Europe's largest nuclear plant caught in crossfire between Russia and Ukraine | ABCNL

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There has been renewed shelling near the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, sparking increased warnings from the U.N.'s nuclear watchdog agency.

#Crossfire #Russia #Ukraine #Zaporizhzhia #ABCNLUpdate
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It's the ukranians shelling it, the Russians occupy it, only broadcasts like this question who's shelling the plant.


PROTIP: IF they cant say its russia, its 100% Ukraine. Just like the missile


Mind Begs the Question:
If deploying WMDs, Mercenaries
In USA backyard (Cuba) - Not Allowed
In Russias backyard (Ukraine) - Allowed
Democracy, Imperialism?


I see the troll factory is working overtime...


After 19 years since the beginning of the invasion of Iraq, has the West forgotten this war?
The Iraq war is said to have resulted in 1 million deaths the difference is russia have weapons of mass destruction
A message to the future generations never make russia feel threatened
the difference between "looking dangerous" and "being dangerous".Russia
describes military doctrine as defensive military doctrine. With regard
to nuclear weapons specifically, Russia reserves the right to use
nuclear weapons: in response to the use of nuclear and other types of
weapons of mass destruction against it or its allies, in case of
aggression against Russia with the use of conventional weapons when the
very existence of the state is threatened
Russia has the World's Largest Bomber
As of 2022, the Federation of American Scientists estimates that Russia possesses 5, 977 nuclear weapons, while the United States has 5, 428; Russia and the U.S. each have about 1, 600 active deployed strategic nuclear warheads.
Russia has the most nuclear weapons of any country, at 6, 257. Of these, 1, 458 are active, meaning they are already deployed, 3, 039 are available (can be deployed if needed) and 1, 760 are retired (out of use and awaiting dismantlement
How do Russian nuclear weapons compare to the rest of the world?
Russia - 6, 257
America 5, 550
UK - 225
France - 290
China - 350
Israel - 90
Pakistan - 165
India - 156
North Korea - 40
When you tell the truth it's always gonna be controversial.
USA bombing list : the democracy world tour
usa nuked japan from then on wars
-Korea and China 1950-1953
(Korean War)
-Guatemala 1954
-Indonesia 1958
-Cuba 1959-1961
-Guatemala 1960
-Congo 1964
-Laos 1964-1973
-Vietnam 1961-1973
-Cambodia 1969-1970
-Guatemala 1967-1969
-Grenada 1983
-Lebanon 1983-1984
(both lebanese and syrian targets)
-Libya 1986
-Elsavador 1980s
-Nicaragua 1980s
-Iran 1987
-Panama 1989
-Iraq 1991 (persian gulf war)
-Kuwait 1991
-Somalia 1993
-Bosnia 1994-1995
-Sudan 1998
-Afghanistan 1998
-Yugoslavia 1999
-Yemen 2002
-Iraq 1991-2003
(US/UK on reguler basis)
-Iraq 2003-2015
-Afghanistan 2001-2015
-Pakistan 2007-2015
-Somalia 2007-8 and 2011
-Yemen 2009 and 2011
-Libya 2011 and 2015
-Syiria 2014-2015
Never forget who's the real threat to the world !!
Who have killed more people in last two decades ?
America or Russia


Ukraine gains the most from shelling the plant. just saying.


Fortunately, those power plants are encased in very thick concrete.


Who do you THINK is responsible? Ukraine shot a missile into Poland. The Soviet Union built that powerplant. It's basically theirs.


It obvious Ukraine is bombing the plant


just read 2015 interview with four star general Colin Powell. Reference to HarwardKennedy School, Belfer center. " Insisted that americans need to better understand russian mindset...and be cautions about expanding its military presence along russia's borders"..further he explicitly expressed opposition to providing lethal armes to ukraine government .


1 disabled and 5 foolish people supporting the disabled disturb a calm, sleeping natuon.. this is what you should expect in retaliation. WHY? mind your business and retain relations. Simple.


Financially speaking Russia could only last three years. After three years at the rate of Russia's cost for attacking Ukraine at a billion dollars a day. Support our troops and Ukraine. Russia has already lost a minimum of half a trillion dollars, not Rubbles. The Ruble is worth 1 cent vs the dollar. And Russia is losing ten percent of its profits GDP. Good luck Russia you going to need it.


With what is happening in Ukraine it is obvious that building a Nuclear power station in any country leaves the country with a strategic risk. Further Solar PV with storage is cheaper then nuclear. Fixed-axis PV plus storage $58-178 per MWh to Nuclear energy costs $112-189 per MWh. Also Solar PV with storage can meet base load power demands.


we didnt have any of these problems with trump in office. now look at all the countries mad at each other


i probably know what that nuke-r agency thinking feeling about Ukraine and Russia


"Europe's largest nuclear plant caught in crossfire between (Trumpian) Russia and (Blessed) Ukraine" so let's otherwise "Convince It Forward" with Slava BOHU


Day 272: Russia targets power and infrastructure. Friendly fire almost causes WWIII.
America still the only monsters to have used nuclear weapons against Japan 77 years ago.
Cheap homemade sea ski drones make carriers and subs a waste of human lives and money.
Australia paid America 4 billion for 2 subs. 10K could have bought 3 sea skis at a garage sale.


ABC New Dont know nothing about Zaporiszhya nuclear plant, false news


No negotiation!!! You already know Ukrainian opinion and Putin the 4 regions are Russian forever.
Repeat about some negotiation is like hallucinations .


That’s a special interest to Europe I can’t speak for them but I’d protect it n every way possible loosing it causes great difficulties isn’t it the same as attacking Europe it self
