A Lost Creation Myth: The Horse, The Dog, and Man

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How do we trace a ancient myth that has been lost from its homeland? This video shows how we can look at folklore to obtain pieces of myth, to recreate a story that disappeared for thousands of years. This is an creation myth of the Indo-Europeans, where man was made from mud.
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📚 References
Devyatkina, Tatyana 2004. Mordvinian Mythology. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC Publishing.
Diffloth, Gérard 2005. The Contribution of Linguistic Palaeontology to the Homeland of Austro-Asiatic. The Peopling of East Asia. London & New York: Routledge Curzon, pp. 79–82.
Hermanns, Matthias P. 1954. The Indo-Tibetans. Bombay: Fernandes.
Howey, M. Oldfield 1923. The Horse in Magic and Myth. London & Aylesbury: William Ridey & Sons.
Kapp, Dieter B. 1986. A parallel motif in Lepcha and Barela-Bhilala mythology. Asian Folklore Studies, Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 259–285.
Kerbelyte, Bronislava 2001. The Types of Folk Legends. Saint Petersburg: Evropeiskiy Dom.
Koppers, Wilhelm & Jungblut, Leonard 1976. Bowmen of Mid-India. Wien: Institut für Völkerkunde.
Kriukova, Viktoria Yu. 2005. Zoroastrism. [The Zoroastrinism.] Saint Petersburg: Azbuka-Klassika, Peterburgskoe Vostokovedenie.
Kuzmina, Elena K. 2000. The Eurasian Steppes. The Transition from Early Urbanism to Nomadism. Kurgans, Ritual Sites, and Settlements: Eurasian Bronze and Iron Age. Oxford: Archeopress, pp. 118–125. (BAR International Series 890.)
Osada, Toshiki 2010. A comparative study of Munda creation myth. Paper presented for Radcliffe Exploratory Seminar on Comparative Mythology. October 6–7, 2010. Cambridge: Cambridge University, pp. 1–12.
Osada, Toshiki & Onishi, Masayuki 2010. Language Atlas of South Asia. Kyoto: Research Institute for Humanity and Nature.
Parpola, Asko & Janhunen, Juha 2010. On the Asiatic Wild Asses (Equus hemionus & Equus kiang) and Their Vernacular Names. Na Puti Otkrytia Tsivilizatsii. Saint Petersburg: Aleteia, pp. 423–466.
Peterson, John 2009. Kharia-English Lexicon. Santa Barbara: University of California.
Playfair, Alan 1909. The Garos. London: D. Nutt.
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🧡 Please respect other's cultures and beliefs. Racism, discrimination or threatening speech will not be tolerated.
📚 References
Devyatkina, Tatyana 2004. Mordvinian Mythology. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC Publishing.
Diffloth, Gérard 2005. The Contribution of Linguistic Palaeontology to the Homeland of Austro-Asiatic. The Peopling of East Asia. London & New York: Routledge Curzon, pp. 79–82.
Hermanns, Matthias P. 1954. The Indo-Tibetans. Bombay: Fernandes.
Howey, M. Oldfield 1923. The Horse in Magic and Myth. London & Aylesbury: William Ridey & Sons.
Kapp, Dieter B. 1986. A parallel motif in Lepcha and Barela-Bhilala mythology. Asian Folklore Studies, Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 259–285.
Kerbelyte, Bronislava 2001. The Types of Folk Legends. Saint Petersburg: Evropeiskiy Dom.
Koppers, Wilhelm & Jungblut, Leonard 1976. Bowmen of Mid-India. Wien: Institut für Völkerkunde.
Kriukova, Viktoria Yu. 2005. Zoroastrism. [The Zoroastrinism.] Saint Petersburg: Azbuka-Klassika, Peterburgskoe Vostokovedenie.
Kuzmina, Elena K. 2000. The Eurasian Steppes. The Transition from Early Urbanism to Nomadism. Kurgans, Ritual Sites, and Settlements: Eurasian Bronze and Iron Age. Oxford: Archeopress, pp. 118–125. (BAR International Series 890.)
Osada, Toshiki 2010. A comparative study of Munda creation myth. Paper presented for Radcliffe Exploratory Seminar on Comparative Mythology. October 6–7, 2010. Cambridge: Cambridge University, pp. 1–12.
Osada, Toshiki & Onishi, Masayuki 2010. Language Atlas of South Asia. Kyoto: Research Institute for Humanity and Nature.
Parpola, Asko & Janhunen, Juha 2010. On the Asiatic Wild Asses (Equus hemionus & Equus kiang) and Their Vernacular Names. Na Puti Otkrytia Tsivilizatsii. Saint Petersburg: Aleteia, pp. 423–466.
Peterson, John 2009. Kharia-English Lexicon. Santa Barbara: University of California.
Playfair, Alan 1909. The Garos. London: D. Nutt.