4 Hours Of Ancient History's Deadliest Warriors

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Germanic Ghost Warriors that hunted Romans, Spartan soldiers, Assasins, Samurai and more. Discover the unique training and philosophies behind some of history's most effective and deadly killers.

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Ever since Cane killed Able things have been dark on this fallen earth.


These are simply the best historical documentaries ever made in my humble opinion 👏


But in the end, the Germanic tribes were conquered entirely.


Hitting a target the size of a head at 200 meters is insane, impossible to do it consistently, I think maybe he meant 200 feet but even that would be extremely difficult


All those dissing the Germanic Tribe are ignoring the historical facts. Like Arminius was assassinated by German nobles, and his brother remained loyal to Rome. Imagine if their leaders had united and got over their egos, the Romans would not have conquered those tribes. And as for being conquered, the Romans themselves were conquered because they could not unify too. And we should not lionise the Romans, because they first made many of the same mistakes we're making because we lionise them. We should strive to learn from their mistakes, like failing to evolve as a civilisation.


4 hours of pure adrenaline! 🗡 From the Germanic warriors who haunted Roman legions to the disciplined Spartan soldiers and stealthy assassins — this is like history's ultimate showdown! Who else is imagining a face-off between these legends?I also have a history channel and I hope everyone can check it out and give me some feedback so I can improve myself.


The German tribe's that beat Augustus army were not experts only good with ambushing in a real battle they would have gotten stomped by the Roman's


Hit a head with a rock at 200 meters I couldn't hit a traget that size with a rifle at that range. Amazing


men used to be warriors. now they pitch a fit if their name is misspelled on their starbucks order.


Chivalry traded for cowardice and effectiveness.


The Krypteia was not an elite force. It was a unit acting as the secret police. Their main objective was to gather information on helots displaying signs of strength and leadership and assassinate these individuals, to ensure no uprising amongst the helots was possible. So, their objective was to preserve the Spartan society, which was heavily relying on the helots as working force, since all their time was exclusively dedicated in the military field.

Also, the 300 Spartans who took part in this battle were not necessary the best of the best, although of course, they were extremely skilled and determined soldiers, as all Spartans were. In fact, Leonidas selected mainly mature men, who already had sons, as to ensure their blood lines. He did that because this was regarded as a suicide mission, right from the start. The 300 were his personal guard, in the context of this particular mission. He was not allowed to take the main army with him, due to an ongoing religious festival. The Spartan customs prohibited initiating military expeditions during this particular religious festival. Of course, it can be argued that the religious festival and the customs were a good excuse for the Spartans to avoid helping the Athenians. Their preference was to battle in the Isthmus of Corinth, i.e. try to stop the Persians from entering the Peloponnese, after allowing Athens to be sacked.

Having said all this, Leonidas achieved his objective. He delayed the Persians, giving the Athenians time to organise. All came to a head during the famous naval battle of Salamis, where the Greek fleet, headed by the Athenian navy, defeated the Persian fleet and virtually ended the Persian attempt to conquest Greece. As a result of this, the city of Sparta never came under serious thread.


A natural pinch point, a kind of battle of Thermopylae of the Roman era


Just move on them in the middle of the day...


This was infantile. The ridiculous, relentless music and melodramtic hyperbole made in unwatchable.


The Vikings are in untouchable first place😃


arminius gives the order from a bnq plumbers pipe painted gold, huuurrrrah 😂🎉


Weird thing about them all ... got smashed by the UK everyone of them 😅😅😅


The path of the Gospel (the Good News)

1Co 15:3-4(Gospel) :
³ For before all things I gave you what I also received, namely, that Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures;
⁴ And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day, according to the Scriptures ;

Rev 22:17:
¹⁷ And the Spirit and the Bride say, come; let him also that heareth say, come; and let him that is thirsty come; and whosoever will have living water( Eternal life/Paradise), take of it, without it costing him anything.

And if you put your faith in the Gospel, you will be saved.

Romans 5:1-2:
¹ Being therefore justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
² Through whom also we have been brought by faith into this grace, in which we stand; and we glory in the hope of the glory of God.


Why can't you make a video on Islam ?
