be one of the best small to midsize tractors on the market within the next five years! There’s not many companies that take as much pride in what they do as my experience with bad boy! Like they say mow with an attitude! God bless.


I have 2 Branson 2400H tractors and have been generally satisfied. Worst aspect: Small decentralized network (although with TYM at the helm perhaps that will solve the issue. I am in Chicago and my dealer is in Oklahoma.


My Bad Boy dealer I bought a Rogue from this year told me he will have the Bad Boy 4055 cab version information soon. It will be there version of the TYM T574 that I’ve been looking at.


As a retired Ford New Holland & Kubota dealer, I would strongly suggest anyone who purchases some of these tractors with a small market segment should purchase a parts manual immediately. That way at least you could track down parts nationally if the local dealership should change or drop those brand. Hopefully Bad Boy is using TYM part numbers and not reinventing their own. New Holland was gracious enough to use Montana/LS part numbers and just add MT as a prefix to most of those parts.


Thanks for the video Brock. I am actually seriously considering going from an open station TYM T474 to a TYM cab tractor for mainly the A/C. I am no longer heat tolerant after having a mild heat stroke back in 2005. It gets worse every year. I have three open station tractors including a John Deere 5103, IH B414D and my beloved T474. My work usually involves working in tight woods 80% of the time and I have always feared breaking the glass in a cab tractor. But I think it is time to start talking about a cab tractor so I can enjoy having air conditioning here in southwest Arkansas from March to September. Thanks again for the detailed information in today's video my friend.


The thing you'd want to worry about with these off-brand tractors is dealer support, and parts availability and how you are going to get both when you live in an area that those machines aren't sold in. Sure the savings up front might sound great, but when you need parts and service and have to travel hundreds of miles for both, it might not end up saving you anything...if you have to order parts due to being far away from the dealer, the cost of doing so, and the downtime might be counter-intuitive....gotta think outside of that dollar figure for the long term...eventually you will need parts, eventually you will need dealer level service/repairs.

Doesn't matter what color you buy, that's on you, just think about your decision very well before buying....and dealer network and how far away they are is a huge thing to consider long before you start worrying about how much money you are gonna save up front by buying that off-brand machine.


Great detail on this topic! Thanks for sharing 💪🏼


I like the colour’s of the bad boy 🚜’s Think I’m gonna paint 🎨 my T25 wheels 🛞 black too lol
Great vid 👍🏽


I have a BB 4035 without the cab that I bought before TYM bought Kukje . 160 hours and going good. Big part of that choice was dealer location. Bad Boy dealer less than half the distance of the closest TYM dealer. i wish there were the better things like Grill Guard and skid plates to protect the underside especially as there are things like wires and hydraulic lines under there that are more exposed than I like.

Check with your Badboy dealers though, I know of a couple that do not have tractor mechanics, not a good thing.


Really enjoyed the video Brock, thanks! 👍🏻


I do like the color scheme of the bad boy line
