Debunking Climate Myths: How To Tell Good Climate Science from Bad | Ocean Matters Lecture

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Watching TV or browsing social media we are constantly bombarded with facts and statistics about climate change, the environment and what we should to do to reduce our environmental impact. These seem to change from day to day, so it can seem impossible to know what is really going on. This lecture will demonstrate how some of these statistics and facts are obtained and how you can use scientific critical thinking to decide how reliable they are. Everyone is welcome, whether you have never taken a science class or just want to learn some skills to improve your critical thinking.

Speaker: Dr. Ruth Sharpe | Ruth is the Public Programs Manager at Ocean Wise. She earned her PhD in Zoology from the University of British Columbia in August 2017 and is a passionate science communicator.
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If you suffer from insomnia, this video should be a big help....


One of the hardest videos ever to watch. So much fumbling with the slide show and microphone. Not to mention the fumbling speech of the presenter. How am I suppose to take this seriously????


WHa...what...what.. was this al...(sorry, this is not working! is this ok? ) what was I talking about...? Oh, yes, let me see....


i'm skimming 9 minutes in and find it hard to trust people who cant present coherently - respectfully this is not academic quality
