Have I fallen OUT OF LOVE? Can you fall back IN LOVE with your partner?

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Have I fallen OUT OF LOVE? Can you fall back IN LOVE with your partner? (Relationship advice for struggling couples & couples falling out of love)

Are you wondering if you've fallen out of love with your partner, husband, wife or significant other? What does falling out of love feel like? How do you know if you're falling out of love? Is falling out of love with your partner possible? Has a partner ever said to you "I am not in love with you anymore" or "I don't love you like I used to"? In this video, I explain what falling out of love REALLY means and why I think this is actually a very normal, natural part of most long-term romantic relationships. In fact, falling out of love is far from a death sentence in a relationship, but rather, an invitation to step into something much deeper, and more conscious together as a couple. Learn how to fall back in love with your partner, and successfully move through falling out of love stronger, happier and more in love than ever!

I'm Ash Nord, your truth-bombing fairy godmother for everything love, dating and relationships. With so many idealistic, romanticised Hollywood messages about love out there, my mission is to be an honest, unfiltered source of information for individuals and couples seeking honest relationship advice and love lessons. No games, no manipulation tactics, no teachings about how to trick someone into liking you… so, if that’s what you’re looking for, I’m probably not your girl. My content is geared towards those wanting to learn more about REAL intimacy and togetherness with their partners or future partners. I have a psychological focus (I'm a psychology student) and a genuine passion for understanding how humans relate to and connect with one another. If you're into that type of thing, or would simply like to hear personal stories about my own life experiences and romantic relationships, then stick around! I got you.

DISCLAIMER: Please note everything stated in this video and all videos on my channel are purely my personal opinions and are for entertainment purposes only. I am not a qualified professional and as such my opinions should not be taken as psychological advice.
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Thank you! You CHOOSE them every day! You CHOOSE the relationship and commitment that you made to them. Feelings are fickle and come and go. I don't understand why people don't see this. It's when you actively choose not to try anymore is when it's the end. Then you have to face the effects of that choice.


I feel like falling out of love, however I really don’t want to fall out of love. It’s like the crazy love is fading away, but I want to love him, like I used to. Words cannot even describe how much I loved / love him.


amazing video. I’m in such deep pain right now, lost in the sweet memories of our time together. Every moment we shared fills my heart, and all I long for is his return even though I’m not sure how to make that happen.


This is so helpful. Ive been torturing myself and ruining my relationship with negative thoughts and putting up barriers.


I ended a relationship because of these feelings I thought I knew well. This was eye opening thank you.


wow! honestly this makes so much send. I started getting intrusive thoughts about my relationship and i felt so much panic and fear. My mind is currently obsessing about not feeling those " love" feelings but i know that i love my partner and want this relationship. Ive been experiencing a lot of uneasiness and anxiety about it


I believe when you give up the will try, that’s truly falling out of love. You can fall in and out of love many times in your relationship. Your true feelings come out in whether you choose to just give up or feel compelled to work for it.


Thank you so much. This was an eye-opener to both me and my girlfriend. We were scared that we'd have to leave eachother and im so glad I stumbled across this video, its really saved our relationship as soulmates.


I really needed to hear this, my partner is great and the relationship is healthy but from time to time I question 'Am I still in love?'. I thought that this meant my relationship was doomed, but now it makes more sense. I need to make more effort for sure.


This is so validating. My last partner ended our relationship amidst a bunch of huge life changes. We'd had issues as everyone does, and I felt willing to choose to love and work together, but they did not. It hurt, but it helps to know that being loved isn't just about how lovable you are, but how loving the people in your life choose to be. we do have agency in choosing loving people and can be more discerning of that moving forward, but it helps to take rejection less personally this way. Great video! I hope you're well, Ash ♥️


Omg……. I have been soul searching and watching/reading advice for years for my quiet struggle…. 5 minutes into your video something absolutely clicked … I’m sitting here in tears with such understanding … thank you thank you thank you.. for once I feel as if I’ve answered all of my own questions as to what has gone wrong.. I couldn’t have found this at a more important time, talk about a light bulb moment ❤️❤️


So happy I came across this, my partner and I were doing pretty good and then he proposed and now all we do is fight. It doesn’t help that we now both work from home either. I really thought I needed to end our engagement. I definitely think we need couples counseling but it’s so reassuring to hear all of this.


I really come back and rewatch this any time the ROCD thoughts get too loud and not engaging isn’t working. Seriously a relationship saver!


I wish my lost love would watch this. It’s not everyday you find love at first sight and it be effortless and so strong.


My wife told me that she is not feeling any romantic love for me... it was a tragedy, we even discussed about how to split our kids... At the end, we decided to try it again, and this video is helping to understand why we are trying. I love my wife so much and crushed my heart when she told me about her feeling.


thank you so much. my boyfriend and i have been majorly struggling because he’s “fallen out of love” i am so happy i came across this video. And that our 2 year relationship can be saved. i will be sure to show this to him because your words are so wise and really opened my eyes to how relationships really do work.


thank you. i was so scared i was falling out of love with my bf who i love dearly and i couldn’t figure out my emotions and feelings but this really just helped me a ton and just saved us. thank you so much.


I agree with this. However, my partner left me for this reason and as of right now it's too hard for me to listen to the whole video. I will bookmark it and come back later when I'm a bit stronger.


I'm glad I found your video! I'm in a 6-year long term relationship with my bf. I've noticed I've fallen out of love especially because we are in a long-distance relationship for 3 years and I don't see the ending of it. I thought I fell out of love because of the distance, so it was such a relief to hear even normal couples go through these ups and downs. This video took my guilt away! I am gonna try to work on the ”loving”. :) thx!


Im crying so much thinking i fell out of love with the love of my life 😩 I genuinely do love her and i think shes the most beautiful girl on this planet but lately ive been feeling like the love is gone but i cant tell her because i do not want to hurt her because i genuinely care so much about her im praying that i get to stay with her and that the feelings come back
