Let's Talk About Depression & Loneliness- RecordingRevolution.com

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With most of the world a few weeks into quarantine...

It's right now where the initial motivations we had for this time period start to die down.
And whether we want to or not, feelings of negativity, loneliness and isolation can start to creep in.

I've faced depression and darker times before, I want to offer some advice on overcoming them in today's video.

I've put together a special gift for any musician looking to have a community to tap into, band together with, and improve their mixing skills during these tough times - I'd like to give you 3 free months of Recording Revolution VIP, no strings attached, and two of my flagship mixing courses.

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Honestly, working on music and mixing is the only thing keeping me sane at the moment. Thanks for the talk man!


I feel you, Graham. I did have a dark period earlier in my 20s. I felt lonely, dealt with rejection, and felt depressed. In this day and age, late last year, to counter these things...I finally bit the bullet and recorded my first song. Also, I have been attending meetups so that I can improve my social life...and to remove any unwanted excuses.

Thanks a ton for this vital video during these quarantined times.


I was among your first hundreds subscriber. I was in my teen 8 years ago with a crazy love for music and recording gears. Found your video helps me bought my first interface. Now i have failed 2 businesses, bad bad time in my life with depression. I felt like a failure and today once again after stop my passion with music because of my business, i have found you again. Feel like you were talking to me. Maybe we were connected through god. I used to live in the city you are living now. Thanks man.


Haha i saw my name on the vip clip you did!! Vip has been a life saver for me. I struggle with depression and anxiety, PTSD, pretty much daily. Virus or no I struggle leaving my house. The people involved in vip are awesome people and it's been a great way for me to stay connected to people. So thanks Graham for this vid, for creating vip, and for being an honest guy.


I'm going on 77 years old and I've been a professional audio engineer and producer since the late 60s. I've got COPD and I know I've only got 2 maybe 3 years left of doing what I love most, music production. But I've reconciled myself for what it is and I don't think about it. I'v also got Jesus in my life and I'm going to continue until he decides to take me home. :)


My life is one big HAPPY 'P' right now!!! - Plectrum....Piano....Pen... Paintbrush LOVIN' THIS ISOLATION - I'LL MISS IT
WHEN IT'S OVER....KEEP LOOKING UP TO THE SKY!!!!..special thanks Graham!!!


Unbelievable, bro. That was the very year, when The Recording Revolution picked me up to make music again three years after my house burned down in 2006. The 5 min to a better mix became a game changer for me. Later I bought the vocal recording course because I never liked my vocal recording and mixing. Never regretted. After that I joined dueling mixes which I really liked. Last year I moved to the Philippines. Just recently I met a young man in a Jeepney who was carrying a small case which happened to be a saxophone. We started to talk about music. Recording. And he told me that he is studying at Google College. And his seminars take place on the Internet. And his professors are Graham Cochrane and Joe Gilder. I laughed and said, mine as well. A conversation riding along mango trees and coconut palms.


Hi Graham, I have been following you for a couple of years. You have taught me a lot. I work as a psychiatrist, and am currently running a COVID ward. Your humility and profound love for your fellow human, touched me. God Bless you


Awesome video 🥰 I am not someone who struggles with depression on the regular, but I went through a really dark time about a year ago. My pastor gave me a really helpful book about depression from a Christian perspective by Martyn Lloyd Jones, and it made a few really good points that overlap with your points. There's a time and place for introspection, but we can't dwell there. Also some people are more prone to depression than others (and that's okay), but we won't find true joy within ourselves. If we truly believe in what Christ has done for us, dwelling on THAT will bring true joy. Sure, life will bring trials, people will disappoint us, and we will disappoint ourselves. However, we do better when we dwell on what Christ has done for us, because that brings true joy and peace. Easier said than done, but I totally agree with your points on setting up your life routines to avoid over-introspection ❤️


There could not be a more important video - thank you Graham.


Music is truly the only thing that keeps me going off the deep end.


Thank you, since the first day of my country's lockdown, I started brainstorming for ideas to craft good music as a learning musician, been very enthusiastic till I broke down mentally after a few terible tries, lost my motivation after that, and my current living situation adding up the fuel of hopelessness, but still I keep on pursuing it for the hope that haven't fade out in my soul, again thank you, this means a lot to me, lost track of time and connection from the outer world, that is so true, it's like you're my first advisor since everything is locked down now.


Thanks, I needed this today! Isolation is getting hard now, but videos like yours definitely help. ✌


8:12, “but I smell good.” Is my favorite part. Thanks Graham.


honestly his three suggestions are very useful ESPECIALLY #2 for prevention and recovery from any mental health issues. three years ago i worked myself into a panic and major depressive episode (google psychomotor agitation, it was severe) - sleeping way too late, and working out TOO much. it got to the point where i'd be running on the treadmill feeling i was gonna pass out - and kept running! sometimes pushing yourself is good, but when youre body is telling you to stop, seriously, just stop. healthy habits makes such a huge difference, sleep is medicine and its free!


Thanks for this. It's been a dark month. But we're gonna beat this year and the next! Much love :)


Keyword here: "you were designed to...".
God bless you guys.
Psalm 91 times...

The joy of the Lord is my strength.


Great video Graham! I'm fan from 2013...I bought couple of your courses, great staff. Keep doing a great work! Stsy safe, stay healthy.


Massive Kudos for sharing this great vid Graham. It's the good guys like you who are lighting the way for others through this challenging time. An asteroid hit my family in 2009 and it's only the grace of God that got us through. Be blessed and stay well bro.


Thank you buddy. Wish you all the best. It would be scary if we search depression on youtube and nothing comes up.
