Mark Levin explains how Trump can end the Administrative State (aka Deep State)

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In an interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News, radio talk host and author Mark Levin explained how President Donald Trump can end the power of the progressives. Levin said progressives depend on the massive unelected bureaucracy of the federal government to push their agenda by passing three-to-four thousand laws every year without input from the people.

To "drain the swamp", Levin proposes that Trump slashes the budgets of every agency besides the military and law enforcement by up to 20 percent. He said Trump is the leader of the Republican Party and should meet with House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Leader Mitch McConnell to pass a budget that breaks the bureaucracy. If Ryan or McConnell fail to do this, Levin says, then Trump has the power to replace them as the leader of the GOP.

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