12 years of cycling training advice in 13 minutes

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If you watch this video, you'll get 12 years of cycling coaching knowledge condensed into 13 minutes.

That's right, my entire cycling coaching career condensed into one video.

You'll learn advice to mastering your cycling training, helping you get fitter and race faster than ever.
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Рекомендации по теме

I’ve noticed that as long as I ride my bike five days a week and lift weights one day I constantly get faster


Absolutely the best advice ive seen on YouTube consistency and sticking to one approach


I started taking my training seriously about three months ago (was inspired to buy a bike and get into racing by EJ Trains) and this is such a useful video when considering how to build out a training plan. Thank you for sharing your insights and knowledge!


Great video. Even though I feel like I knew everything you've said. It is really well summarized and I like how calmly you talk.
Probably will get back to this video in a few months.


If you feel exhausted and want to skip training, then just go for a joyride and enjoy the nature with a recovery ride. No habbits broken, and you still did something. (Of course you should not ride when everything hurts like hell, only when it hurts a little bit :D )


Very motivating. I'm very consistent and relentless, but videos like yours, and this one in particular, really stokes the fire when times grow monotonous.


Like the video and agree with all your points. My performance went to a whole new level when I started doing more elevation work. I sort of use my elevation work in lieu of strength training for the most part. Is there any better terrain to train on than rolling hills? It is like the best interval workout, and you can hit it at an easy pace or an intense pace depending on the day and how you are feeling. My Strava headline on an intense day is "Crushing Hills and Recovering on the Flats". :)


Thank you so much for this knowledge! Really appreciate it! :-)


Great content and advice. It makes a lot of sense.


Thank you very much, for the great and very well summarized advice's


So frustrating for me. I kicked up to 250ish ftp with little work. Next two years stay about the same despite more training, adding kettlebell lifting, and more specific training. Cant lose the last 10 lbs, cant break this weird plateau. Even upped to 200 miles a week the last 2 months(the max I can do time wise with kids) and not seeing anything yet past better endurance. Im at the why bother and go back to 100 miles a week time, its not worth it to be stuck in cat 4 power despite training more than a lot of 3s I know. Maybe not enough intensity? I do recovery weeks, generally get good sleep etc...meh.


Injury is why im riding a bike now!

A broken back puts a damper on the 10 mile hikes...

Im still working off the weight gain from bedrest.


really thank you for the video, really some things that i need to hear.


It sounds like the biggest thing I'm missing is strength training. Do you have any videos on a workout routine or what workouts are best?


I'm having difficulty incorporating weight training as I can't wrap my head around how to deal with recovery. I'm late 50's, and about a year into my own self-coached structured training plan. It's been challenging, but fun. Everything you've said certainly strikes an accord with me (some of it I've learned the hard way). Strength training is really making my head spin, though. I'm riding 5 days a week and feel like I really need my rest days to be only for recovery. Any thoughts?


Thanks for the video, found it quite interesting.
So, the consistency to recovery/adaptation ratio, does this change as one ages.
A younger rider could ride 5-6 days a week and recover 1-2 days a week with some weight training thrown in, however, an older rider may only be able to handle 3-4 days of training a week with 3-4 days of recovery adaptation. Does this hold true? As long as the rider is consistent with this all should be good right?


Brother, why aren't you popular?


Young Jennifer Davis Brenda Clark Margaret


I've heard multiple coaches say that other than nutrition the main thing amateurs get wrong is too high of intensity on endurance rides and too low of intensity for Zone 5+ efforts.


As an adult with a physically active career, finding the time to recover is the hardest part. During my easy weeks or weeks off, I can double my volume and feel more recovered by the end of the week.
