WHO: Depression - let’s talk

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Depression affects people of all ages, from all walks of life, in all countries. It causes mental anguish and impacts on people’s ability to carry out even the simplest everyday tasks, with sometimes devastating consequences for relationships with family and friends. It is also the largest cause of disability worldwide.

This short video highlights the public health and economic arguments for ensuring that treatment for depression is available to everyone who needs it.

This video has been produced as part of the World Health Organization’s “Depression: let’s talk” campaign, which began on 10 October 2016 and runs for one year.

Find more information on the campaign website :

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I don't have any friend who understands depression is not just sadness.... They including my parents see me as a ungrateful spoiled brat....


what if someone don't have any trusted friend ? or can't talk to family members as well?


Heard a lot times, have a hope, it will cure


I did not know depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide!


Videos hurt
understand this...we all have only one consiousness called the universal.mind.thoughts are currents or energy passing by just like radio waves.if your receptive to a particular thought its get stuck with you. you carry this energy and feel bad emotions inside you..ok ...depression is a state of mind when you have negative thought about you. its intensity will.vary and its not you or yours. so instead of holding and fearing release it in the air...how will you do it
go to a beach...or a lonely place raise both the hands deep breathe 5 times and then scream out loud for 17 times think instead that your releasing this bad energy into universe. then close your eyes. and pray that the divine god is showering the light of change on you
do it for 7 days your anxiety will disappear into thon air


I bet the muslim who read quran do not have depression


I found this video to seek advice on how to combat depression. Instead, the introduction focuses on the cost of depression, such as, how much revenue is lost, how much it costs to see someone or get treated. Wow, if that isn't enough to make you overdose, I don't know what is?


I have severe depression. I also have severe anxiety. I was abused and neglected as a child with barely any food or water. I am now adopted but my adoptive grandparents have died. My birth sister left me and my mom but I don't have a dad. I can't talk about my problems because I was 5 when I was adopted and remembered most of it but I have to be the strong person in the family. I beat up punching bags and stuff and it helps a lot but I don't think it is a healthy habit. My mom says she had it way harder than me because she got jumped once and had to kick someone. I was abused and had to pull a knife on my dad for him to stop (birth dad). I was taken by the state and now am wishing I was dead. I'm not abused anymore or but through anymore trauma. I am 12 now. I was exposed to no toilets, one loaf of bread to eat for one month between 3 of us, and more. If you are reading this, thank you and it will be better, it just takes time.


Depression is the normal reaction to a crapsack world.
