Reforming The Administrative State—And Reining It In

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The Hoover Institution hosted "Reforming the Administrative State—and Reining It In" on Tuesday, January 17, 2017 from 5:00pm - 7:00pm EST.

In January, National Affairs released three reports on comprehensive proposals to rein in the regulatory state, advance innovation, and modernize higher education.

To mark the release of the report on reforming the administrative state, the Hoover Institution and National Affairs hosted an event featuring a discussion by the report's three authors: Hoover Institution research fellow Adam White, Manhattan Institute senior fellow Oren Cass, and R Street Institute senior fellow Kevin Kosar. The discussion was led by Yuval Levin, editor of National Affairs.

In its four chapters, the report:

Diagnoses the fundamental problems underlying the modern administrative state, which reflect a failure of republican governance;

Proposes to restore Congress to its crucial constitutional role as the "First Branch" in lawmaking, policymaking, appropriations and oversight;

Proposes to modernize White House oversight of agency regulatory actions, primarily by shifting the Office of Information and Administration's role from one of reaction to one of action; and
Proposes to reform both the laws governing agency process and the laws governing judicial review of agency action, in order to improve the quality of agency actions and, relatedly, to ensure more meaningful judicial review of agency actions.
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Sounds like a Soviet style bureaucracy.


The panel was great but they ended on a cynical note. Not reasurring.
