Exposing The Biggest Trading Guru on YouTube (The Trading Channel)

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Is he profitable? Maybe. Sure going through a lot of trouble with Myfxbook to avoid just showing broker statements instead. He misrepresented every point in the video he responded to, ignored the part about comment-filtering (I would too if my comment section appeared to be full of bots that worship him), and responded to points that he was never mentioned in. Is this video what you wanted me to do, Steven?

Prop firm links are affiliate links, which supports me at no extra cost to you. These are “products” that I personally use for trading.
Risk disclosure: Futures and forex trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment. Risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing ones’ financial security or life style. Only risk capital should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
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You're witnessing a master of the strawman logical fallacy. It's a great way to look smart and reasonable as long as nobody notices. Ah crap, someone noticed. Guess what, you can outperform Steven and/or match his "trading account" on Robinhood by just buying $SPY! Stop paying for courses/mentorships. It's why I started the free imantrading.org project with everything that you need to learn - beginner guide, best prop firms, and my trading strategy. NOTHING TO BUY.


Steven ignored the part about comment-filtering from my video which was specifically about him (I would too if my comment section was full of bots that worship him), responded to red flags that he was never mentioned in, cropped out my slides to misrepresent what my points actually were when it had to do with him, tried to create some weird false narrative that my video was just about marketing being bad, and so much more. In an older video, he used investment returns during an uptrend to promote his YouTube channel and $3, 500/year course (but, as you saw in the video, he left out some important information that I guess he hoped nobody would catch?)

Idk about you, but $3, 500 a year to get nothing that can't be learned for free doesn't sit right with me even if a profitable trader is selling it. I would support a reasonably priced course that gives an ACCURATE introduction to trading as well as the exact steps that everyone needs to take in order to find a strategy right for them. No, Steven is not making videos about how to become profitable in 30 days because he wants to help, he's making it for YouTube ad revenue and for course conversions.


This dude is the undisputed YT king of exposing trading gurus and online scammers.


Great video ImanTrading. As a fellow Zimbaewan it's great to see other Zimbaewan youtubers slowly grow their channels.


We want broker receipts. These guys NEVER show them. I'm so happy this channel exists.


What beginners need to understand is that the profitable traders don't loose their time in video editing, scaming and marketing. Watch Al Brooks, Tom hougaard, Thomas Wade, Mack ( PATS) this guys are boring to watch and don't do agressive marketing, because they make their money from trading and they're passionate about trading . I've never heard any of them promise you that you'll become profitable quickly and effortlessly. On the contrary, they all promise that to get there you'll need several years of work, and even then you're not sure you've got what it takes. And because they're honest and show you the true reality of trading (which is very boring and requires mental fortitude), they rarely have more than 100k subscribers even after 10+ years of youtube activity. As Iman explains, it doesn't matter which path you choose in trading (as long as you don't waste your time with scammers) to become profitable it requires thousands of hours of screen time and experience.


When i only started his videos about basics helped me a lot. I havent bought his courses of course cause i understand that you dont actually need it at the beginning but he helped me to grasp basic knowledge of technical analysis


To be fair tho I will mentioned that I bought his course and realized after a week it wasn’t for me because his course was more swing trading and I wanted to scalp. I messaged the support team and was issued a full refund for my purchase. I don’t think he is a scammer


It's interesting that I saw hardly any positive comments except ones for you. Personally I've found him to be one of the best at explaining things clearly. I don't buy courses and never have nor intend to. But a lot can be learned from some people doing these videos. All anyone has to do before buying his course and is to backtest and then dummy trade... just as he advises people to do. And, he's always saying trading 4x is not a get rich quick thing too. I'm not taking any sides here but being a natural sceptic makes me wonder about the veracity of your aggressive and vehement approach to your supposedly "exposing" who you consider to be frauds. I hate scammers too, but we can't keep people who constantly jump around looking for the "easy way ", from falling victim to their tricks.




you can't fight a trader with autism, he will uncover everything about you with great details. You're the man, Iman!!


Signs a trading YouTuber may be lying:

1. They never show P&L
2. They make a bunch of predictions each video but never address whether they were right or wrong in the next video
3. Every video is made to look like it's the end of the world (looking at you, ZipTrader)
4. They try to get you to sign up for a newsletter, Discord group, masterclass, seminar, training session, or signal alert group, even if it's "free."
5. After each video, you can't definitively summarize what was said, because the YouTuber actively avoids making specific predictions -- "Look for the market to test these levels, after which it might go up to here or it may go down to here."


"Everything in trading can be learned for free"

100% correct. Technical analysis will explain most of the patterns and such they try to promote as "something I found" while learning how economies in general and the asset you're interested in specifically works will cover the rest. After that, it's just experience, your goals, your time horizon, and what's inside you as a person that will govern your strategy.


You are the master of exposing a scam Youtube industry... well done.


DONT STOP!!! These videos expose these frauds and you are SAVING PEOPLE from being scammed. You are a public servant sir and we all appreciate you! Love your videos! Keep them up and from the entire community - thank you!


A truly profitble trader keeps quiet about his trades. 😊


Hi Steven. My name is Larry. I AM 75 YEARS OLD. I want to thank you for the great job you do. You are the best teacher I have ever had. I have been studding the stock market and day trading for 4 years, off and on. So far, I have managed to lose about $1000.00. Most due technical mistakes. I am day trading penny stocks. I have been studying your materials for about 4 months. If I succeed it will be because of your teaching. You are a very special person. Great Job.


The comment botting part are separate group of scammers where they have some fake account post something randomly about investing and how they made money and the threads will have fake conversation that will lead to contacting some person and giving out some whatsapp number. I see this happening on pretty much every investing/trading crypto related channel. I think some of the creators just end up giving up on deleting them.


I think you should channel your energies towards promoting the genuine trading coaches and online business/ investment teachers or you get actively involved in becoming the teacher yourself. It is not enough to only expose. Take action. Teach. Sell good courses and we will buy.


Best fake coach exposer.
Love your honesty and transparency for the people !


This guy is gonna grow so hard when people start to notice his channel. Cant wait for more content from this channel! Keep it up dude!
