A different dream. FULL TOUR of my 5 acre property in the rainforest (& future plans)

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After 6 years of full time van life and travel I have bought my dream land and plan to create an off-grid homestead! Occy and I would love for you to join us on this journey and learn with us along the way!

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Well what can I say.. as usual Occy stole the show and our hearts🥲
I'd just like to throw my hat in the property naming ring here and add a couple of alternate names the fig is known by. One is Figwood. Another is the old aboriginal name for figs called Birra Birra. I am so keen to learn more about the indigenous history of this area and I think the traditional custodians of this land need to be recognised.
What do you think?
Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one 💛💛💛


Oh Max! It just gets more incredible with each video you post. Love how Occy is just stepping into his role as co-custodian; like he was born to it.


Omg Occy asleep under the fig tree warmed my heart so much. He deserves this retirement home you have bought him!!


Occy is just loving his new home. You can clearly see an Occy smile. I really like seeing you so happy and who wouldn't be there. Your property is beyond amazing.


The outtakes made me smile. And precious Occy, he is a WARRIOR!! I am in awe of the fig tree. Have never seen such a unique tree before and especially not one 500 years old. Max, you are exuding happiness and peace and it’s wonderful to see. Can’t wait for the next video 😊🐶


If you’re building raised beds for your veggie garden (which I strongly recommend) you should definitely make them ‘wicking beds’. Veggies absolutely love them and they’re much lower maintenance and water efficient than other forms of watering. Also, your kitchen compost will be your best friend.


You are living my dream! I would definitely fly to Australia to stay at a tiny house in this beautiful area. I'm so happy you have found this spot of paradise to create your dream.


Is it just me or does Occy look younger in his new environment?? THAT makes me happy to see. WHAT a spectacular paradise you have now Max!!!! Unbelievable beauty and potential, CANNOT wait to see how you make it your new haven!!! Best luck, as ALWAYS from TN USA❤


Birra Birra is a beautiful name for an exceptional property. Well done Max and Occy. May you both have many happy years in your new home ❤️❤️


Congratulations Max and Occy. I was thinking of an appropriate name for your place and being as Occy has made this journey with you and he's getting up there in years, you should honor his friendship, That's why I think OCCLAND should be the chosen name. Not to be confused with Auckland. You, Occy and the Vanwives have been instrumental in the decision for my retired husband and I to build a campervan. We're just starting our build, Thank you and keep posting. We send our Love and best Wishes from Ontario, Canada.


Wow Max!!! I can't believe how varied and diverse the landscape is within five acres. There's just so much potential to put your own personal stamp on it and have it reflect your individual personality. I love the fact that Occy has felt so at home immediately. It gives him all the space to run, nap, explore and just live his life to the fullest. That's awesome! Once again, congrats and well done, mate!


WOW - breathtaking property, lovely animals (and humans ;) and wonderful filming (+ editing). It was a joy to watch! Thank you for taking us along! 😍


The Frugal Fig, or The Frugal Figgy, Farmstead! Love seeing you with Eamon & Bec and Jazz & Crystal/Vanwives!


Just wow! I love your property so
Much. Birra Birra gave me the best goosebumps. I think the name is perfect.
Once the tiny house is available to rent out or offer it to guests, I’d just love to rent it from you for a time. 💕 phenomenal land, and I can see how incredibly happy Occy and you are.
On a warmer note, if you ever need a hand, I’m certain others like myself, would love to contribute in helping you build and improve your homestead in the perfect way you envisioned. Let us know how we can help? xoxo -Much luv & light


What a stunning property but that fig tree is gorgeous!! Aww Occy living his best life love it!! Can't wait to see the creek running! So exciting!! Paws up!!


Love the bloopers at the end, so fun! Love your new dream property/ home even more so & seeing what you’re doing with it & hearing your plans! I can definitely feel your heart is in the place & and Occy is so happy & free there, so I am excited to see more! Thank you for the inspiration to dream big & your mental wellness awareness! Much love to you & Occy! 💛🙏


You found your dream home. This place is heaven on Earth. I am so happy for you and your dog.


Love that shot of Occy walking behind you


This is the epitome of tranquility. How very exciting for this new chapter in yours and Occy’s life. Just a thought building a treehouse would be amazing.


Yes! My husband and I are definitely keen to stay with you. What an incredible location.
