This commonly given advice drives me nuts! Don't buy bigger, buy right.

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Thank god I took the advise of buying one size bigger. I could not do half of what I'm doing now if I had not.


I have two tractors. I chose my "small" one more often than not. If I had to have only one, it would be my small one. Thanks to my loving wife, for allowing me to have two tractors.


The correct answer is if the land you own doesn’t justify the bigger tractor, buy more land so it does. That way you don’t waste money on a big tractor.


Many years ago I was looking at a Kabota 50 hp four-wheel-drive machine. And after the dealer spending a lot of time talking with me about what I was looking at doing. PS was my first tractor as well so I didn’t quite know what I needed. He suggested I get the 70 hp four-wheel-drive. I certainly have never regretted it and love the 70 hp machine for what I do with it. I think the key thing being the dealer spent time talking about what I was planning to do. He knew his stuff and tractors.


Nice videos, Neil. I bought a Massey 1725M, but learn a lot watching your videos. It was close between Kubota and Massey, but my Massey dealer is a mile down the road. Kubota is the next town over.

What I've seen on Youtube is that once you have the size tractor you want, it's a matter of knowing how to work it to the job you need to do. If a beefier tractor would do it in an hour, so what if your current tractor gets it done in 2 hours. A smaller tractor can still get the job done. As with any job, break the larger task into smaller steps. Work smarter, not harder(or more expensive).

I bought a Massey 1725M for 4 acres. Nice size, plus it fits in the garage.


Its good advice, wish someone gave it to me.
I bought a B2650 with a cab and traded it in 2 years later for an L2501
Now i wish i had a skid steer.


Excellent points. We currently have a L2501 with loader, backhoe, grapple and forks. Although there are times we all “want more power” our machine can work around the house with damage, drive over the septic field and don’t have a DPF or DEF to worry about. When considering moving up, look at the specs and determine what you will really gain. Be safe!


Just buy a little, and a big one. Works for me.


When i bought my kubota l4330 back in 04 i was about to buy the smaller one but my dad said no buy the next step up and you will be glad you did. So that’s what i did and i am glad i did


I agree with you most of the time but was told to get a smaller tractor for my use. I went bigger with the MX 5400. My only regret was not buying even bigger. I have found so many uses and needed more HP while discing the other day with. 3” drag pipe. My advice is buy for the biggest job you plan on doing. It’s okay to have too much but can’t replace it when you need it. I have 5 acres now but plan on 59 in 6 years. My co worker bought the recommended size and now can’t lift what he wanted. Going bigger has always served me better with trucks and now a tractor. That said, this channel has a wealth of information and just wish they were in Commie CA. Thx for all the good info. Just one man’s perspective.


When I was looking at an L series Kubota for my 50 acres, my dealer said that an MX5000DT was heavier duty, had more capacity but was not a lot more dollars. He also said that the resale would be easier too as most farmers don’t really want the lighter duty tractors. I did buy the MX5000, back in 2006. Best decision ever. Awesome tractor and loader, no issues and STILL has the original battery!


I picked up a used BX2380 ( FEL&MMM) with 259 hours on it a couple years ago to use on my one acre property. Last year I picked up a used BX2812A snowplow for it as well. I soon got hired to take care of the next door neighbors lawn and snow. Almost 3 years later I’ve put 35 hours on and think it’s pretty awesome. Perfect sized and ability for my purposes. Zero issues so far!


In the final analysis, there's no substitute for actual experience.... getting that machine and its attachments onto your property and putting them into actual practice. Having a knowledgeable sales person at a reliable dealership goes a long way in making a happy customer, but I'd be willing to bet there are more customers wishing they had bought up than the other way around.


I have a BX2380. In my opinion, it is more capable than a larger machine on my 7.1 acres. That being said, I very often find myself needing more. I've almost 100% come to the conclusion if I get a bigger machine, I'll still keep the BX 🤠👍


I was originally planning on a subcompact 20-24hp. I ended up with a 3 series 48 hp. I'm glad I did.


Buying the right machine is good advice. I did a lot of research before I bought a machine, and wound up with a NH Workmaster 25 S with a cab. I got good advice from the dealers I spoke to. What I bought is not everyone's cup of tea. But, clearing heavy snow was an absolute priority, followed by chipping brush. It also had to fit in my garage. It is perfect for the jobs I need it to do. I've never thought I need something bigger. Frankly, the smaller machine is better at the things I need it to do than something larger. Not sorry I bought the small one, and I think the cab, although a bit ungainly looking, is a game changer. If you've got a lot of snow to clear, and it's windy, being covered in snow isn't much fun...


One of the other considerations is aging out of your machinery. Having land is tough, takes a toll on you. At some point having that cab as a older rancher or farmer allows you to work out in the elements on your property. The next considerations would be having the ability to transport your equipment, causing you to also purchase trailers, new straps or chains and also having a vehicle that is rated to move your equipment.


When I first purchased my property I needed some pretty major infrastructure and I got an L3400/backhoe. It did everything I needed it to do.

I sold it to someone who needed it and was without a tractor for a few years, then discovered that having a digger and a material mover was a useful thing, so, after a lot of research and advice-seeking, I purchased a BX-2300/backhoe.

It's the perfect fit for our needs and is popular among our neighbors as an implement to borrow for odd jobs.


i suggest renting a couple different size tractors if that is an see what size machine does the work you need to do daily.


It all boils down to what are you wanting to accomplish with your tractor and how will it make fun, faster and life easier for you. Neil your videos have helped thousands of people make well informed decisions on tractors. One thing I feel is overlooked is you can always rent something for specialized job if needed. Gotta go tractor is warmed up!
