The Shocking Truth About Recovery From Bipolar Disorder

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Trapped in a vicious cycle of Crisis, Managed, Recovery, and Relapse is the very definition of bipolar disorder and its depressive counterpart unipolar disorder. Even in Recovery, the illness is lurking behind every thought, waiting for the slightest chance to trigger a new episode. It consigns its victims to a lifetime of fear and constant vigilance in an attempt to keep the flow of energy and information at bay.

It is interesting that so many people have a different word than "recovery" for the state where we are limited to the comfort zone of no high or low symptoms. They do not call it "recovery," they call it "bored." It is one of the major reasons that they slip back into the Managed Stage and risk another Crisis. This is why the National Institute of Mental Health says, "in spite of modern, evidence-based treatment, bipolar disorder remains a highly recurrent, predominantly depressive illness."

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I have healed my self from bipolar that was caused by developmental trauma. Therapy, hi gong, meditation, yoga


I used to think that I could "Ride Out" my highs and lows and make the most of them (especially getting things done when I felt good that I could not do when I felt depressed). But over time I came to accept that I was not in full control when I was hyper or manic and that I was not in control when I was overwhelmed with Anxiety and Depression. So I learned to avoid things that bothered me and I learned to avoid things that made me hyper or manic. Now I avoid everything and wonder why I am here.


im 12 months bi polar diagnosed and im at the bored part, i miss my manic episodes


Thankyou for the post I have been diagnosed with Bipolar type 2. People don't understand what it's like. Somedays I can't leave my house to go to work. It is such a bad illness it effects every area your life


I've been using a journal to record my thoughts over the long term. Being able to see a month long manic episode plainly in front of you and in your own words is a powerful tool. Its helped me reflect and recognize my limitations, which has helped me curb the outbusts and focus on the more important things. Its also helpful because it lets me unload the stress and confusion that comes with the episodes and I can look back to when I was doing alright and remind myself that it will pass.


I don't like this. I have Bipolar 2. It isn't severe. But, my life would be different without it. I wouldn't have faced my struggles, had the personal growth BP2 has given me and learned some life lessons that made me who I am. Yes my Bipolar sucks but, this is my brain. It is MY brain and I wouldn't want to take away the disorders i have had because they have made me the strong person I am today and I am proud of the person I am becoming.


Take your treatments, Stay away from "illogical" conspiracies being taught, Eat better, sleep better, little to no stimulant's, exercise, be brave, stay sharp with brain and logic training plus *pray* to curb the effects of imbalance and even possibly disappear them depending on the person.
Your welcome.


Living with bipolar 1 for 58yrs, the only thing i can say is that im a survivor.


THANK YOU so much for describing it in a way people who do not suffer from bipolar disorder can at least slightly understand. This is such a great presentation.


You are my hero and hope. I too have bipolar disorder with borderline personality disorder. I have struggled with my illness since I was an 11 year-old child and now through my living days as an adult. It really does hurt to be this way. I enjoy your outlook into the illness. For once in my life someone out there understands how it feels to be me.

Thank You!


being Bipolar and in a crisis situation last month where I attempted Suicide twice. I find myself between crisis and managed stage now and your videos educational


I don't remember where I got this quote, but it seems to make even more sense to me since I have seen this video and some of the others in the series.
‎"Always be yourself because the people that mind don't (really) matter, and the people that (really) matter don't mind." ;-)


Good start. I've known I was bipolar since I was 17. Committed at 23 and 25. Have tried almost every blasted medicinal combinations. The trick is to keep taking the meds and keep making the Dr try different ones until you find thee ones that work best and TAKE THEM! Bipolar is so recurrent because MANIA IS We go off our meds. Don't be alone-get a pet. Don't stay hiding at home-go to a park or museum. For bout 15 yrs I've treated myself by keeping clinical observ notes on everyone I know


I healed myself from bipolar . Medication free. No relapse.


I was so relieved when I realized the presenter had bipolar disorder, too. I initially thought, "Oh no, here we go with some guy who's got a theory on bipolar disorder who's never even experienced it." Sometimes something as simple as validation from people who've dealt with a similar kind of suffering helps me find hope and strength.


So thankful to hear someone say what really is going on inside the mind and body of the bi polar-- THANK YOU for the validation!! 


My goal is to get from recovery to manage at will... The manage area is by far the biggest advantage of bipolar and make a regular human into a super human...
One day I felt myself going from manage to crisis and I decided to challenge it, I told myself there is no way I will be in crisis. I manage to stayed in that manage stage for a while and what I was able to do as a human being was simply unbelievable...
In that time I've lived the famous quote from Churchill... I was able to see all my past and see what my future would be like and what action I could take to alter my future into the way I wanted to be... The perfect simulation computer where my input in the present showed how it would be like 40yrs from now...
I don't care how powerful a computer is they are no were close to that level of simulation yet...


Bipolar 1 for over 30 years... Absolutely loved this video and looking forward to watching more of your videos!
Thanks! 🙏


You don't recover from bi-polar, really. You manage it. It is not a disease. It is not an illness. It is how we are wired. We are highly sensitive and we react to a chaotic and nonsensical society. That is all.


In 1976 at American Lake VA Medical Center, Tacoma, WA in Occupational Therapy someone wrote on a coffee cup "I AM NOT AFRAID OF TOMORROW, FOR I HAVE SEEN YESTERDAY AND I LOVE TODAY! God has given me the gift of lithium for 36 years. What a gift it is!
