Climate Scientists Debunk 13 Myths About Global Warming | Debunked

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Climate scientists Deepti Singh and Benjamin Cook join us to debunk 13 myths about global warming. They talk about the difference between climate and weather, how affordable renewable energy is, and why it doesn't help to point fingers. Do we really only have until 2030 to make a difference? Singh and Cook dive deep into these myths and more on this episode of "Debunked."

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Climate Scientists Debunk 13 Myths About Global Warming | Debunked
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I once heard someone put it very simply: "The earth is not in danger, humans are."


France is almost exclusively run on Nuclear power now. It is literally the most energy-efficient fuel souece and is much less "dirty" than coal and fossil fuel sources.


Al Gore: Ocean levels will rise.
Also Al Gore: buys beach front property.


"How do we start the video? I know, how about we spoil parts of the middle of the video?"


What about the 800 year time lag between a warming event and CO2 release? Which would correspond with the Medieval Warm Period. CO2 doesn't drive warming, it follows it.


"...solution...people work together.'

Conclusion of conclusions: We ARE doomed.


During the 1930s America experience a mini warm period, resulting in what became known as the dust bowl. It got so hot farmland turned to dust forcing farmers to abandoned their farms. Summers were far warmer back then, this is why the early 1980s is chosen for a staring point to show a strong warming trend. They pick this date because it was the coolest, in decades.
When the oceans warm they release Co2. This is the reason rises in Co2 lag behind rises in global mean temperature. I have yet to see evidence showing rises in Co2 leading increases in global temperatures.
Co2 levels have always been at their highest just before the onset of ice ages. (rapid cooling events) So obviously something else is driving temperature.


No rational person doubts that the climate changes.
But, rational people on either side come up with reasons why it does.
The earth is greener today, than it has been in a long time and crop yields are higher.
I am still puzzled by the data that shows that CO2 increases after, now before significant warming. Long range geological data shows that we have had much higher concentrations. This video, to me is just one side of a very complex story, and one, which seeks to censor opposing views.


This year, I've decided to vacate in the Maldives.... oh, wait!

They've been underwater since 2018.


We have a big problem with how we produce energy, I think it's time for a serious level up in nuclear technology.


I was in Canada several years ago and routinely volunteered in a charity organization. One day, I met a new volunteer who said he was a recent immigrant from India. We first talked about him being a dentist but then somehow ended up discussing about the environment. I think it was the first time I met someone who didn't believe global warming was real. He claimed that all the "scientific evidences" were just propaganda between scientists and some rich governments. He claimed earth naturally goes through hot and cold time periods. That was when I felt strongly (once again) that a person's education level may not indicate one's ability to do logical and impartial thinking, nor does it indicate whether the person would do enough research before making judgement on an issue. denial is the secret to some people's happiness.


We are told that global warming will cause many feet of sea level rise, yet to date we have seen no rise in sea level. London is an exception because the south of U.K. especially South East is sinking. The cause is rocks springing back in the north and west after the massive ice sheets melted always. It takes thousands of years to happen.
What about the chosen reference temperature in the late C19th? We were still recovering from the Little Ice Age so temperatures were rising.
How do you explain the Medieval Warm Period AD900 to AD1300? The climate was so warm that Vikings had colonies on Greenland. The later cold period stopped them dead.
Imperial Rome also enjoyed a warm period. The Dark ages were not only miserable without their civilisation but also much colder.


Just want to appreciate how they both had a lot of time to speak, it was as if they were building the whole argumentation together!


I have looked at the data--for myself. The actual temperatures around the 1890s and the 1930s have been suppressed: If you look at the raw data. Global Forest Fires in Australia and North America Prior to 1960 were far worse than they have been lately, and they did not have a reasonable arson component. Extreme weather events can be shown to be far greater in history than today, but this information is also suppressed. No appropriate explanation is given for why the Holocene and Roman climates were warmer without carbon than this period with carbon. This information is also suppressed. I applaud good science that doesn't hide or deny or distort real data. But every time some reporter says it is record warm, record storm, or record fire. I know it is a lie. I have seen the data with my own eyes. How can I go along with that?


I hope more and more people wake up and realize the world is being destroyed because a hand full of rich people want to stay rich. We’ve had great technologies for decades that could help us curb global warming but corporations that benefit from the current system don’t always profit from that. I remember watching, Who killed the electric car. If you haven’t seen that please watch it.


• 2:25 - Cow emissions are anthropogenic. Cows were here for millions of years without problem, it wasn't until humans came along and forced cows to breed to unnaturally high populations (to die and be eaten 😕) that their emissions became an issue.
• 2:50 - _Some_ plants and animals will adapt, most will go extinct. Evolution is usually very slow.
• 5:51 - That's the problem, policy-makers are rich and have air-conditioners and heaters everywhere, so they don't care. ¬_¬
• 6:34 - That's why people who ignorantly assumed the world would end in 2012 were just as ignorant to breathe a sign of relief on December 23rd; who says the end of the world would be an asteroid or something, maybe some sort of slow-boil thing started that day that could end the world over the course of a few years, like a disease or environmental disaster. 🤷
• 8:46 - Renewable energy is still relatively new; like all technology, prices quickly plummet precipitously.
• 9:46 - Scientists don't use the phrase "global warming" because it confuses simpletons who can't understand the connection between a global temperature increase and a localized blizzard or monsoon.


But scientists suggested 25-30 years ago that the sea levels were going to rise and most of the east and Florida coastline would be under water. Obviously that didn’t happened at all.


It would be very helpful if you guys included the sources of the information you're using as arguments in the video.
Thank you for your efforts


Fun fact: When a cow moos it is belching.


The climate scientists are notably silent on the environmental impact on all of the batteries required to make green energy work. Or about how less people die from climate events largely because of the industrial revolution that produced that CO2 than in any time in human history.
