The Future of Farming

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Technology is revolutionizing farming. That's great news—by the year 2050 Earth's population will be 10 billion, so we need to almost double the amount of food we now produce.

Main information sources:

Video by Bryce Plank
Edited by Robin West
Co-written by Kiriana Cowansage

"Abstract Electronic [TDC Remix]" via Motion Array
"Timelapse" via Motion Array
"Night Music" by Kevin MacLeod
"Technology Explainer" via Motion Array
"Truth Revealing" via Motion Array

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The Aquaculture stuff is most interesting. We need to tap into marine nutrients more.


I live in a surburban area and grow more than half my food using permaculture techniques. I have 13 fruit trees, four raised vegetable beds, 6 hens, and a beehive. I catch rainwater from my roof and I use a greywater system to water some of my trees. #permaculture


Hey, can you guys do a segment on Food Waste? Apparently, 40% of food made in developing countries is wasted in the early stages of the food cycle because of lack of technology, funding, etc. While in developed countries, the problem of food waste seems to come from the consumer side.

It'd be good to raise awareness for this topic! Thanks!


I was forced bu my teacher to watch this but after watching I kind of want to become a farmer.It's just so cool.


I loved how Bryce, Robin and Kiriana made this report very neutral as to not offend any hardcore group. The timing and placement of each category was amazingly thought out! I could've imagined pro Vegan/Vegetarian groups getting on this and bash the creators on why they included the new technologies on handling livestock, fish and insects, but being that lab-grown meat and Mark Post's comments were included later on proves to me how balanced this documentary is.

Thank you TDC people for making such high quality and informative videos!


I am old fashioned! I like having family farms!


we don't really have to double the production, we just have to find a way to share the food many people waste


I was driving in Nebraska when I saw a corn field. I said, 'That looks like a great spot to hunt pheasants. My friend replied, "There aren't many pheasants anymore. Modern farming practices are far more efficient, and don't leave much seed behind. They also farm all of the way to the edges of the field eliminating cover for the pheasants to hide or nest.


Growing food the way our native ancestors did was holy work that healed our bodies and the earth. Industrial farming and now this does the opposite.


I am so proud of my country, The Netherlands, being at the forefront of agricultural innovation :)


Re: using lasers to zap agricultural pests. I can just see it now, the rise of the laser resistant cabbage butterfly.


You left out one important part of the equation.
The soil must go back to the earth which the food came from.
For example: Much of the food we consume in western Europe comes from Spain. But then the dried sewage is gets put on the closest (and cheapest) communal landfill instead of being returned to back to the farmers in Spain.

Though it sounds trivial now, this will become a very serious issue in the future (if left unchecked)


Perhaps Africa should pivot and not only produce green energy and export it to other continents but also produce food through vertical farming using solar power/green energy. I really think vertical farming is the way to go, because you can control the environment; amount of water you use, how much & the type of light the plants get, control bugs & insect without chemicals, re-use the same water, automation, local product VS importing from thousands of miles away etc.


One part missing is soil conservation and regenerative agriculture Instead of trying to short circuit nature and beat it to submission lets try to work with nature It has sustained us for a long time and can continue to do so


When it comes down too it we have to get rid of the thought that its up to a very small percent of people (i.e. the farmers) to feed their respective countrys population. It's up to us as a whole to feed ourselves. Dig up your lawn and start a small garden, grow some plants in your window sill, get your neighbours together as a community and figure out your food needs so you can delegate certain crops to certain people so at harvest time when Dave has the tomatoes and Sarah has the beans etc. Etc. The community can reap what they've sown and everybody eats. When it comes down to it the only way we can truly count on the continuity of our food source's (and more importantly the QUALITY) is for us regular people to re-learn how to feed ourselves. It really isn't that difficult and when you know what you're doing it can even be fun.


An examination of the high-tech agricultural innovations coming down the pipeline. Over the next two decades, a technological wave will revolutionize the efficiency of farms all over the world. It can’t come soon enough. By the year 2050 the human population will be nearly 10 billion—which means we’ll need to double the amount of food we now produce.


Make a video on the new silk road please


Love it. Love everything about it. Especially Vertically farming. That's a big aspect in the sci-fi novel I'm writing, along with lab grown meats, fully autonomous harvesting, 3D printing food via capsulized food (i.e. foodini), etc. I imagine skyscraper scale vertical farms being built around the world, allowing humanity's footprint to gradually scale back to cities/towns as traditional field farming becomes obsolete and reforestation can occur much faster, even while the human population continues to grow.


Extremely well researched​ and presented video man. You've entered my list of high quality information sources. thanks for the good work :)


We could build huge underground vertical farm facilities to feed the growing population. You use less space because there's only so much farmland.
