Stop Saying Things That Make You Weak | Jordan Peterson Animated

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Jordan Peterson on how to integrate one's shadow, from his Biblical Lecture "Walking With God: Noah And The Flood"

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What a man, dedicating his life to share deep knowledge with simplified dynamics for free for everyone. That's a hell of a mission, imagine how many people Jordan Peterosn helped and saved so far, and how many he will still help after he dies, it's incalculable


After much self observation I figured this out in my 20s. From there I spent hours observing and correcting my thoughts, saying self affirmations to the opposite of every negative or non-self serving thought. It took months of steady work for me to undo most of that programming we receive from ourselves since childhood.

The results were astounding. My confidence, charisma, sense of self worth, courage and charm exploded, but it was all natural, no arrogance, no fakeness, to trying. It was like turning into a Jedi.

I eventually lost all those gains as it is very easy to slip back into the old programs, and I am just now, many years later, practicing to get that back ... I have a lot of work to do, its amazing how easy it is to have self defeating thoughts and how hard it is to fully get rid of them.


The way he is able to verbalise his psychological phenomenology, truly fantastic. 👏🏻


“Watch your thoughts, they become your words;
watch your words, they become your actions;
watch your actions, they become your habits;
watch your habits, they become your character;
watch your character, it becomes your destiny.”
Lao Tzu

Our only hope for growth of our spiritual selves is, that we can start, and then continue thinking beyond our reptilian stem.
Thank You "SHIMBO" for this thought provoking work. Will


One thing I've realized is that being able to show some degree of vulnerability is extremely empowering. Accepting one's weaknesses while actively working to improve not only makes one less susceptible to attacks on one's character, but also makes one appear more likable, honest and strong. Putting up a front of perfection and invulnerability can give one tremendous power, but that power makes one incredibly vulnerable. We are bound to make mistakes as imperfect humans and if you have been pretending to be infallible all along, even the most insignificant mishap can cost you your persona. On the other hand, if you right off the bat show that you are comfortable with your flaws, people will be less critical of you and you might even find yourself getting away with minor mistakes. On the other hand, when you present yourself as perfect and strong from the start, you draw attention towards your every mistake and imperfections whereas if you are honest about your flaws from the offset you will be better at connecting with others and be less susceptible to personal attacks on your character.


Thanks for watching everyone! I hope these words are as helpful for you as they were for me. Godspeed.


Wow. I went through something very similar to everything JP is describing in this video.
He is soo good at saying what he means. It’s that commitment to truth.


You know I had that voice in me judging and criticizing and really didn’t know what to make of it. I went through something very traumatic a few months ago and at the moment I am trying to pick up the pieces that are left but in the process of putting back my identity, words and actions together I questioned everything. I questioned my values and foundational thoughts and really didn’t know which was the TRUE voice. I heard both of them as true. Heard the empowering and the Devils advocate voice in my head. Now with the help of this knowing I am not insane I can move forwards onto becoming better.


This video deserves at least 10M views, so much value in it


Videos like this are absolutely invaluable to mankind .
We lost family, community, connection and meaning over decades of mental decay and PC narratives.
This true, factual, solid wisdom is timeless and absolutely necessary now


I'm high functioning aspergic and can relate to his experience, in that there there is no desire or compulsion to 'impress' others, or 'conform to the herd, and as a result I've often been compared to monsters, and the disordered (sociopaths, narcissists, psychopaths), by what I now consider, 'sheep'.

This has come with the conundrum of being aware, and inscenmtivized by others, to consider my true self as being something that should be oppressed, but I do not subscrube to this line of thinking, and instead, I embrace my true self/monster, and have nurtured it within others.

Nowadays <msitisaraP<, narcissism, and codependency are the norms.

The pigeons in cages wish to hold all the other birds down and convince them they too are pigeons.

It is truly glorious as a man, to see a caged eagle, that has been oppressed and beaten its whole life, and not only show him what lies outside of 'Plato's cave', but to nurture that true component in others, and watch them rise up and soar, and then come back to me and express gratitude for empowering them to be what they are.

Listen to the pain within. The discomfort. It is your true selves, screaming as your falseness and the expectations of others that created it, and press upon and confine the real you.

Listen to it. Identify what you are, nurture that part of you, and disregard the expectations and BS of all those who would tell you what you should be, for them, and eventually, you will become what you are, and you will rejoice when you find your wings, and the courage to leave the flightless behind in the dust and their S* stained cages.

Do not apologize for being more than they are.
Do not crush yourself to fit into their paradigm.

If they claim you are wrong, you are doing something right.


This happened to me recently. One day I woke up and was very more consciously aware of myself, what I would say though out the day and how I would act. I’m more aware now and think before I speak. I listen slot more than I talk. Sometimes silence says a lot about someone


I love him so much for his

His brutal honesty. ❤


Pat on the back to all who are here trying to better themselves, trying to understand what life is all about.

You could have been watching something else... we wil succeed in our efforts.
Thank God for Jordan.


Violence rarely fixes problems.

99.8% of Problems are solved peacefully


He is so amazing. I feel like this is me. I started watching my words, and didn’t have much to say.


I'm there.
5% but never feel so much calm and in control of myself while my world just collapse.

Never was so scared but this time I choose to be courageous and I dive into my shadow.


To quote a line from the 4th Rambo movie:
"When you get pushed killing is as easy as breathing"
Absolute truth


I will always admire this level of transparency... I have it too... it's not easy sometimes


Word for word is align with what's going on with me right now in life and what I must do. Awesome graphics and message. Can't thank you enough for this brother. Thumbs up!
