How To Find Any Ore In Minecraft 1.19+

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What Is The Best Y Level For Diamonds, Emeralds, Gold Or Any Other Ore In Minecraft? Teaching how to find all the ores in Minecraft 1.18/1.19. Including Redstone, Lapis Lazuli, Copper, Coal, Iron and the best Y level for all of those ores.

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0:19 Coal Ore _(Y = 136)_
1:08 Lapis-Lazuli Ore _(Y = -1)_
2:02 Iron Ore _(Y = 15)_
2:30 Irone Ore Veins _(Below Y = 0)_
2:41 Iron Ore in Mountains _(Y = 232)_
2:56 Redstone Ore _(Y = -59 / -58)_
3:32 Copper Ore _(Y = 48)_
3:43 Copper Ore in Dripstone Caves _(Highest chance of spawning)_
3:48 Copper Ore Veins _(Above Y = 0)_
4:04 Gold Ore with Reduced Air Exposures _(Y = -16)_
4:23 Gold Ore Deep in the Ground Between _(Y = -48 and -64)_
4:38 Gold Ore in Badlands Between _(Y = 256 and 32)_
5:08 Diamond Ore _(Y = -59 / -58)_
5:45 Emerald Ore _(Y = 236)_

6:13 *Best Layers to Find Ores on*


This is the best video I’ve seen explaining 1.18 ore generation, especially with the provided video such as the mountain being removed exposing the amount of iron. Good Work Shulkercraft.


I have just started a strip mine in my world and needed a y level chart. Great timing ShulkerCraft!


Short and to the point. Other videos dragged this topic out to over 20 minutes. Great video as always


Please do a Video on mining the rare Deepslate Ores . Deepslate Coal is now one of the rarest blocks in MC and can best be found by mining a 2x3 Horse Path along Chunk Borders at Levels Y +4 to Y +2. And Deepslate Emeralds can also be found at the same Levels under Mountain Biomes. Will be interesting to see what mining strategies that you recommend. Thanks.


Summary of the video:
Coal: 95 & 136
Lapis Lazuli: -1
Iron: 15 & 232
Redstone: -59
Copper: 48
Gold: -16 & BADLANDS
Diamonds: -59
Emerald: 236

Gold spawns anywhere in a Badlands Biome.
Gold and Coal can be found better with reduced air exposure
Emeralds spawn anywhere in a Mountain Biome.
Iron spawns better in higher mountains than lower ones.
If you are mining for Diamonds or Redstone at Y-Level -63, you could find a lot of Bedrock, so it is better to mine at Y-Level -59.
There are huge veins of iron ores mixed with tuff, which spawns below Y-Level 0.


Great timing mate. I've just created a World with My friend and that's what we needed. Cheers!


Fun fact:If you mine for diamonds in swamp or desert, you might come across fossils, wich if spawned below y=0, will have diamonds instead of coal, making the two biomes slightly better to mine in for diamonds.
Edit:thx for likes and also i meant slightly, not significantly.


- Best Y for iron = Shulkercraft iron farm
- Best Y for gold = Shulkercraft gold farm
- Best Y for coal = Shulkercraft wither skeleton farm
- Best Y for emereld = Shulkercraft raid farm
- Best Y for redstone = Shulkercraft witch farm
- Best Y for copper = Shulkercraft drowned farm

- Best Y for diamond = CREATIVE MODE


It's nice how they made ore generation that u could still mine at y 11 and get all ores but if u wanted to get mass quantities of each ore u need to mine at different levels


Tips for mining diamonds:
The best height to mine diamonds is actually at y-54 cuz u will easily mine straight to a lava pool at y-55 or under.


0:20 - coal
1:07- lapis
2:02- iron
2:56- redstone
3:32- copper
4:23- gold
5:08- diamond
5:45- emerald


I think a good point to make about diamond is that even though it has reduced air exposure generation, caves in 1.18 are absolutely huge so there's a lot of area exposed, which can lead to some good finds. Personally, I feel strip mining for diamonds feels harder and more frustrating than before because deepslate takes longer to mine than stone and the rates are worse than I expected.


this is definitely handy, personally i just strip mine my entire world for materials, since i'm building an adventure world via survival, which in my first strip mine i've hit a Cave System, a Flooded Cave System a Geode and finally Bedrock. sadly no Lush or Dripstone Caves or Mineshafts yet, but that is bound to change, as i've only just started to mine like a week or two ago.


Thanks for this. I stripped mined right into a giant cave that had many tunnels that lead to me getting 3 stacks of iron.


Fun Fact: You cant be first, the bots will beat you.


This channel is consistently an invaluable resource for my friends and I, cheers.


Thank you so much Shulkercraft, your tutorial videos are so useful! And it's really relaxing to watch :D
Keep up the good work bro


Brief and to the point. Thank you. I had to comb through a bunch of obnoxious youtubers to find a video like this that doesn't spend like half an hour explaining something that normally only takes like 5 minutes or so.


How to find ores 101
Mine 16 chunks like shulkercraft lol :)
Love ur vids and insane editing :)
